Law and order, Lawsuits, President Obama, Senator John Boehner

White House expects Speaker Boehner to file for IMPEACHMENT



U.S. Representative John Bohner is expected to try and impeach President Barack Obama for abuse of power and criminal acts against the Constitution of the United States.

Dan Pfeiffer, a senior aide to Obama, told reporters that he expects a lawsuit to be filed by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

Pfeiffer said that “coming executive actions surrounding immigration reform” would only stoke the fires of impeachment.

Pfeiffer got the jump on Boehner by informing the media of Boehner’s intentions.

“I think that Speaker Boehner, by going down this path of this lawsuit, has opened the door to Republicans possibly considering impeachment at some point in the future.”

In a statement to the Huffington Post today, Boehner’s office reacted with acrimony to Pfeiffer’s “political games”:

We have a humanitarian crisis at our border, and the White House is making matters worse with inattention and mixed signals. It is telling, and sad, that a senior White House official is focused on political games, rather than helping these kids and securing the border.

Impeachment is a 2 stage process. The first step involves a hearing to rule on the criminal charges. The 2nd step involves removal from office which requires a majority vote. The last president to be impeached was Bill Clinton in 1998. But the Senate did not have enough votes to remove Clinton from office.

If Obama’s Impeachment is successful, he would be the first biracial/mixed president to be impeached in presidential history.