Beyonce, Jay Z

They went from “We keep our private life private” to this…

The infamous couple known as Beyonce and rap artist Jay-Z, leaked partially nude photos online — further tarnishing Beyonce’s carefully cultivated public image.

Word on the street is that, ticket sales to their ‘On The Run 2’ world tour are at an all time low. So Beyonce is forced to stage stunts to fill more stadium seats.

I guess desperate times really call for desperate measures. Hell, I’m even shocked that they’ve stooped to this all-time low.

60 thoughts on “They went from “We keep our private life private” to this…”

  1. OK…. I would not expect Bey and Jay to fill stadium’s anymore BECAUSE they don’t have any new music out yet.


      1. But…that’s usually way (several years, even decades) after the fact…..her music isn’t old enough to keep re touring it….its “too soon” to be singing the same damn songs from like 2-3 years ago, because they still playing it on the radio….


      2. She should have waited… she seems tired/exhausted throughout this concert. Go nurse those babies and take a fucking break, Bey.


  2. That really doesn’t look like his body at all. Jay ain’t never been a hunky kinda dude. Looks like they photo shopped his head onto someone else’s body.


  3. This question goes out to the ladies because I’ve always been curious about something. Does Beyonce think she has something (Jay-Z) that many of you want? For some reason I think she thinks she snagged a man that is the object of many a woman’s fantasies.

    So ladies help me out here, is this the case?


    1. I think Beyonce married a prototype of her father. Her father is no longer part of her life. And she seems to need a male leader. She seems to have made Jay Z her god. It’s actually quite disturbing.


    2. Yo…..Jay Z is rich. It doesn’t matter what he looks like to those trying to secure the bag.
      AND, due to his cheating, Beyonce KNOWS other women want him – and have had him.


    3. Every woman and woman should believe their partner is a prize ???
      isn’t this called being delusional ?! I love my hubby and all but he has his faults (like we all do) but he is far from perfect.


    4. Why wouldn’t you think the best of the person you’re with??? I don’t get it – why is that delusional?


    5. She probably married Jay for business reasons. I’m guessing she didn’t find him especially handsome but he’s a very wealthy man and with her being at the top of her game she would probably only marry someone she considered on her level financially and someone who she could be part of a power couple with. Plenty ladies want Jay-Z but only if he comes with that bank account…


    6. I think she does too. Even if marrying him was a calculated move in the beginning ten years and three kids in I think she loves that man…


    7. Most people invest in their marriages. We only see what they choose to show, and may never know the ties that bind. For more than you think, infidelity is not a deal breaker in most marriages. And women who are super confident in their jobs (because entertaining is Beyonce’s JOB) are not the same in their relationships. Because when you truly love someone, it is a risk. And taking that risk means being vulnerable, and potentially getting hurt. You can look at any person and say what you would do in their situation, but until you walk a mile in their shoes, you can’t really know what you would do. I believe Beyonce really loves Jay Z, because love makes you dumb.


    8. Does Beyonce think she has something (Jay-Z) that many of you want ?
      I was thinking that same thing when i saw those pictures. Somebody else want him chile, but it aint me, 😆 lol.


  4. I don’t know any other famous couple who’ve ever leaked nude pics of themselves. This is not only out of desperation and insecurity but it’s down right TACKY!~~


  5. Sorry ain’t nobody trying to see Jay-Z partially naked. That’s a face only a mother or a money hungry woman could love. This tour has got to be struggling if they have resorted to Jay-Z partially stripping. Best of luck to them but these tiny boppers are the ones buying tickets. They could care less about Jay-Z.


  6. seem a bit desperate. I honestly feel bad for Beyonce because she is determined to stay #1 in an industry that is rapidly changing. You can simply be mediocre now and still win. but cardie b might have her worried.


  7. whoever he cheated on her with. he must’ve paid her a pretty damn good penny because that bitch ain’t said BOO about it. people only speculate who she is but the woman neva talked about it.


  8. I don’t particularly care for the bedroom sex photos of her and Jay, Beyonce looks fabulous but Jay just looks uncomfortable.


  9. What is she trying to prove posting these pics.🤔 BTW she comes off as if she’s boring in the bedroom. 🤷🏾‍♀️


  10. I’m really not into their bedroom pics, but to each his own. I wonder whose idea it was? Who is the target market for this? Not SINGLE LADIES.


  11. Wow, Beyonce has lost her senses. Too bad because @ one time the world was her garden – no more after all these silly and obvious stunts.


    1. These two will be alright…They make more money than most folks in this world. Besides, even if the tour flops it’s not like they will lose the shirts off their backs…


  12. What Bey should have done was a DESTINY’S CHILD reunion tour. Beychella proved that’s what her fans wanted. Jay isn’t an entertainer. He has an impeccable flow but that’s about it. Zero stage presence lol


  13. Jay look like he “on the run” he looks like a straight Killa. What a hideous pix. Bey even looks frightened.


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