Cheating men, Dwayne Wade, Gabrielle Union, NBA Groupie

Dwyane Wade Confirms He Fathered Infant Son With a Groupie

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union celebrate her birthday

Miami Heat superstar guard Dwyane Wade has admitted what everyone already knew: that he fathered a now 5-week old infant son with a groupie.

Wade made the comments prior to last night’s Miami Heat vs Denver Nuggets game, according to ESPN.

After the blogs got wind of the groupie’s pregnancy, Wade and his fiancée, Gabrielle Union, released a statement saying they had taken a break from each other.

“In our time apart, in our break, in our pain and our hurt, a blessing came out of it in my life, having a son who was born healthy,” Wade said. “I got a chance to see him,” Wade said. “I’m involved in my kids’ lives, you know. When my kids lived at home with me, when they weren’t living at home with me, I tried to do everything I could to see them.”

But the groupie disputed the timeline, saying she and Wade had intimate relations while Wade and Union were still together.

Friends of the couple whisper that Union knew about the baby, and she was devastated. “He proposed to her to try and ease the pain of his betrayal,” said the source.

Wade has custody of two sons, Zion and Zaire, from his previous marriage to high school sweetheart Siovaughn Funches.

Asked if the baby compromised his book about fatherhood, Wade said it did not.

“It would compromise it if I wasn’t a father first,” Wade said. “This is something obviously private for my family that we will continue to deal with as a family. But we have a blessing, too, to the bloodline, the Wade bloodline. From that standpoint, to me, it doesn’t state anything differently than what I’ve always shown.”

112 thoughts on “Dwyane Wade Confirms He Fathered Infant Son With a Groupie”

  1. deez niggas gone learn today. well you would think they would, but they wont. :smh:

    and he round here writing fatherhood books 🙄 Chile bye


  2. baby takes 9 months to conceive. even if that baby just came fresh out the incubator somebody’s math isnt lining up 😡 he must really think somebody is stupid!

    just say NO COMMENT STFU and keep playing ball.


    1. “somebody” IS stupid 😡
      😡 This (to me) is betrayal in it’s rawest (no pun) intended, and now you gonna try to do damage control to maintain YOUR public image, but not specifically publicly acknowledging the private personal pain you caused this woman! 😡

      But I’m all about live and let live, so if she like it… Hey dumbass


      1. “somebody” IS stupid 😡
        Yez Sir she is one stoopid ass ain’t that much tryna save face in the world. He’s a cheater….This looks bad and I would run for my life!!! And that shit she talking on twitter is a bunch a bullshit she know people talking bout her like a dawg. Foolish bitch know your self worth.


      2. “somebody” IS stupid 😡
        They damn sure wasn’t on a break from each other, that’s the line they using to cover the fact that he has two women. GU is stoopid and apparently has self-esteem issues to get mixed up with ole dude in the 1st place.


      3. “somebody” IS stupid
        and that would be good ole gabby. they was a break my ass! he made a fool out of her and ultimately disrespected her by impregnating his 2nd chick. baby mama #2 not a groupie. just one of wade’s many side pieces.


    1. but i can give him a little credit. he is accepting and acknowledging the child.
      He had no choice, :tea: he has tons of endorsements and so.Floridians love them so D.Wade.
      1. He didnt want to take the chance of losing those endorsements alla Tiger Woods
      2. Tis why “they” asked Gabs to marry him 🙂


      1. but i can give him a little credit. he is accepting and acknowledging the child.
        He really didn’t have a choice.
        “groupie benchwarmer mom” has made it clear that she’s willing to tell 😆 anyone who will listen to ensure that he acknowledges her child.


  3. i know its taking all of her not to go all Siovaughn on his ass just to prove she’s the better bottom bish. she in the mirror talkin bout “im still pretty. im still pretty”

    hot 97 posted the groupie’s pic on their facebook page. “esmerelda” got a whole lotta ass.


  4. In all fairness, how do we know he aint use protection though, after some time you trust your partner you move past that, even more if they were both tested :shrug: PLUS him and Gabrielle were on a break from being boyfriend/girlfriend not separated as husband and wife. They been together since 2009, as far as we know NOW off once in those 5 years, shyt happens :shrug: if she like it I love it! Maybe he thought they were dunzo for real for real…Im still mad at him tho!


  5. A few thoughts, Does the new gal get to keep the baby?
    😡 Will wade fight for this child like the two boys?

    Is Gabby gonna change the lil boys pampers?


