Author, Conversations Of A Sistah, Selena Haskins

Meet Author and Publisher, Selena Haskins, tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Selena Haskins

Exploring the skills and talents of dynamic human beings, take on a forum all it’s own. When God created us, He did so with a purpose and talent in mind. We all have something in this world to contribute and those individuals with God given skills and talents are making their dreams a reality by living their lives with purpose.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” for interesting conversations with author and publisher, Selena Haskins (pictured above).

A native of Washington, DC, Selena enjoys writing books about the basis of life; family, love, and relationships. Her stories covers family dynamics, poverty, abuse, and many of the real issues facing African American communities. By the same token, Selena includes messages of hope, love and forgiveness, which she believes are the qualities to help heal a broken America.

Selena has written three best-selling books, and her new release, Riding the Waves is a sequel that addresses the life of childhood stars and the price of fame and fortune.

Hope you’ll tune in tonight with me for this awesome conversation.

All “Conversation Links” in this post will access tonight’s show…Can’t wait to meet you on the air!

107 thoughts on “Meet Author and Publisher, Selena Haskins, tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. she fine!
        she aight that mole on her forehead look like an exra eye 😆 but lets see how she lay it down tonight with Tra-Tra blog queen.


      2. that mole on her forehead look like an exra eye
        doesn’t matter she’s beautiful


      3. that mole on her forehead look like an exra eye
        she’s beautiful mole n all. ———>CoSign!!


      4. she fine!
        she is beautiful and tonights show affirmed that she’s beautiful inside and out. That mole on her face is a beauty mark. So y’all stop tryin to talk about it.


      5. she’s still a pretty woman. Mole n all. y’all ceo’ers i swear. you embarass me sometimes


      1. Hey y’all???? Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait


      2. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        @2Thick……I would like to believe I am.
        Hello Ceo Family…tuning in tonight.


      3. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        Ain’t living ya purpose doing what u love?


      4. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        2thick, we all here for some reason or another. don’t you believe that?


      5. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        I think U will/or should before U leave THIS EARTH


      6. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        I think U will/or should before U leave THIS EARTH
        I disagree, everybody is not afforded that opportunity


      7. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        I think U will/or should before U leave THIS EARTH
        I CoSign this —> I disagree, everybody is not afforded that opportunity


      8. What cha’ll talkin bout? the show or this guest?
        The show. are we all livin our purpose in life? That’s what I wanna talk about.


      9. Tracy said and I quote::: “We all have something in this world to contribute and those individuals with God given skills and talents are making their dreams a reality by living their lives with purpose.”


      10. Not 4nothin 2thick but that’s a damn good question….I ain’t even read the full show post.


      11. Not 4nothin 2thick but that’s a damn good question….I ain’t even read the full show post.
        well? are U livin ur purpose? can u actually say that U are?


      12. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        No not yet but when I graduate college I will be living mine. good show!!!


      13. Hey now y’all….if you don’t know ur purpose I pray ya find out b4 ur time on earth is OVA


      14. Thank God for all things and if you don’t know your purpose people pray about it and find it!!!


      15. I like that she’s living her purpose. good for her everybody can’t do that….
        Living your purpose is about one’s mentality, when you change your way of thinking then can you focus on living your purpose


      16. Living your purpose is about one’s mentality, when you change your way of thinking then can you focus on living your purpose
        I CoSign this to the 10th power!!


      17. Living your purpose is about one’s mentality, when you change your way of thinking then can you focus on living your purpose


      18. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        We should all be tryna live a purpose driven life.


      19. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        Yes I believe with all my heart I’m living mine.


      20. Fam.,
        Tonights show was thought provoking.
        Living your purpose is about lovin what you do and doin it for the glory of the Lord.


      21. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        Ion know if u don’t work you don’t eat period! so it’s def. one’s purpose to take that azz to work.


      22. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        Ion know if u don’t work you don’t eat period! so it’s def. one’s purpose to take that azz to work.
        Keisha so true but what about when you hate what you do for a living?


      23. Keisha so true but what about when you hate what you do for a living?
        Exactly and ion believe we suppose to live and be unhappy.


      24. Tammy, Keisha,
        You both have good points but remember our people perish for the lack of knowledge when YOU KNOW BETTER YOU DO BETTER.COM


      25. just like we all ain’t destined to be rich we all ain’t destined to live our purpose either. now run n tell that


      26. wow these comments some good points but I cannot hang in these “after the show” conversations O_o y’all have a good one fam.


      27. Can y’all honestly say you’re livin your life with purpose? I’ll wait
        Good question sometimes I wonder email the show and request Tracy have as a show topic.


  1. Never heard of this author and I know there are many
    Thank U Ms. Bell for bringing her to your Conversation 🙂 she fine.


  2. Nice professional pic. Nails match the colors she’s wearing.
    Looking forward to hearing more about her.


  3. She had good conversation. Tracy be turning on some good people. I hope she does use her for her illustrations on her next chidren’s book. I would love to see that.


  4. The book Ms. Haskins wrote with the other women I would like to read that one. this was a really good interview.


  5. Selena def. had the gift of gab. I like that she’s living her purpose. good for her everybody can’t do that….


  6. She has a spiritual foundation and that was a plus for me …she had me sold on that alone. God bless her and I know with that alone she will be successful.


      1. Selena loves to write and is loving what she does.
        which is how she believes she’s living her purpose.


      2. Selena loves to write and is loving what she does.
        which is how she believes she’s living her purpose.



  7. “When God created us, He did so with a purpose and talent in mind. We all have something in this world to contribute and those individuals with God given skills and talents are making their dreams a reality by living their lives with purpose.”

    So true Tracy and I enjoyed your conversation with selena. it was an interesting show. she was so gracious and polite. I was impressed with her.


  8. She talked about her 6 yr. old son but said nothing about having a husband. I was a bit curious about that. she was an awesome guest otherwise. she seem to have a winning personality.


  9. I enjoyed last night’s show.
    I pray Selena will keep hope alive because she is right there is a lot of racism and hate that still exist 😥 sad but ever so true.


    1. I pray Selena will keep hope alive because she is right there is a lot of racism and hate that still exist
      Fa Real!


      1. I pray Selena will keep hope alive
        True dat. But I believe it’s just a dream. Racism will always rear its ugly head in america.


      2. I pray Selena will keep hope alive
        True dat. But I believe it’s just a dream. Racism will always rear its ugly head in america.
        Bobby I agree. Good morning


      3. Racism will always rear its ugly head in america.


  10. This sistah was good, I enjoyed listening to her but got damn she can talk!!! I almost 4got Trace was the host. 😆


  11. Selena was an awesome guest and Trace always asks the right questions. This Sistah is confident in what she’s doing and can say without a doubt that she’s living her purpose.


  12. Heard her (Selena) good show, great questions and off the hook interview Tracy 😛 I’m such a fan and ultimately hooked on my Conversations Of A Sistah!


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