Celebrity Breakups, Celebrity gossip

He Was All Black Power, But Left His Wife For A White Woman!

Devastated fans of actor Jesse Williams are still recovering from the news that he filed for a divorce from his wife, Aryn Drake-Lee. Allegedly, the blue eyed Grey’s Anatomy star cheated on his wife with co-star Minka Kelly.

But there is debate whether he actually “cheated” on his wife if they were separated for over a year.

Williams seeks joint physical custody of the couple’s 2 children, Sadie, 4, and Maceo, 2.

According to blogger theJasmineBrand, who first broke the story, Williams is not denying his wife spousal support.

Drake-Lee, a real estate broker, certainly earns enough money to support herself and her children.

The estranged couple met in 2007 when he worked as a schoolteacher in the New York City public school system. They were wed in 2010.

“She’s been with me through all different facets of my career,” Williams told USA Today in 2010. “She’s stuck with me through thick and thick and thin. We know each other in and out.”

61 thoughts on “He Was All Black Power, But Left His Wife For A White Woman!”

  1. Dude bye…he raised all that ruckus on BET and then left her ass for a white girl just like Kanye said would happen.


  2. After all those rants on BET and CNN about the misognoir of black women and men because of these whites and their wicked ways he goes to cheat on his wife with Becky? Shut up Jesse, we don’t wanna hear nun from you no more


  3. When he has nothing, it’s all love, promising you the world, as you help him when he needs you. But the moment he gets it, he falls out love, he has all these problems with you all of a sudden.
    Sometimes I wonder if these men ever loved these women, or were they just using them and their resources.


  4. It’s called common sense, if there is no divorce decree they are married and he is an alleged adulterer! Even if they divorce on any other ground than sexual immorality/adultery , if he sleeps with or marries another , he has still committed adultery
    Luke 16:18
    “Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and whoever marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery”.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Rezzie get that Bible verse outta here as if everyone subscribes to the SAME GOD. Your God is just that. YOURS. I hate when folks start talking about what the Bible says in regards to marriage. Do we even KNOW the religion of these folks? Of ANY folks who are getting a divorce. Kick rocks Rezzie. And I hope you break your toes doing so.


      2. If you live your life otherwise , THAT’S YOU! I listen to the Perfect ALIGHTY , not ignorant , imperfect , man. I hope you break nothing! I’m not ignorant nor spiteful. And no matter what religion they may be, there is but one ALMIGHTY! So that scripture applies whether people want to believe it or not. Good Day!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes. He cheated. I understand the “grey area” that people may look at in these situations BUT that is why you divorce before getting involved with someone else.
    Too messy.


  6. Separated or not married is married and some still believe that even if you get a divorce you are still married lol.


  7. “She’s been with me through all different facets of my career,” Williams told USA Today in 2010. “She’s stuck with me through thick and thick and thin. We know each other in and out.”

    But I couldn’t resist the “cave demon” flesh. Smdh – FOH


  8. Separated is still married. Ur not divorced til is official. So if ur “separated” sorry, it’s still cheating.


  9. He’s trying to clean up this mess. It’s not working. Typical black man. Talk big but can’t back it up. A white woman deserves this loser.


  10. It irritates the hell outta me when these famous guys leave their ride or dies that were with them before they got famous. These dudes get no respect from me for their “upgrades”.


    1. Just like the women stuck with them through “thick and thin” and stayed during hard times they should stick by these women and raise their families together. If there’s no serious issues of distrust or abuse going on they owe these women that respect. Too often women give give give then the men just walk away with zero remorse.


    1. You are right!!! its sad… but Karma will come… The grass is only greener because you are watering it………………. Relationships take WORK… and continually WATERING… and once that gets hard, people want to look elsewhere…


      1. I bet the women at least try to fight to keep things together when they are put in situations like this…but in the end you can’t MAKE someone stay or want you.


  11. Marriage counseling, therapy or just trying to communicate with your significant other. But I guess it’s just easier to file paperwork and walk away.


  12. There is only so far a relationship can go when you’re with a person in the process of a divorce. That’s not fair to the other person. People should not start dating until their divorce is final.


  13. Well If he Have given her a divorce decree, already , then he Biblical has put her away and is free to move on. the Courts papers are just to separate the Corporations, not the Actual Humans.


  14. His beautiful, black wife will still be looking young and beautiful at 50 while cave BECKY will look 80 at 40.
    loooooooooool 😆


    1. He’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now he’s got a badb!tch. Besides when Mika is 40….. how old will his wife be? Sorry to break the news to you but men with options ain’t checking for a 40 or 50+ year old black woman.


  15. I really hope his wife doesn’t read comments anywhere because she’s getting dragged, called ugly, unkept, didn’t deserve someone so good looking,etc… it makes sad for her.
    The same black men that love Kendrick Lamar humble song are calling her ugly, praising that white woman with layers of makeup and extensions.
    Nobody is calling her a bitch, hoe, slut, home wrecker… like they do BW simply dating.
    But now cheating is okay if it’s an “upgrade? 😡


  16. Divorce papers not signed. Not single. I really wish folks stop redefining this. These lines aren’t blurred…now a person or the couple can decide that they don’t want to wait *shrug shoulders, but you are still married.


  17. Tracy, is this a media smear campaign against his reputation? that is what folks said yesterday on this topic. its only speculation. nothing with Minka who was raised by a bonafide hoe has been verified. she was placed there to distract from his message to the black community. therefore and heretoin its a con-spirah-cee. to bring down another black man. #staywoke my people.


    1. All because Amerikkka says the side piece looks better? ???? What if she doesn’t cook, clean, can’t hold a conversation that wasn’t written for her? Then what


  18. I don’t care about no physical separation, you ain’t single until those divorce papers are signed and it’s finalized. point.blank.period.


      1. I don’t know about that… Once you’ve separated, and live apart, you can do whatever you want to do.
        WRONG!!!! You never open one door b4 closing the other.

        Liked by 1 person

  19. He’s a fraud like many celebrities. They want us to believe that their shit doesn’t stink when it’s the worst smell of all. Sad. Just be yourself; no one is perfect, but these self-righteous people need to have several seats!!!


  20. I would be highly surprised if he did indeed commit adultery with Minka Kelly. I just don’t see it. Just don’t
    Marriage is Marriage. Cheating while married is adultery. No question


  21. People are just so full of it. I believe if you speak a certain way about certain topics then you should uphold certain values and LIVE it. Sounds like he’s really full of shit.


  22. Don’t come at people with black this and black that if you’re with a white woman and you’re divorcing someone that knows you in and out🙄..Bye Jesse


  23. So to be woke, a black man must wed a black woman. He cannot date a white woman. Cool. How about working? Can he not work for white people either? What about his rent, insurances and what not? What if he pays insurance through white people, or if the people that own the land he lives on is white? Is he still not as Woke? Are there levels to this wokeness?

    Asking for a friend.


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