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‘Racism, Nazism and White Supremacy’ Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Did President Donald Trump, light every one of those torches in Charlottesville, VA this past weekend?

Yes, the white supremacists have always been with us. A parade of racist bigots is no surprise to anyone familiar with our history here in these United Snakes Of America, especially those who have been the target of hatred and violence for centuries.

But when the mob of white men marched in Charlottesville carrying flaming torches Friday night shouting “Heil Trump” as the curtain-raiser for a day of violent clashes with counter protesters that left three people dead, they showed the world that America is once again playing with fire. Only President Trump is the one with the match.

The Nazi and Confederate flags were equally chilling to the millions of Americans with vivid memories of relentless racial oppression, including lynchings, church bombings and assassinations at the hands of the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist terrorists.

Join me “LIVE” on “Conversations Of A Sistah” at 6:30 p.m. EST for a discussion on Racism, Nazism and White SupremacyIs Charlottesville, VA coming to a town near you?

I will be taking your calls in the studio at 1-917-889-7872.

All “links” in this post will access the show!!

77 thoughts on “‘Racism, Nazism and White Supremacy’ Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. A lot of BS is bubbling to the surface thanks to tRump. And he can’t part his puny lips to check the cowards that were protesting the monument’s removal but he criticizes everyone else by name. And some people don’t believe he’s racist O_o ok.


  2. I have no words… and people be very aware of your surroundings… this “man” got elected primarily by the racist people he is defending… its a very sad world we are living in right now, and Chuck Todd was correct “he can’t fix this”…


  3. ANTIFA and BLM are funded by George Soro’s–some of these protestors are hired actors..The deep state/shadow government wants to divide and conquer-to bring about a NWO…and the sheeples are failing right into their plan…people need to wake up and seek God for a spirit of discernment..


  4. Stay PRAYED up people. Only GOD can resolve all this so if I were you, know whos head of your life and keep it moving.


  5. Trump is sucking the air out of the news. I’m not a Trumpster, but some of what he said rings true. So now every historical statue and painting is going to be torn down because the person was morally wrong?


  6. All over confederate flags and statues. I know of NO country who still flies the flag of a defeated union except the US. Imagine Germany still flying the Nazi flag! sounds stupid right? this is no different


  7. The repubs like that he had been the same man for about 10-15 years then he started criticizing Mr. Obama for not being this or that. He’s a conservative New Yorker and Juliani supporter, that tells you a lot. The only black people he goes around are the entertainers because they bring him money.


    1. Even before that @Acquitta, trump was always racist. During the time of Central Park five, he advocated to giving them death sentences and never apologized for it even after finding out they were innocent. But black celebs still loved him..


  8. I just finished reading “The Invisibles slaves in the white house”. It is a great read for anybody who like history. It does detail how Jefferson and Washington and several presidents owned slaves. It also details how they treated their slaves, better than most poor and middle class whites. Which made whites envious of them. It doesn’t negate the fact that they were in bondage though. Trump and all his dumb supporters really need to pick up a book and educate themselves.


    1. Lilly,
      His own chief of staff’s reaction was to first to shake his head in disagreement and then with arms folded hang his head in shame. This man was PRAISED by the KKK after both his speeches, O_o


      1. Donald Trump didn’t school anybody, first of all. He is clearly ignorant of history.
        And wow, do we REALLY have to explain to people why comparing Washington & Jefferson to Robert E Lee is an invalid comparison on multiple levels? smdh


      2. The problem with the Confederate statues is that those who embrace them never want to be honest about the history behind them nor do they want to even discuss that slavery existed.

        The Confederate apologists use euphemisms like ‘states rights’ or other nice and tidy phrases to cover up the fact that the Civil War was about the South wanting to continue the inhumane institution of slavery.


  9. This whole country needs to come down…this presidency, the whitehouse, and the statues…HARD RESET..
    ….control Alt delete..


  10. Tracy I’m tuning in because Trump’s press conference in NY was hilarious.
    😆 Lmao, stop the nonsense. To every person that isn’t a flaming white racist or a house negro, he made a complete revealing ass of himself.