  6. I was trying to figure out why Gabrielle “The StepMom” Union was acting extra in her staged photos with Dwyane “I need a vasectomy and to use a condom” Wade lately. She wants to show the new babymama-groupie gold digger that she is still the Queen Bee. I got it. Next.


  7. He sounds totally stupid! If this is a “private matter” between he & his family….then keep it that way! Just simply say no comment. Old onion looking a$$ (always crying).


  8. Sad. 😦 I am sorry, but when you a GROWN adult, breaks don’t mean go and hump. What a mess. Gabby was not gone let that women come and destroy all she built. Not the first to stay with a man because they comfortable and to spite another woman.


  9. 😦 Gabby better than me cuz ain’t no way uma let this dirty foot black toe nail polish pedal pusher wearing ass nigga do me like dis and i’m parading around like Kimbella “I’m still pretty”. He shytted on her big time. Break? What fuckin break?!

    You know what they said this morning? If they DID take a break, the baby was conceived during All Star Wknd, when she was filming that Think Like a Man 2 shyt. Ole hoe nigga. Couldn’t be me.

    I know she like eggs in her face but damn boo, you gotta know your worth.


  10. wasnt it less than 9 months ago when Gabby was scribbling on his cover of Jet magazine? :thinking:

    mmmhmmmm :tea: tryna pull rank on Siovaughn, meanwhile back at the ranch esmerelda planning her baby shower on “your” man’s dime.


  11. I honestly don’t know if I believe this whole “break up” thingy. It was fishy how a few months ago they mysteriously announced such a break after the so-called break, and now bam…this. #sideeye. I normally try to believe people when they say things instead of believing everything I read on blogs, but something isn’t right with this story/claim.

    Happy New Year everyone.


  12. Gabby was tweeting yesterday, she loves her some her.
    Fuck the U complete me crap. I love me and complete me.
    and so on and so on.
    she’s outta the country with her girls
    Yeah she’s butt hurt 😆 I guess diamonds and a whole wing in Miami do it for her


  13. Maybe she just doesn’t want to be alone. She is loosing with this cat though.
    Esmeralda gonna do it agane! That’s for sure! Think about all the kid stuff that is about to go down…. Poor gabby! Get outta there!


  14. Gabby, stop trying to make this boy a man. He 31 and just fresh off a divorce from a woman who’s family took him in before the money, before Marquette, and before the NBA. If he could shyt on her like that, he damn sure don’t have no loyalty to you. Do better boo boo.

    And we know you’re hurting cuz that twitter rant got “butt hurt” all over that shyt. Cover your face and talk with Karma, maybe she’ll ease up on your ass.


  15. So other celebrities aren’t groupies? I she is 10 YEARS his senior. Gabrielle ain’t no different. Hollywood ain’t checkn for her like that.

    She ain’t no Tony, Oscar or Grammy winner and quite franky…Mary Jane ain’t gonna get her NONE of those.


  16. I seen the pic of the big booty latina
    but they were also saying it was Rachel Vegas the Yt chick who was posting her court side tickets D.Wade gave her during playoffs.
    and all the gifts she was posting and thanking him for.
    there were three dif chicks during that time.


  17. Grimy just grimy 🙂
    Welp Gabby you beasted for this “man” so now you got him and all the baggage that come with it. Hope those tunnels at the Arena is worth it. Women always look stupid when they dont know their worth <—general statement but does apply here.


  18. Word on the streets was D Wade had 3 chics in rotation at the games while Gabby was there.

    But Gabby think cuz she the one in the “main” pics she’s the top bitch. Yeah aight 😆

    Them hoes is ruthless in Miami. RUTHLESS I TELL YA.


  19. Gabby wants that security money cuz lets be real how many years in Hollyweird does she have left? Unless she do some Tyler Perry movies :LOL:


  20. Gabby is a pretty girl. She need to just drop him and move on. It ain’t worth it. It is hard enough to know he cheated, but to have a constant reminder of his cheating is just ugh.


  21. just messy…. i would be so hearbroken if my long time bf fathered a baby while with me (that ‘break’ nonsense is phony) and it really does make this so called engagement more phony……


  22. I don’t know if his NEW baby mama is/was in love with DWade or how long she’s been on the scene. All I know is that Gabby needs to get out now, before she’s relegated to glorified nanny status! 😦


  23. Bet Siovaughn is somewhere drinking champagne and raising a toast to the new baby heir to the Wade empire. Gabrielle Union, meet Karma.


