Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, Tracy L. Bell - Blog Talk Radio

His New CD is ‘Lawless’ and He’s Tonight’s Guest on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

e13e95637e66b9201781Lamont Falls is a Mississippi native born in Chicago, Illinois who started in the rap game at age of 13 years old. Co-founder of “ACE GANG MUZIK”., he’s adapted the stage name “Paper Montana”.

Selling out shows and touring the country, his new CD “Lawless” just dropped this week.

Tune in tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST onConversations Of A Sistahas I sit down with the rap artist to discuss his career, his lyrics and the base of his business.

Follow this link to access the online show!

63 thoughts on “His New CD is ‘Lawless’ and He’s Tonight’s Guest on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. it’s too much happening in the world today for senseless lyrics about drugs and money.
        Mentioning Ho’s and Niggaz too. O_o


      2. it’s too much happening in the world today for senseless lyrics about drugs and money.
        Yes Lawd. You ain’t neva lied


      3. it’s too much happening in the world today for senseless lyrics about drugs and money.
        He only rap about what his life was about. Like JJ said on “Good Times” he can’t paint grass and trees if that’s not what he’s seeing.


      4. it’s too much happening in the world today for senseless lyrics about drugs and money.
        Maybe that was his life. He said his life is his music O_o


      1. Good afternoon all.
        Hope everyone is doing good 🙂 wanna hear what this brotha got in his head cause his lyrics ion know.


      2. Hey y’all 😛

        Q and Bobby!!!!!

        Hey to anyone else I’ve missed.


      3. Hey Fam.
        I’m glad Tra is back and all but tonight’s conversation should’ve been a bit more powerful than this. #justsaying


  1. Let’s see Trace since you were away there’s been like 3 or 4 unarmed black men killed by police. We can never stop having a conversation about that.


      1. Looks like Princess is the winner. 😛
        Technically don’t the majority of us here, have her book? Conversations Of A Sistah


  2. Good show TRACY!!!!!

    “In 1971 Marvin Gaye, recorded what’s going on?
    In 1969 James Brown recorded say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud.
    And these songs were recorded at pivotal times in this country.

    With so much going on throughout the country today, do you think it’s time to change your lyrics?”

    Tracy L. Bell, “Conversations Of A Sistah”


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