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This weeks ‘news and Events’ on Conversations Of A Sistah

A person who later learned they were positive for Covid-19 attended a California religious service on Mother’s Day, exposing 180 other people to the novel corona-virus, according to local health officials. Corona Virus is still in the land yet states are opening little by little, slowly lifting their stay at home restrictions. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced sweeping re-openings in the state, from child care centers to bars, bowling alleys, rodeos and bingo centers, just days after Texas reported its biggest one-day jump in Covid-19 cases since the pandemic began.

In the meantime President Donald J. Trump announced, on Monday he’s been taking hydroxychloroquine for the past week and a half in case he gets the corona-virus despite warnings from his own administration about the side effects of the anti-malaria drug.

Tune in at 6:30 p.m. EST as we talk about this weeks news and Events on “Conversations Of A Sistah“. We’ll be taking your calls in the studio at 516-595-8098.

12 thoughts on “This weeks ‘news and Events’ on Conversations Of A Sistah”

    1. While I Had a contract At Homeland security they never hung Trumps portrait only the Homeland Secretary and it took them awhile to remove Obama’s. I wonder if this was deliberate or they had to wait For some other reason… Anyways The Federal Government Bureaucracy hates Trump as he sought to dismantle their privileges and safety wanting to make government more competitive and not so much seniority based.


    2. Anyone who votes for that orange buffoon just need to sign their death certificate in advance because this country will be DOA if this elementary shit show continues!!!!


    3. That particular portrait has Obama with clothes on… the ones Melania and Ivanka have dont.. that’s the real reason… 😆 😆 😆


      1. I understand. He doesn’t want the reminder of the better looking, more masculine, better father and husband, excellent president man who haunts his orange dreams.
        Not hanging the portrait won’t stop melania from thinking of Obama when she masturbates.
        So sad donnie.


  1. Tracy you mentioned voter fraud…..I’m wondering how efficient will the election process be this year? Is he really able to serve longer? I don’t see what will be his reason when he said there isn’t a crisis or worry going on in the country.


  2. Trump doesn’t love the people of color, let alone himself. To be honest, I don’t think his parents even liked him as a child. 😆


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