    1. Gabrielle Union, meet Karma.


      Absolutely! She thought the shyt was cute when he was dragging and disrespecting Siovaughn. She was the curt lipped bish standing beside the man that was now hers and giving that hateful azz glare that I hate of hers.

      LET THIS BISH EAT CAKE SIOVAUGHN! All the Baby Boo-Boo Cakes she can handle; because of course, she tried to let have and got HAD.

      This is going to end UGLY – IF it even goes down at all.


      1. Keisha
        That was the pride that cometh before a fall.
        She was NOT in the green when she got with Wade – he was still married.
        So what did she expect? That the rules don’t apply to her? Fuck that.
        You get what you give – period. And that shyt was scandalous; how HE did his ex-wife and how she had no backbone and supported it. She shaded that girl and thought she was some hot shyt for doing it.

        She can post all the self love tweets she wants.
        This shyt would grind the gears of ANY woman, for many many many years to come.


  24. There are a few other chick that D.Wade was banging and gifting stuff too.
    Im waiting for at least one more chic to pop out another baby.
    i Know iVe heard d.wade doesnt like condoms


  25. I don’t know why this post made me sad. 😦 Just what the Black or Latina community needed was another single mom. Another child that will not have the benefit of living with both biological parents who have are married and under the same roof. Folks want to give Dwayne Ding-Dong Wade a pass because he is rich for now and can pay child support.

    I am so sorry that I ever purchased his book. SMH


  26. Yep I want siovaughn to really enjoy herself tonight. Gabby once said in an interview that she would always get jealous or scared ( cant remember exact word) when that light skin girl walked in the room, poor thing.


    1. Yep I want siovaughn to really enjoy herself tonight. Gabby once said in an interview that she would always get jealous or scared ( cant remember exact word) when that light skin girl walked in the room, poor thing.
      Now the light skinned girl has his baby and Gabby has a diamond ring.


  27. So Gabby got a pity ring. 😦
    Gabby is a fool in my eyes now. Ain’t no damn way in hell she needs to deal with this. They don’t have any kids together she needs to cut her losses now. She’s about to be back on the scene with Being Mary Jane.

    i hope she uses that money to dry her tears at night because that baby will be a constant reminder of what he did.


  28. I don’t mind TMZ dragging this dude, you shyt on God’s vows the first time and you parading like you some wholesome man in them Dove commercials and that garbage book and now this.

    Drag him to the mud. Your fall from grace will be because of you and you alone. Can’t put the blame on nobody else.

    Gabby, get you a glass of self esteem and chug that shyt. This here just proves he ain’t ready for no life long committment. What happens the next time you’re working? A diamond is more than your pride? Nah not me, being a Kept woman ain’t neva hot. NEVER.


  29. This has to be crushing :/ I won’t tear her down when she’s obiviously already down :no:


    That relationship was built on a lie So it was sure to fall 😦


    1. Gabby has the ring, that didnt fix Shyte or her ass would be in the states and not out of the country swimming with sharks
      Yup and when her ass get back that baby will still be here.


      1. Gabby has the ring, that didnt fix Shyte or her ass would be in the states and not out of the country swimming with sharks
        Wait… So they’re spending New Year’s Eve separately AFTER the big marital engagement? 😆 Yeah ok…she hurt and look like a damn fool.


      2. See this is why no one is surprised when celebs break up. Announce your engagement one day then the next you’re off gallivanting with your girls “living life on your own terms”.

        She’s obviously shocked, pissed and embarrased about the new baby news (wonder if he’ll be in the Xmas pic next year lol), if she wasn’t she’d be celebrating with the one she says she loves.

        This is just making her look *fake*.


  30. Just sittinG here pondering.. Ive ALWAYS said if my hubby cheated, we would be DONE there’s no repairing that.
    BUT IF in he’s fucking some one without Protection and Fucking me too.
    Shiid I would go the Fuck awf and prolly put my hands on him!

    thats NASTY as Fuck


  31. Whenever a man says he needs a break from his woman, what he’s really trying to say is he stepped out on her. “Taking a break” is code for there is — or was — another woman. But that other woman simply didn’t work out.


  32. Gabby’s ass got played, plain and simple, that’s what she gets for all that juvenile gloating and taunting his ex while her “man” is shooting sperm in random low life whores. Lets see what the next magazine shoot about their fake relationship and how much they fake love each other will be like.


