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“Till death do us part” …Is this still a reality? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

When couples marry, they indeed take every ounce of their wedding vows seriously and to heart. In good times and in bad, they even remind each other of those words spoken on the very day they promised to love, cherish, honor and obey. So what happens when the words spoken over each other and their union goes up in smoke?

When the vows are turned inside out, upside down, then doused in betrayal and shame. When the two have grown so far apart, they soon see their vows were as a joke or maybe taken in stride. Divorce is then inevitable.

What happens to “Till death do us part?” Are these words and promise in their vows even a reality anymore?

Were the vows created to manipulate us into a standard of unrealistic expectations? Especially when or if the union fails? When divorce leads to the end of your marriage, then in death you will not part.

My parents were married 58 years and my mom was certainly at my fathers side when he took his last breath fours years ago on January 5, 2015. She sincerely lived out that part in her marriage vow that stated: “Till death do us part“.

I’m sure there are many others who had the same experience but with divorce on the rise among married couples in this society and the lack of loyalty and longevity in today’s generation, is “Till death do us parteven a reality? Where was this idiom established?

Join us at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via Blog Talk Radio for our discussion “Till death do us part”…is this still a reality? As renowned Bishop Andre CAlston, Pastor and presiding Bishop of Antioch Christian Tabernacle of East Orange, NJ will grace our studios for this discussion.

You won’t want to miss this conversation..

71 thoughts on ““Till death do us part” …Is this still a reality? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

    1. That Bishop Alston, was off the hook!!! I could’ve listened to him all night. ..OMG😲he was really good. I was in awe of his words of wisdom 🙏 so ashanti I hope you tuned in.


    2. Gurl you better get your Bible and read those chapters Bishop covered on last nights show. I know did. went str8 for my grandmothers Bible.


    1. If he’s abusive then yea you gotta break the promise. Everyone don’t get a man. We sift thru the bad ones in order to find the good ones.


    1. Of course you would leave if you’re getting your ass whooped. Of course at that point you saw no future in an abusive marriage atleast you got out 🙌 I’m sure some women somewhere did not. You gotta see the red flags. With so many issues in this day and time marriage ain’t like it use to be.

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    2. Yea I’m sorry to hear you went through that @Gee no one should ever tolerate abuse but I’m sorry some signs should’ve been present before you married.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There were no signs, he presented himself very well. That’s what haunted me after I left (what signs did I miss…..what is wrong with me that I would attract such a person…..what am I putting out there to make someone think I deserve this….me, me, me). Thank God through counseling I realized that I didn’t have the problem, he did. He was a narcissist and I don’t know if you have ever had an experience with a narcissist but they can be very deceiving and play a roll for a long time, a very long time.

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      2. @Ge.. I feel you…in last night’s conversation, they covered the abuse part of this topic. it was interesting. Glad you got out though and with ya life nonetheless. the Bishop mentioned how these are topics rarely covered and discussed.. but hey Tracy covers them all.


    3. Dayum!!!
      Oh no!!!
      Oh hell NO!!! 😲That’s different. No you had to leave that became a life or death situation. There is no longevity if you living with abuse.


    4. I don’t think this show topic is meant to encourage “stay even if he kills you”😏😐😕 nah that’s not it.


  1. What happens to “Till death do us part?” Are these words and promise in their vows even a reality anymore?
    Some people don’t even take their wedding vows seriously anymore. there are so many different agendas attached to marriage and vows. it’s a sad and ugly truth. But I’m tuning in to hear the spin on this.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think Tracy is leaning towards loyalty and healthy longevity. Like does it even exist anymore? Either way good topic. I’m turning in😏for the drama of it all

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You heard Tracy her parents were together 58 years!!!
        Yes now that, was a beautiful thing. Tracy makes it no secret that she’s still very single. I just need her to hurry up with VOL2 of C.O.S.


  3. We were young when my husband and I were married. We grew apart, so we divorced. We’re friends so I’m sure we’ll always be there for each other

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good show
    Good topic I loved it Tracy.
    The Bishop was perfect guest newly married and all 😛 oh well no need to say how nice looking he is, he’s spoken for already. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good show.
    Tracy you need to have the Bishop back so he can go more into the slavery aspect of the Bible. I need to hear that because that’s why folk believe the Bible is BS!!


  6. Tracy aka Blog Queen, you aint neva lied. women are waiting long b4 marrying wrong. we make our own money and call our own shots. some of us wanna get the d**ck and send him home.


    1. I was truly bugging. but that Tracy is a trip…I like it when she laughs. 😆 she’s a real hoot. I betchu she’s the life of the party. 😆


    2. Good morning Fam.
      Yes last night was a good show/awesome guest but for the record Tracy does not get high, nor does she drink!! her happy is authentic, please know that.!! Just thought I’d let y’all know


    3. Yo: side note: that Bishop is decent. I can tell he’s not one of those slick, money hungry Preachers and besides from what we know about Blog Queen she wouldn’t deal with fake. I was impressed by him.


      1. Well hello Ms. Bell 🙂 No I DO like the song I can just tell you really do 😆 it’s ok. Just my assessment. Great show last night BTW


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