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Single Mothers…A Man Should be Secondary on Tonight’s “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Maleah Davis, the 4-year-old Houston girl who has been missing for 10 days, was reported missing by her caretaker. The caretaker gave a detailed account of what happened. But as the story unraveled, the caretaker becomes the suspect. The child has been missing since May 4th and hasn’t been found yet.

Her mother’s ex-fiancé was taking care of Maleah (pictured above), and said he and the girl were kidnapped by a trio of mysterious men near Houston, Texas. But police are finding more holes in the ex-fiancé’s story — as well as blood in his home and signs of decomposition in his car.

Tonight’s conversation is a call for single women to STOP leaving their defenseless minor children in the hands of boyfriends and/or other males who are not the child’s biological fathers.

Join host Tracy L. Bell in our studio at 6:30 p.m. EST for her commentary on “When moms are single a man should be secondary” on “Conversations Of A Sistah“.

All “links in this post” will access the podcast.

35 thoughts on “Single Mothers…A Man Should be Secondary on Tonight’s “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. This little girl never had a chance at life. Just born to suffer at the hands of those who were to protect her. 😥 That’s so fukked up on so many levels 😡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good Morning Conversationers,
      I can’t today with this story…This child is still missing and she needs her meds and is not healthy. I’m tired of all these sad stories of missing kids that turn up dead because of their sorry parents. If she didn’t want to be bothered with this little girl she should have given her to someone to love and care for her. 😦


  2. The stepfather story is crazy why would they pick him and his kid? Did he owe someone money? Did he kill her? Where are the 2 brothers and why weren’t they in the car too? Too many holes in this story.


  3. I ain’t buying nothing this clown has said. He did it and his story sounds real fictional. Dirty sick bastid!!


  4. The little gurl was abused. she had brain surgery because she had suffered a hit to the head before. even though the mother lied and said she fell out of a chair. anything to keep a man in the house with her and her dick in her bed. SMDH 😡 the mother need her ass whooped PERIODT!!


  5. Everybody failed her. Her P.O.S mother, her sorry ass father because he should’ve taken the little girl after the brain surgery and after seeing all the bruises. Yea single women keep ya legs closed, buy a dilldo and raise ya kids. focus on the kids and NOT the dick.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I couldn’t be with someone that I don’t trust around my kids. That’s crazy!!! If you can’t trust him or her with your kids then you do not need to be with them.


    1. They are still searching for the little girl’s body. Based on the fact they found blood and signs of decomposition they know she’s dead. It’s just matter of a confession. and they should beat that outta him 😡


    2. This is extremely sad and heartbreaking. Those poor kids. Women really need to stop having kids if they can’t or don’t want to take care of them. Where are the dads? Wtf? It’s pathetic


    1. Men don’t have the same “feelings” like women. Society needs to stop pushing this liberal bullsh*t that men and women are the same. Like we can switch bodies and sh*t easily with this transgender mess. A lot of these women are desperate (they want to be with somebody, hell anybody) and see the warning signs, but go ahead anyway. Women always think they can “change a man. ” REMEMBER: There is ALWAYS a warning sign. Choose to ignore it at your own risk!


  6. The mother should be held equally responsible for any harm that comes to a child at the hands of the dad especially if he is a drug user! If you cant refrain from using illicit drugs there is no way you can raise a child! I hate to say it although too many women put their sex life before their child’s life!!


  7. Last night’s show had me crying. 😥 when she talked about that little gurl who was left in her car seat with the doors chained 😥 that killed me. That father. Oh no see i would have to set his ass on fire just so that he could see what that little baby went through.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. OMG y’all.
    This goes beyond your boyfriend not being your babysitter. It’s the danger of having babies and not being in or creating a strong family structure. It’s about being with the men you are having kids with.


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