Celebrity Deaths, Celebrity news

Fashion Designer Kate Spade Dead at Age 55

Fashion designer Kate Spade was found dead in her New York City apartment of an apparent suicide on Tuesday, according to published reports. She was 55.

Spade’s body was found hanging in her Park Avenue apartment by her housekeeper. According to news reports, she left a note before taking her own life.

Spade, real name Katherine Noel Brosnahan, was the force behind her own successful clothing label, Kate Spade New York.

Spade founded the company with her husband of 24 years, Andy Spade, in 1993. She launched her clothing line, including shoes and accessories in 2004.

She is survived by her husband and daughter. Spade is also the sister-in-law of actor/comedian David Spade and the aunt to “Amazing Mrs. Maisel” actress Rachel Brosnahan.

63 thoughts on “Fashion Designer Kate Spade Dead at Age 55”

  1. Money cant buy happiness and she had money. Coach brought her brand for 2.4 billion and she off’d herself? The fuck


  2. People will wonder why she did this but there is no price that can be paid for peace of mind, and not everyone has it no matter how vast their resources are. Rest In Peace to her.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. my heart goes out to her fam and friends who will now begin to second guess themselves and wonder if they were negligent in some way. wondering did they ignore the signs, what they could have done, what they could have said, etc., her death (like any suicide) will leave so much pain in its wake, smh


  4. I’m sorry she was in that much pain, that living in this world was not her option. She has a daughter, who is 13. Lets pray for the well being of the living

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  5. she and i are the same age, smh

    i am so saddened by this, and i’m not even sure why it hit me so hard… got an instant headache just reading it. it’s strange because i was just thinking about a former coworker who had passed and, honestly, i felt nothing in remembering her because she was such a ‘not nice’ person.

    i can’t imagine what would make her feel this was the answer to whatever she was facing… RIP.
    (Lord keep my mind)


  6. Wow…She was a young a woman and I loved her brand.

    RIP Kate.

    Depression, mental illness, inner demons/inner turmoil, etc… that stuff is real. Wonder what was so bad? 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  7. God Bless her. People don’t understand how loved and important they are to others until it’s too late. Give me my flowers before I die.


  8. Spade left a suicide note addressed to her 13-year-old daughter, Frances Beatrix Spade.

    “Bea – I have always loved you. This is not your fault. Ask Daddy!” She wrote, according to a TMZ source. The note was found on a bed near her body.
    That is so fucked up. That poor child.


    1. good morning ladies,
      I think perhaps she meant it like he knows if anyone how much she loved her. suicide is simply a selfish act no matter how one looks at it.


    2. Never owned a KS bag but so sad that she felt the need to take her life. I wonder what the “Ask Daddy” thing is about.


    3. That note is cryptic as hail ain’t it!
      Now, I tried not to speculate, but sounds like bro Andy got some ‘splaining to do! Sadly, there’s nothing he can say to that child that will make this better for her. I can’t imagine being so angry at someone that in a fit of rage, I take ME out. 👀


    4. I think the note she left was selfish for various reasons. She took her life and she left a suicide note telling her daughter to ask her daddy she committed suicide leaving the daughter feeling that her dad may or may not had something to do with it. If u gon leave a note, explain why u did. Don’t leave with questions not being answered. U owe that at least to your daughter for her mental state. She is 13. I mean geeze


    5. that’s fucked up!!!! that’s all i can think about. and the child is 13 and you know how kids are at that age.


    6. I hope she was telling her to ask her dad to confirm that the suicide had nothing to do with her. If so, very poorly written. If not, inappropriate and odd.


