Baby Mama Drama, father's Day, Single Fathers

Target Apologizes for “Baby Daddy” Father’s Day Cards

Was it really the thought behind the Afrocentric-themed “Baby Daddy” Father’s Day cards that counted? Not everyone appreciated the creative line of cards that celebrated unmarried Black fathers and deadbeat dads who abandon their baby mamas for father’s day.

The term “Baby daddy” was popularized in the hit song “My Baby Daddy” by one-hit-wonders B-Rock and the Bizz.

Target pulled the cards by greeting card company American Greetings after Black Twitter heaped scorn and ridicule in retweets of the card.

The cards were sold in about 900 stores across the country.

“We want all guests to feel welcomed and respected when they shop at Target,” Target spokesperson Joshua Thomas said in a statement to USA Today on Thursday.

American Greetings employs diverse artists to create cards that target minorities.

“This particular card was created for, and addressed to, a loving husband — which the inside copy makes clear,” the card publisher said in a statement, adding:

“However, we now see that the front page, taken out of context, can communicate an unintentional meaning that we are strongly against perpetuating and is not consistent with our company purpose and values.”

The retailer promised to “do better” in the future.

11 thoughts on “Target Apologizes for “Baby Daddy” Father’s Day Cards”

  1. Why do black folks think that term only applies too them?? Its like we want too own everything that is looked at a negative.


  2. Which ethnicity came up with the saying “Baby Daddy” anyway??? Just saying. No big deal. There are bigger issues of the world than this baby daddy card.


  3. Black folks need to do better close your legs get married then have children. American Greetings keeping it real


  4. I’m mad “we” took it as an affront to us as a people.
    EVERY ethnicity has baby daddies, we do not have a more a monopoly on baby daddies!


  5. even tho I have no kids of my own, I truly felt some type of way when I seen this on the net some days back. I’ve even heard newscasters use this term. I was DONE.


  6. Folks are just too damn sensitive. I know a few married folks and the wife calls her husband her baby daddy. If you don’t like the card, don’t buy it.


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