Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Miss South Africa, Video

Miss South Africa Criticized for Wearing Latex Gloves to Greet Black Children

Miss South Africa Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters denies accusations that she wore latex gloves because she didn’t want to touch black children at a soup kitchen in Johannesburg, South Africa.

However, The beauty pageant winner, who is mixed race, is seen in photos wearing latex gloves while eating with black children at the soup kitchen last week, which of course tells another story. users accused Miss South Africa of being racist. But she and other volunteers claim they wore the gloves to “be hygienic”.

“We thought it was the right thing to do, seeing as we were working with food,” said the 22-year-old, who helped to prepare the food.

But a witness who was there said Nel-Peters was “peeling potatoes without gloves for white folks.”

The community center that housed the soup kitchen feeds orphans and other vulnerable children, some of who are HIV positive.

Miss South Africa took to her Twitter account on Wednesday, July 5, to dispute the allegations.

“To everyone asking about the gloves, I truly hope that you’ll hear my heart and understand that it came from a place of wanting to do good,” she said in a video tweet.

62 thoughts on “Miss South Africa Criticized for Wearing Latex Gloves to Greet Black Children”

  1. She’s just doing the right thing here. Beats using hand sanitizer after every touch. Maybe she was also protecting them? But then again, some people find racism in egg whites.


  2. She’s damed if she do wear gloves and she’s damed if she don’t wear gloves. Either way I don’t eat food from a yt person cause they just plain nasty when it comes to handling food.


  3. People are so simple. Obviously she’s wearing the gloves because she’s handling food. They can’t be serious 🤦🏾‍♀️


    1. The problem is, SHAWNIA… is that she was at the same center peeling potatoes, without gloves, for the white kids. So, why did she feel the need to put on gloves for the black kids?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. She’s not racist for wearing gloves to serve food to children.
    She better wear gloves.
    I’d be critical if she were not wearing gloves and handling food for children.
    Why should she or anyone be presumed sanitary to serve children food without gloves.
    In the US, it’s the law to wear gloves when handling food in a school cafeteria and even when volunteer serving at a soup kitchen.
    That’s my perspective.


  5. She may be racist after all, but I don’t think the gloves really indicate that. this is a major stretch. For those who don’t work around ppl infected with HIV, I can see why they’d be extra scared. It’s OK to say, you can’t catch it, but ignorance and fear will cause ppl to act differently. We’ll see more of this lady and if she has those feelings, it’ll come out for sure. Until then, provide the benefit of the doubt for her.


    1. Which is a good thing if you’re mixed with anything other than black. People are quick to say they are German/Irish, Spanish/Italian, etc.. But you never really hear anyone saying they are Black/whatever unless they look more black than the other race. They call us half breeds and that’s a bad thing in the good ole US…


  6. No story here. If she was wearing them for here on safety I wouldn’t mind. Africa has a massive HIV/AIDS problem. She has to protect herself while dealing with young children who are unfortunately infected.


      1. You better go pull up the stats and do some research. Yes, the continent of Africa has a massive HIV problem. Men rape girls because they think a virgin will cure them. The mothers are infected by men and they can’t get medicine or help. The illness is passed down to the innocent babies. The threat is real.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You better go pull up the stats and do some research. Yes, the continent of Africa has a massive HIV problem. Men rape girls because they think a virgin will cure them. The mothers are infected by men and they can’t get medicine or help. The illness is passed down to the innocent babies. The threat is real.


  7. Well, she’s in South Africa, she better have gloves on.
    The nation with the world’ largest HIV epidemic. In 2015, they had 7 million living with HIV, 380,000 new infections and 180,000 AIDS-related deaths. Those numbers are no joke.


    1. You can’t get HIV from simply touching sweetheart. Unless she has open wounds on her hands, she could have taken the gloves off to eat her food.


      1. What’s not hygienic, is eating using the same gloves.People try to twist anything, meanwhile, what have you done?


  8. If she ate with the same gloves she used to prepare the food she’s yet another stupid. BISH. South Africa’s racist roots run deep, and if she’s biracial it’s clear which side she identifies with. Why volunteer if you’re gonna treat kids like filthy animals. If anything the kids should be glad she wore the gloves so they couldn’t catch the evil.


  9. Shameful that she is even a beauty queen there.. She is of the minority race in S Africa. Minorities should not be considered THE STANDARD of beauty in any population. It is damaging.


    1. Did you hear what you just said? So blacks are considered minorities in this country and you feel that same way? There should be no standard of beauty, it’s in the eye of the beholder anyway! However beauty( since there is a fake standard) should be all inclusive!


      1. I understood what I said. What I am saying is I don’t expect BLACK to be the standard of beauty here because naturally FOLK SHOULD LOVE THEMSELVES MORE. Meaning since we are the minority in the US we should expect them( white folk) to see their women/men as a standard just like we should see OURSELVES as the standard. I expect black folk everywhere to appreciate their beauty so when a country dominated by us sends a yt chick into the world to represent us, it makes me feel badly. It is abnormal for black men to crave “foreign” as much as they do and it is abnormal for a country dominated by black folk to see a yt woman as a beauty standard. I see your point but respectfully disagree.


  10. wrong profession then hun …… smh if you give love freely why the hell you suited up ….. js … these kids need love …. not a mascot fronting to play like they actually receiving it …. the fawk!!! This is not surgery chile O_o


  11. That story upsets me just like that 18 year old girl who was killed during road rage. White men are the most violent men in the world and they always have been. Black men like to kill their own.


  12. I don’t like other people touching my food either and that’s why if I am reaching into a bowl of some unwrapped food I will use a piece of paper towel, but I notice most of my coworkers use their bare hands so I try to be first.


    1. I am always first or I don’t eat none. I’m surprised by the number of folks regardless of race who don’t wash their hands before they eat. It’s shocking.


  13. I’m a germaphobe too but her pr team should have had her remove the gloves first then do the photo opt. Even if it made her uncomfortable or whatever, she should have known the picture was going to cause a media frenzy. And Im sure she looked at the image before it was released. Some people just don’t think!


    1. It’s just where they are from. Actress Charlize Theron is White, but she is also South African. Kind of like I could be French even though I’m Black. I’m actually not French, but just using myself as an example. It can be confusing, but sometimes people also identify through where they are actually from as well as or instead of their actual race.


      1. They have pageants every year. Sometimes black girls win, other times white girls win. It’s like saying a BW shouldn’t win in the USA because black people are only 13% of the population.


      2. The real deal is, they have taken over in Africa they say back for years telling us not to go there it’s dangerous it’s nothing there but poverty it’s not developed and that our people wouldn’t want or accept us there meanwhile they run their ass there every chance they get some even move there and stay and have kids there WE the only ones that refuse to go and see what’s going on. FOH


  14. It’s always something. Smh. CLEARLY she has them on because she is handling food. Anything to try to get Black people upset.


  15. The teachers at my daughter’s day care all wear gloves at different times – feeding, cleaning up after them, diaper changes etc. People will make a mountain out of a molehill. So TF what?!


  16. Making too much outta nothin can she be sanitary or no! I don’t want anybody handling my food without gloves sooooo….


  17. Oh she wanted to do good. Really? Ok so why even address it? She should’ve kept it real and said she’s wearing the gloves for her own hygeine and theirs. Smh 😑

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Good morning
        I don’t see the gloves BEING worn as racist. I guess it can be viewed both ways, especially since she took the gloves off for the white kids….that was her code slip up right there. Just my .2cents


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