    7. Anything her dad says, she’ll probably think it’s a lie because of the stupid letter. Money can’t buy these folks common sense Smh


    8. She was suicidal, so she committed suicide. Wasn’t quite functioning rationally. So she hangs herself and y’all complaining about the note? Surely this will devastate baby girl, but Dad’s aint innocent. Hubby should have been more attentive!!!!! Baby girl is scarred for life. Husbands have blame in these episodes like post-pardom depression. Those dads just report back to work while Mom is visibly in distress. O_o


  9. This is so sad. You never know what people are going through. If you’re out there and feeling suicidal, please seek help! You are not alone. Someone cares. It can’t be that bad. This too shall pass! Hang in there!

    800 273 8255


    1. There are often high ceilings in these designers homes (creating high doors) When I saw the door knob I thought perhaps she located herself inside of the bathroom using one of those over the door hangers at the top of door. If she was of shorter stature, this could easily be done. ( I apologize for some of the descriptions. It was used only to give an example. And no way to disrespect the deceased)


    2. Absolutely can work. You’re not trying to break your neck like in a lynching situation. You are just cutting off circulation to the brain such as in a choke hold which results in a loss of consciousness in about 15 seconds.


  10. #KateSpade you were so young and still had so much life left. I wish your daughter piece, love, hope and I hope she has the ability to do great things in her life. #katespade #katespadeday I don’t have many pieces made by you but one of the pieces I cherish is my Happy wallet.


    1. She did this to her husband too, talking bout “Ask Daddy!”. Her daughter might be wondering if he cheated or did something to her to drive her to suicide. That’s not fair to him.


  11. God blesses Kate’s soul and heal her family’s hearts. Such a tragedy and loss. I love 💕 Kate Spades’ bags.


  12. Kate didn’t care so why should I.. Have a daughter and to put her through this is just horrible.. All the money in the world and couldn’t find happiness. Smh


  13. So sad , and Just goes to show that Money, Fame, isn’t everything.
    She had it all Money, a Great Business, Beautiful baby girl, and a Dang man who was driving her out of her mind, for what ever reason. Feel so sad for her daughter. While so many people struggle to keep the lights on she had plenty of money, and still was not happy,,,RIP Kate, Your life will live on from now on because of your Beautiful Kate Bags…


  14. On the morning talk show her sister confirmed that she suffered from severe mental illness and she was not surprised when she got the new. She said Kate was paranoid and worried all the time, but did not want to talk about it because she did not want to damage her “happy” brand (how sad!!). When Robin Williams died she showed extreme interest in the how of his death and may have been planning this since then. She told her sister “I know you don’t ever go to funerals but will you promise me to come to mine?” When asked if she was planning anything she denied it, but the sister knew. So many questions, but with her gone, no true answers. RIP


      1. As reported in the Daily News
        Designer Kate Spade’s battle with depression — which led to her apparent suicide Tuesday — was fueled by her husband’s desire for a divorce, according to a report.

        Her husband, Andy Spade, had moved out of their Upper East Side home, was living at a nearby apartment and wanted a divorce, according to TMZ. The two married in 1994 and have a 13-year-old girl together.

        Spade, 55, considered one of the world’s most famous designers and known for her signature sleek handbags, died Tuesday after hanging herself with a scarf in her bedroom.

        She left a note telling her daughter that her death was not the teen’s fault. She also instructed her daughter to seek answers from her father.


      2. Yep. So vague. So selfish. This will make the daughter hurt worse as she will always “question” the daddy. so fucked up.


      3. Wow – note is so vague – horrible for the 13 year old to have to deal with the suicide and now the mother points fingers at Daddy. Pathetic really.


    1. The one person that could help her the most, her husband, walked away from her. He could have legally taken steps, as her husband, to get her the help that even he knew she needed. Instead, he wanted to take the easy way out with divorce. And now their child will go through her teenage years without her mother.


      1. It’s not fair to blame her husband. Who knows what heII he went through living with her.


    1. Some people marry for life, good or bad. I imagine she thought that she would be with him forever and she didn’t know what to do without that.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. The note is to make her husband 4ever feel guilt about her killing herself. he was probably gay any damn way. he sure look it.


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