  11. Lives, not just African American lives are at stake here. He’s given a free pass for extremist groups to do whatever they want. America take the moral high road in telling other countries what they should and shouldn’t do, but Trump (basically) gives permission to harm/kill others who don’t agree with your opinions on American soil? GTFOH!


    1. And the confederate thugs were walking the streets in combat gear with guns…so the 2 sides met up and there was a battle. One side against oppression and the other wanting to continue with oppression…..


      1. hey had urine and water in bottles then would put concrete powder in them. Lawd 😡 that’s nasty


  12. “If the US is a country of equality then morality policing means you remove any historical evidence or tributes to ALL immoral founding fathers and civil rights leaders.”
    The issue is he’s conflating the argument about all statues, basically, with the argument on Confederate statues — which are at the center of these hate rallies.


    1. YUP And…
      1/ Many of them were wearing his “Make America Great Again” hats…
      2/ Many of them were shouting “Heil Trump”…
      3/ David Duke said at that rally that they were “fulfilling the promise of Donald Trump”…


      1. Even with all these racists aligning themselves with Trump and invoking his own name, it would have been the easiest thing for Trump to rebuke them and distance himself from them. But he simply couldn’t do it.
        That tells you all you need to know about this man and this true feelings toward race relations and white supremacist groups.


      2. What’s interesting is Trump is wealthy enough where he doesn’t even have to have an opinion. He could ignore everything and nothing affects his family’s multigenerational security.


      3. He feels indebted to them because they elected him. That’s why he can’t do it. When he was talking about making America great again he was appealing to them. What they don’t realize is that Dump does not own America and neither do they. This is just as much my America as it is theirs.


      4. it would have been the easiest thing for Trump to rebuke them and distance himself from them


      5. Even with all these racists aligning themselves with Trump and invoking his own name, it would have been the easiest thing for Trump to rebuke them and distance himself from them. But he simply couldn’t do it.
        Why would anyone ask one racist to denounce his fellow racists? This world is getting crazier by the day. Then everybody tries to act surprise when Trump tells you who he is. Who didn’t know? O_o


  13. Trump don’t care about people who don’t look like him. He is the President of the White Nationalist Movement. They called the Black Panthers a terrorist group but refuse to label the KKK and Neo Nazis terror groups. Not only do they not want us here they want us exterminated. The want your children, your grandchildren exterminated. Don’t you people get it. It really saddens me that some people cant see him for what he is…A Hate Monger.


  14. I think everyone in Trump’s cabinet should resign after all of this.
    However, I don’t think anyone is surprised by this are they?


    1. No not surprised Daisy but the blatant disrespect and disregard for our intelligence is the insult. Along with the 2 faces of bigotry he wears.


  15. It took Dump 3 days to comment on the violence but 3 seconds to comment on the brother stepping down from the manufacturing board. I have always said watch what he doesn’t tweet. That is where you get your answer.


  16. White supremacists are literally making videos about killing Blacks & you have seen the videos. The cops do not arrest nor shoot them. justsaying. we better recognize what’s happening 😡
    Tuning into the show.


      1. I’m curious and want to ask the people that feel we should just ignore the kkk and Nazis, do u think simply ignoring them will mean they will magically disappear?


      2. Kayla,
        A better question is why they still exist? So Zimmerman should have just ignored Trayvon M (although Zimmerman claimed to feel threatened so he followed him), but torch carriers and marching down the street yelling threatening words is not a cause for a reaction? Really!!?


      3. A better question is why they still exist?
        The election emboldened these fools. Pay attention it’s all a distraction from this Russian bullshit.


  17. He makes me physically ill EVERY time he makes a speech or announcement! The media can’t get enough of this train wreck!
    I mute my tv every-time he comes on, I can’t! 😥


  18. I’m really tired of the media hangin onto to Trump’s every IGNORANT word. They give him too much TV time. It’s like a never ending circus that won’t go away. The man is IGNORANT!!! Period, not poised, can’t talk. He’s just a disgrace. And trying to undo all of Barack Obama’ policy further reveal his hate and envy for the man. Ugh 😡


  19. They were all racists and slave owners. Lee just happened to be a Confederate war hero and a symbol of the racist south.


  20. Was a good show.
    That caller was a trip. It was like Tracy wasn’t saying what he wanted to hear. He wanted her to gang buster. 😆


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