Conversations Of A Sistah, Conversations Of A Sistah on Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio, Tracy L. Bell Host Conversations Of A Sistah

Why are Blacks the most wanted or most haunted? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Haunted because the Corona Virus is killing us at an alarming rate and wanted because between racist neighbors and racist cops we’re targeted at an alarming rate.

So why are Black People Most Wanted or Haunted?

Blacks are more likely to be stopped by police, therefore it’s hard to drive while black. We could be killed in our own homes or even jogging in a neighborhood. No matter what we do, we are oftentimes seen as a threat. Viewed and discriminated against because of the color of our skin.

When we talk about rates, rates are important because they take into account each group’s proportion of the population. And blacks make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population, but accounted for 28 percent of arrests, with many more violent altercations..

Why are we the most wanted and why are we the most haunted? Tune into “Conversations Of A Sistah” at 6:30 p.m. EST as we deal with this question.

Hope to meet you on the air.

All “conversation links” in this post will access the show.

31 thoughts on “Why are Blacks the most wanted or most haunted? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Good show Trace
    But if you have COVID-19 and are Black, can you please get around some cops, cuz they ain’t wearin’ masks either.
    DiBlasio is a POS for allowing this and his whole fam is f&k’d up; I cannot wait to see the back of his azz leavin’ City Hall next year.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tra ya show topic was on point but…….It’s not gonna stop until we stand up to them, who’s willing to lead and how many are ready to follow is the question.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The social distancing rule is stupid . I pulled up to city island the other day with my friend, we hoped out the car together and headed to the front door of the restaurant. A cop car pulled up and said were to close to each other. I told the cop that my friend and I came here in the same car. The cop made a face like he wanted to say something, he didnt thou, he just pulled off.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Update: The NYPD will stop enforcing social distancing rules after numerous videos of police arrests of Black people went viral.”
    👏🏾👏🏾 Good for them for not allowing local government to strip them of their civil liberties!


  5. Right now today white Republican politicians are going to Dallas to get their hair cut in support of the white woman who was given 7 days in jail for violating the ordinance to close her beauty shop. Assistant Governor of Texas noted that the Judge in her county had released hardened criminals because of corona but place this mother who was just trying to put food on her table for her kids under arrest. He noted that the barr on beauty salons lifts on Friday so what was the point and she was released. She received $340,000 from go fund me due to her 2 days in jail. After her release, as I stated politicians have intentionally gone to her beauty shop from across Texas for services and to support her business. I just want to emphasis this point one more time.


    1. See. Basically, they just said fvck what this black judge has to say. I told folks they support their own NO MATTER WHAT. I see it daily.


  6. Tracy word on the street is Ahmad trying to rob a house. you covered all angles but i just had to mention that


    1. i heard that too but nothing justifies how he was gunned down like that but i do wonder what he was doing there


    2. Was he “gunned down” or shot while he was wrestling for the gun? Words are powerful and “gunned down” does not mean a gun struggle.


    3. I would wrestle with a gun if someone approached me with one that is not a officer in uniform and I felt like my life was in danger…There was no reason for them to kill him because he was not armed or causing physical harm to anyone…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right! Maybe he was just being nosey, like everytime he passed by he wanted to see the homes progress or whatever. Technically he was trespassing, but you know, him being black, they not gonna say he was was being curious they assume he is a criminal.


      2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
        So he was in a strange neighborhood walking around construction properties just to monitor their progress? And when he was happy with the progress he would jog to another location? yea ok


      3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
        So he was in a strange neighborhood walking around construction properties just to monitor their progress? And when he was happy with the progress he would jog to another location? yea ok


      4. In my life, I have never walked on the property of a home or building just to explore and look around. My first thought has always been that I’m simply asking for trouble by trespassing, but this will be spun as more unhinged racism by the mainstream Liberal media.


      5. I need to know more about what happened. I would prefer that nobody ever gets shot, but we have always lived in an imperfect world. I just wish we could get fair and accurate reporting about what really went on here.


      6. What more do you need to know, and why? He wasn’t on THEIR property. They weren’t officers of the law. He didn’t steal anything, he didn’t kill anyone. They shot him in broad daylight and LIED ABOUT WHY.

        WTF more do you need to know? And imperfection notwithstanding, MURDER IS MURDER.


    4. Aubery did not commit any crime by going to that house site.

      The owner of the property said Aubery committed no crime.



      1. I don’t care if he went into the house every single day. There was no justification in the actions that these militants took against this young man. The shooting was unjust. He didn’t cause any harm to the house. The homeowner had no complaints so the killers need to be in prison for the rest of their lives. Set the example for any other white folks to show them that unjust actions have consequences.


  7. Tray you said why did he guy video the kill. well I believe he is a murderer too and I got trolled for it. This man is a murderer too, They were out hunting and this man was taking trophy video. Trust the night of the murder and over the last two months they enjoyed that video of them murdering Ahmaud Aubery. Now this co-murderer is trying to stay out of prison.



    1. Q
      I heard something about charges maybe brought on him too & I see he has a lawyer now I watched them yesterday on CNN. I wanted to know if the police seen this video same day the murder happened & if so why wasn’t anything done the day they seen it🤔 Only reason why all this action is happening now is because that video was leaked/released to the public. If we the public wouldn’t have seen it they would be continuing to live their everyday lives SMH. So for now I’m glad he did record it but we shall see in due time what role he actually played in all of this


  8. Trace I agree with you regarding the blck DA
    At first I was like yaayyy!… Then I was like, Hold Up!!…This is very suspicious and might actually be a set up!… Hmmm, very suspect but we shall see! Hoping for the best possible outcome this time around!


    1. I’m hoping she does the right thing in this case because we all know how the tables can turn. Lets not forget the hugging judge. I know she is the prosecutor but I’m just saying I’m hoping and praying that she don’t sugar coat anything when it comes to these heathens and rip them a new one. I still say they need to move the case away from Brunswick. That little town is like Mayberry and we know how that jury will be and look. I’m hoping that they’re pushing for that as well.


    2. White men ambush and murder a black man. Arrested months later. Two white attorneys step down from the case. Then a black female judge is appointed. Only in Amerikkka.


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