Fan mail

Why the black man is a disappointment.

I receive fan mail all the time, emails, IG and Facebook comments about show ideas or my listeners and readers wanting certain topics of conversation, but this particular letter we received this morning, the sender asked me to share and publish, so here it is..

Dear Ms. Bell,

I would just like to tell you why I chose to date outside of my race. The main reason is because the black men I’ve encountered have disappointed me. Yes that’s right, the black man is a disappointment. And I cannot depend on a black man. They promise and don’t come through, they talk but put no muscle or action behind their words. Half of them want you to run after them or take care of them. Some are lazy with no ambition. The man I’m with is my white prince. I can count on him, depend on him and he keeps his word, never before have I experienced what I’m experiencing now with my white king. He’s ambitious and see a future with me, never leaving me wondering and/or guessing where I stand in his life. He erases my doubt and secure all of my fears. So yes I’m a black woman in love with and will marry a white man, why? Because once again a black man never stepped up to the plate, he allowed someone else to take and appreciate his queen.

I Thank you for sharing but like Tika Sumpter, Serena Williams and countless others, trust that I understand.

Have a wonderful day and I look forward to your show!

Loyal follower/reader

Wow!!! – I’ve already addressed her, feel free to do the same.

48 thoughts on “Why the black man is a disappointment.”

  1. Not all black men are lazy just like a white man can disappoint ya gullible ass too. It’s all about situation and circumstance.

    Tracy I’m curious as hail to WTF you told her?🤔

    Liked by 6 people

      1. She has a small mind. Love who you love AND we dont need to know your reason but don’t put all black men in one basket


  2. what he do? what happened to the last black man she dated? tell us more and BTW who is it? What is her tag name here on da blog? Tell her to holla back after 5 kids and those inlaws she gon find out is racist. 😆


  3. She’s been hurt and possibly more than once.
    Trace be sure and share her 2nd letter to once her white prince ride off into the sunset with her peace of mind and dignity. self hating heifer.


  4. I respect her decision, I just can’t cosign her bullshit about all black men being a disappointment. maybe some are but not all.


  5. That’s tough. As a man who has dated women of all melanin, there is no favorite, least favorite or any generalization that I could apply to any woman. Imagine if I only dated white women for the singular purpose to spite black women? What would that mean on a larger scale? For one, my mother, my queen, wouldn’t be shit. My two older sisters wouldn’t be shit. My two nieces that don’t have their father around wouldn’t be shit. My grandmother wouldn’t be shit. My aunts wouldn’t be shit. The women who have mentored me throughout my life wouldn’t be shit either. I could never cast off all the women in my life because I haven’t had success with the women I chose to have a relationship with. How can I say, “These black women ain’t worth nothing”, then turn around and give my teenage nieces dating advice?

    When you say all men, you are telling every man you have come in contact with isn’t worth anything, nor worth your time. Even if you aren’t dating them, you are still casting a generalization they wouldn’t be able to meet the expectations you own, nor are they worthy of any woman’s time. So with all these different men, there is one constant: this woman.

    I would hope the white man she is with should read this letter, twice. Get Out. The mindset you have about brothers doesn’t change with a change of hue. The moment he slips up, she’ll say, “he acts just like a black man.” Why would a man want to submit himself to a woman who garners so much self-hate?

    Basically, she wack. Caught in the matrix.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. When you say all men, you are telling every man you have come in contact with isn’t worth anything, nor worth your time. Even if you aren’t dating them, you are still casting a generalization they wouldn’t be able to meet the expectations you own, nor are they worthy of any woman’s time. So with all these different men, there is one constant: this woman.
      Exactly!!! CoSign!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I could never cast off all the women in my life because I haven’t had success with the women I chose to have a relationship with.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. When you say all men, you are telling every man you have come in contact with isn’t worth anything, nor worth your time. Even if you aren’t dating them, you are still casting a generalization they wouldn’t be able to meet the expectations you own, nor are they worthy of any woman’s time
        YES!!!! This part. Tell her!!!


  6. Her mentality is fucked up. I would search the world over for my black prince b4 settling. No offense but Oh hell no!!!


  7. Wow!!! – I’ve already addressed her, feel free to do the same.
    Curious Tracy what you told her. Did you tell her about your black king. I hope so. unless you down with the swirl too? O_o


      1. As listeners, followers and or fans we trust Tracy. And I’m sure this gurl trust Tracy not to reveal who she is or how she responds. Now if she pissed her off i think Tracy would put her on blast.


  8. This chick is looking for attention. Period!
    One black man can’t speak for an entire race.
    Just like her white Prince ain’t perfect! He fart and shit just like the rest of us.
    Wush her the best. And jumping race can’t fix her jacked up mentality.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Her letter is unbelievable 🙄and ignorant at best. I hate when women pinpoint one culture over the other. Her white prince can dog her out just as a black man can. Smh.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Extremely sad that this sistah is so lost in her anger, bitterness and disappointment that she CAN’T understand the actions of her own blacks actions or even a few CAN’T in no way account for a whole race of people. If you hate the black man then you hate yourself. Don’t wonder how Tracy responded to her because thats irrelevant. Pray for this sistah BECAUSE the lack of knowledge is the very thing destroying our people.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. All women step outside of thier race out of bitterness and anger even sometimes resentment. Some women snap out of it some DON’T. I wish her the best either way


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