Racial Profiling, Racial tension, racial unrest, Racially motivated, Racism in America, Racist

Black Man Arresed For “Walking while Black”

A black man, Larnie Thomas, was STOPPED and harassed in Edina, Minnesota for walking in the street where there was construction work blocking the sidewalk! As seen in the video the white officer grabs him and says that they are going to need to have a talk! Another police officer comes and they put him in hand cuffs and arrest him! He was not even in the middle of the street, but walking the white line of the shoulder.

The black man is clearly seen upset and angered in the video because the plain clothes officer would not take his hands off of him. This further exasperated the situation. The victim is heard screaming “You got your hands on me” being clearly disrespected by this officer.

In the meantime, the woman videotaping the incident is a white woman and of course she suffers no repercussions for videotaping the incident as evidence on how black men are treated in this country.

Eventually a second officer arrived on the scene and put Thomas in handcuffs, even though Thomas and Rowles were still very unclear as to what he did to warrant being detained.

Read full story here!


60 thoughts on “Black Man Arresed For “Walking while Black””

  1. Slave catchers and slave overseers did the same thing when black folks were caught or seen outside of the confounds of where they supposedly belonged. This was the slave overseers way of evoking fear in black men and women. funny how this is what is being revealed in these videotaped revelations. 😡 this shit is sad. angering and crazy. How we as a people are still dealing with the same shit. Smdh


  2. WoW!!! when you read the full story, he was arrested and released something like 45 minutes later. the cops dropped him off at his mall job without the shirt he was wearing. I pray to Gawd he sues the SHIT outta them.


  3. Very disturbing video. you can tell the woman videoing is a white woman and she is so fucking annoying!!! OMG!! I know she’s doing a good thing but you couldn’t shut her up!!


      1. I believe the woman kept talking because she knew the arrest was unfair, racist and unjustified.


      2. she is so fucking annoying!!!
        It’s a good thing she is/was….. she may’ve possibly saved his life. God only knows what would’ve happened had she not filmed it. Just wow


  4. Thank you Tracy and good morning!
    I was waiting for you to post this story.
    This video went viral as soon as the woman uploaded it to YouTube. 😡


  5. This disgusts me beyond words, I am infuriated. Getting arrested for walking, seriously? WTF is wrong with this goddamn country!


  6. Good morning Family.
    It’s a sad day here in America but the reality is WE ARE STILL SLAVES.
    What is really bugging me out is, when the cop car came they had the sirens on and everything WoW…WTF O_o


  7. the point is quite clear people, the aim is to dehumanize and emasculate the black man. smmfh
    this is fucked up on so many levels. 😡


  8. Unbelievable!!!! 
    Completely sad how the power trip takes over and common sense, RESPECT, and courtesy go out the window.


  9. “Maybe you could just show him were a good place to walk is.” “He’s scared sir.”
    She’s TALKING like he’s an animal or a pet and shit. Smh and WTF??


  10. When will some people understand that when you put your hands on someone you are automatically stripping them of their dignity!


  11. These fucking cops are out of control. it’s so fucking ridiculous that they abuse there power the way they do. it’s the fucking 21st century and we’re arresting a black man for walking on the shoulder of a road…are you FUCKING kidding me. racist pieces of shit . this guy needs to lose his job. Fa real!


  12. I would’ve been pissed off too if some asshole was grabbing all up on me. Glad the lady spoke up in dudes defense though. Imagine how it’ll be if trump gets elected and cops are given permission to stop and frisk anyone nationwide?!
    This shit will turn into a fucking bloodbath.


      1. The officer wanted control over the black man, so he used his authority to intimidate and humiliate him. solve calmly and kindly? that wasn’t the plain clothes officer’s intent. Racist fuck.


  13. homeboy is going ape shit mad because the cops WON’T TAKE HIS HANDS OFF OF HIM. He’s a man! Not a kid! or an animal. The cop handled it all wrong. He violated that brotha


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