  33. He HAS BEEN sexing this chick for years and he will continue to screw her or find a replacement…and it DON’T STOP!

    sit yo low self esteemed ass down GABBY!!! and take all of his disrespect!!!


  34. LMBAO 😆
    I love it when the chickens come home to roost, all the clowning she did to his ex wife now she looks like the damn fool. this man is a ho and they damn sure was trying to craft that “family image” for his ass, but in this Age of Aquarius all the dirt done in dark, will be exposed to light.

    we are in the 24,000 year sun cycle of the divine feminine. straight fiya Sekhmet energy you can’t hide shit with the sun shining bright on that ass lol this will not be his only “outside” baby this is the norm for these industry sports niggas so please stop idolizing these fools, their image is carefully crafted to deceive, what we see in the public, is very different behind closed doors 😆

    Gabby good luck with your “prize” you fought so hard for.


  35. Gabby has low self esteem, this is why she was/is a mean girl etc. The girl will stay with DWADE because she doesnt want anyone to say “I told you so”, she wants to continue to compete with the other Hollywood Black Stars who she was jealous of. Even though he has a newborn, in her mind she still has him and thats all that matter.. YUCK!!!




  37. The mother of Wade’s one-month-old baby boy has been identified as 30-year -old Aja Metoyer. The NBA star called the child ‘a blessing to the Wade bloodline.’


  38. If he was mature he would have used the break period to patch things up between the two of them (not hop in bed with another woman) How low!!! Not a good way to start off a marriage.


  39. she was with him while he was still married to his first wife and still is with him after he raw dogged another woman and knocked her up. She has low self esteem., it’s obvious.


  40. D. Wade has been with THIS new baby mama FIVE years solid and had paperwork in play to keep it on DL…DOUBLEBOOM! Trust he felt comfortable enough not to wear a condom


    1. D. Wade has been with THIS new baby mama FIVE years solid and had paperwork in play to keep it on DL…DOUBLEBOOM! Trust he felt comfortable enough not to wear a condom
      “IF THEY CHEAT WITH YOU, THEY WILL CHEAT ON YOU” D-Wade was married when he and Gabby hooked up so………KARMA.

      Slick, the word on the street is the woman he cheated with is his longtime mistress so gabby for staying NEEDS TO RUN!!


  41. Man this is what happens when you have a generation of men who didn’t have fathers around to raise them properly. D.Wade your rich, powerful, and influential. You have a brand. Why are you fathering a baby with a side piece. You pull it out and pop it on her face. That’s what a ratchet deserves. Now your going to be paying this hoe. That’s why Gabby is mad.


  42. Just so everyone is clear, I’m willing to bet that the only reason he gave her that ring was because she demanded it because of this situation. She has some serious issues of her own to not just walk away.


  43. Is anyone surprised that this happened when he was still with Gabrielle and that she has taken him back anyway?

    I don’t know why so many women who are married to sports stars have so little self-respect. I have never heard of a single one who actually left after being cheated on


  44. She’s an idiot for taking him back with all his baby mama dramas. I’ll be surprised if they go through with the marriage, and if they do, I doubt it will last more than a few months.


  45. Even if she did get pregnant during a so-called break, he still had unprotected sex with a woman he wasn’t married to. That’s not good under any circumstances and a lame way of trying to make anybody think that shit was O.K., and Gabby still looks like a damn fool for pretending to be alright with it


    1. RIP James Avery aka uncle phil. This truly saddens me :pray: for his loved ones. I heard his wife.was by his side the whole timr and left to grab some food and when she returned he had passed. :crying:


      1. Happy New Year everyone :waves:

        RIP James Avery you was hilarious on the Fresh Prince…. you made my years in the 90′s memorable with that show ….. and I saw that he had a wife… I though he came out a while back 😦 either way RIP he will be missed 😥


  46. Ah ha Gabby you thought you were the shit! 😆
    This is just the beginning bitch! smiling n cheesing in photos with another woman’s family and u think God is pleased? He’s showing you this man. if he treated his ex like shit how did u think he’d do you? You still want kids with this emotional unattached whore? Just because y’all doin photo shoots 2gether that obviously don’t make you his only bitch, it just means you’re helping to make his brand look better! The man is a whore and hell, maybe just maybe y’all deserve each other.


  47. Siovaghn already told yall that nigga wasnt shyt but nobody believed her. hoes do hoe things. nothing you can do about that.


  48. D. Wade was conversing with her on twitter as far back as 2010….seems to me like he has known her for some time…and she may not be just some random groupie after all…interesting


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