Law and order, Lawsuits, President Obama, Senator John Boehner

White House expects Speaker Boehner to file for IMPEACHMENT



U.S. Representative John Bohner is expected to try and impeach President Barack Obama for abuse of power and criminal acts against the Constitution of the United States.

Dan Pfeiffer, a senior aide to Obama, told reporters that he expects a lawsuit to be filed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Pfeiffer said that “coming executive actions surrounding immigration reform” would only stoke the fires of impeachment.

Pfeiffer got the jump on Boehner by informing the media of Boehner’s intentions.

“I think that Speaker Boehner, by going down this path of this lawsuit, has opened the door to Republicans possibly considering impeachment at some point in the future.”

In a statement to the Huffington Post today, Boehner’s office reacted with acrimony to Pfeiffer’s “political games”:

We have a humanitarian crisis at our border, and the White House is making matters worse with inattention and mixed signals. It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border.

Impeachment is a 2 stage process. The first step involves a hearing to rule on the criminal charges. The 2nd step involves removal from office which requires a majority vote. The last president to be impeached was Bill Clinton in 1998. But the Senate did not have enough votes to remove Clinton from office.

If Obama’s Impeachment is successful, he would be the first biracial/mixed president to be impeached in presidential history.

68 thoughts on “White House expects Speaker Boehner to file for IMPEACHMENT”

      1. Came back to say “HEY Y’ALL” I was wondering where some of the Ceo brothaz were? 😛


      2. Good afternoon everyone….This post pisses me off !
        Yasha what I think is, they’re full of shit!


    1. I want to impeach Bohner stoopid azz for wasting my tax dollars with this dumb shit.
      HELLO SOMEBODY :claps: FOH


      1. I want to impeach Bohner stoopid azz for wasting my tax dollars with this dumb shit.


      2. I want to impeach Bohner stoopid azz for wasting my tax dollars with this dumb shit.
        I agree


  1. This isn’t a answer for the border issue; what is Bohner’s solution to said issue. Let them try to impeach Obama; they thought there was a march on Washington before…so let em try it.


  2. Chile, BONEHEAD so damn drunk, he don’t even know what year it is…he ain’t even sure a black president is in office… 😡


  3. Really?? On what grounds cause if Bush got away with killing thousands due to Katrina, millions due to Saddam Hussien lynching for a war that he had nothing to do with but was your daddy’s old beef, sending the country into a depression because you squandered the funds away on a pointless war…then i think Obama gonna be okay


    1. I heard on the news that NONE of BONE-HEAD’S constituents are for this
      Cause they are smart. That party already has issues.
      Too Old
      Out of touch
      Out dated views
      Too Conservative

      They are scrambling for a viable candidate to run against Hillary. Doing this even starting the process will alienate their younger party members and the country from their antiquated views!


      1. I heard on the news that NONE of BONE-HEAD’S constituents are for this
        Cause they are smart. That party already has issues.
        Too Old
        Out of touch
        Out dated views
        Too Conservative

        They are scrambling for a viable candidate to run against Hillary. Doing this even starting the process will alienate their younger party members and the country from their antiquated views!


  4. What a waste of tax payer dollars – his name fits him to a T – he can say “Bonner” all he wants we now its pronounced “BONER” and he is a BONEHEAD!!!!


  5. They so prejudice in Congress…. why doesn’t he just come out and say what he really means – we want to lynch this uppity nigguh


    1. why doesn’t he just come out and say what he really means – we want to lynch this uppity nigguh
      Word! Just say it already.
      I keep saying the president should say the opposite of what he wants done and Bohner and them will get it done.
      He should get on TV yelling “Build a 50 foot electric fence with a moot on the other side, with alligators, and after the moot; red noses”
      Then they’ll pass something more humane.


  6. He already got relected so you lost. TWICE. Even if he leaves early it still won’t make a difference .Suck that ish up and do better next time. Wit cho pumpkin faced skin looking ass. 😆


  7. So his actions during the government shutdown crisis, wasn’t an impeachable offense. I mean if passing a bill that gives the speaker the sole authority to bring bills to a vote, so that no one could bring it to the floor wasn’t an abuse of power. Then I’m at a lost.


  8. them going at pres obama just affirms that being an educated, intelligent, ambitious, and street smart black man with a magnetic personality and charm is a white mans worst nightmare.


  9. REPUBLICANS are a party of NO, NO, NO, from the time he got into office and they made sure they stuck with that shyt…but that mess is gonna keep right on backfiring on they dumb azzes.


  10. This hate for OUR president is real y’all. That’s why they killing black folk all over the country on the guise of self-defense and all this other bullshit!


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