CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, Interracial Relationships, Relationships, Tracy L. Bell

Why do “SOME” Black Men prefer White Women? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


This is an age-old subject that’s pretty sensitive for some women, but do black men really prefer white women? Women of other ethnicity groups instead of their own?

It seems as though black men are especially interested in white women once they become successful, than date and marry these women outside of their race. And don’t get me wrong when two people are in love, their skin color shouldn’t matter however, why are these successful black men not hooking up with their own?

Is this a self-hatred that black men have for their own kind so they date outside of their race? Is this a status symbol that black men wish to achieve due to his own low self-esteem? Or is this the enemy’s way to have black men systematically BRAINWASHED by a white supremacy system via media, TV, movies, educational system, etc., to believe white is superior, this being a trick in white america to divide and conquer the black race?


I’ve heard all of the argumentative lies to support the theories as to why black men date outside of their race such as; black women have attitudes, they are too loud and too confrontational, while white women are more submissive, super subservient and more adventurous in bed.

Yet the black man don’t even realize that a lot of these white women are trying to look like US anyway by crowding tanning salons and paying thousands of dollars for ass and lip injections.

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I tackle this topic. And yes I will be taking your phone calls on the air at 1-347-426-3645, don’t forget to press “1” to speak to the host.

In the meantime, let’s get the conversation started here! 

120 thoughts on “Why do “SOME” Black Men prefer White Women? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. they don’t realize that this divide and conquer black males and females either.
    now where are the ceo men on this subject. one dumb comment and i’m all over their asses.


  2. Here’s two main reasons some CONFUSED Black Men “love” white women:

    1. They have been systematically BRAINWASHED by the a white supremacy system via media, TV, movies, educational system, and just being black in white america

    2. They do not love themselves, and cannot love anyone who looks like them


  3. a lot of brotha’s allow WW to literally suck the black manhood out of them…GTFOH give me a sistah any day. but i’m tuning in tonight to hear the bullshit behind this one.


  4. You know what they say, opinion are like assholes everybody has one, so here is mine, I’m a black man who loves black women, I love them a lot, they are by far the sexiest beings on earth not to mention they’re strength and other assets that I will not get into.

    In general the black woman is the most loyal and very strong if you ever find a real one grab and hold on tight. The brothas in the pics above are all celebrities and maybe living out their fantasies.


  5. That’s why I Respect Ice-Cube so much (he was on Arsenio Hall) last night ..he smart, rich and successful and been married to the same BLACK woman for over 20 years. Now that’s a black man who knows what side of the bread his butter is on.


  6. until black men learn how to treat a real black woman and until black women learn how to treat a real black man we will always stray to find that which will complete us. I


    1. White women are EASY that’s why alot of black men settle for them.
      yeah some white women are easier to conversate with about anything and it does seem like they will give it up alot faster, that’s some of the reasons why you see some black men dating white women because some are easy! That’s it nothing else. It’s not because they are very attractive or because they look better than black females (which that’s a bold face lie), it’s because they’re easy! Point! Blank! Period!


  7. Look at that bitch in the picture looking all sneaky and shit. 😆
    Let’s flip it, “why do White women become soooooooooo fascinated with Black men once they become successful?”

    Let me email Ms. Bell for my comments on the show.


  8. Black men don’t prefer white women….They love what they THINK WHITE WOMEN REPRESENT…..

    But as it should be, I have never come across a black man who preferred a flea bitten cave dweller over his black sistahs…..But this is a good show topic Ms. Bell 🙂 can’t wait!


  9. Please white women come out the woodwork like roaches at alot of those NBA and NFL draft parties. They know somebody who know somebody to get them close to the playas for that dough fresh off the chopping block. It’s about the money people. All them black successful men up top wouldn’t have those BECKY’s on they arms if they were an average Joe working on a garbage truck. 😆 Jokes on they dumb asses.


  10. black men date white women cause that’s what they prefer, it is an intelligent decision, i wish ppl would stop trying to animalize it. Same reason i date black women. ppl date other ppl of different races because we learn to appreciate their beauty.


  11. I say find love where you can, black, white, whatever, seems like we make more out of race than any other group of people. I just don’t have any issue with different races dating. Period!!!


  12. Truth be told real niggas are attracted and like real black women…I don’t know why people even think most black men prefer white women cus we dont!!! Them niggas uptop in anothr world. They don’t live down on 5th and Main.


      1. Them niggas uptop in anothr world. They don’t live down on 5th and Main.
        What’s 5th and Main?
        The fucking HOOD in any state in the USA!


      2. If half then celebs in that pic up top lived in the hood and was average ain’t no way they’d have a black man. it’s always about the money for them.


  13. Men want sexy and women want security, ain’t nobody just hookin up or marrying for love anymore. White women are just as much a “gold digger” as any other woman. everyone is in it for something.


  14. I’m sorry but not all black men love white women, in my humble opinion black women are the most beautiful and intelligent women in the world. I think that most brothers who date white women are looking for acceptance from the white race as a whole. And it is the same thing for black or Hispanic women that date white men.


  15. i think some black men do it to aggravate black women and the black women who wont talk to them or give em no play. black men also do it to aggravate white families who dont like blacks. 😆


  16. Society is removing Black images, promoting white/European philosophy and Black people are buying into it!!! Case in point, HAIR! How do Black women expect to attract a Black man when she straightens, relaxes, weaves, wigs, processes & ‘conks’ her hair to look like a white woman’s? I like my sistah natural if i wanted her to look european i’d go for a white woman but personally thats not my hangup.


  17. Very interesting Trace. I have to say though, that I am disappointed that MJ have a white wife now, but oh well, each to his or her own. If that person (white or black or whatever race) makes you happy, then so be it.


    1. white women are easier to deal with, you can run over them, they treat you like a king plus suck a dick real good.
      Suck a good dick? Really? that’s a bit much and ignorant to even say!!!


    2. LOL 😆 @Anthony, Unfortunately so true, black women aren’t willing to do some of the things that white women will do. Point!! Blank!!! Period!! and SOME black men love that fact so they cross over!


    3. white women are easier to deal with, you can run over them, they treat you like a king plus suck a dick real good.
      DAYUM!!!!!!!!!!! 😆 COTDAYUM!!!!! that shit was just WRONG Ant


    4. black women aren’t willing to do some of the things that white women will do.


    1. We’re not willing to look the other way when our partner cheats. But a white woman will
      Exactly!!!! We confront! We’re not willing to accept the physical and emotional abuse that white woman tolerate.


    2. That’s right Ladies, We fight back! We’re not willing to have threesomes with our man and our sister. We don’t just roll over and take their bullshit! like a white woman would/do!!!


    3. And we’re not willing to allow him to have 10 affairs then bring the bitch home and want all us to sleep 2gether an an orgy FOH!!!.


    4. I tell you one thing a sistah ain’t gon let you slap her around either but that white chick will flinch in a minute. let a nigga try da raise up on a black or PR woman they’ll beat the shit out yo azz and have pookey and nem waitin on you when you leave the job 😆


    5. I tell you one thing a sistah ain’t gon let you slap her around either but that white chick will flinch in a minute. let a nigga try da raise up on a black or PR woman they’ll beat the shit out yo azz and have pookey and nem waitin on you when you leave the job

      😆 LMMFAO!!! @ this!!!!!! Y’all cray cray~


    6. We’re not willing to fulfill most of the black man’s sick, twisted and freaky fantasies like fuck him with a strap-on dildo. Yeah some of y’all black men want it both wayz and up the ass is one of em. 😆


      1. We’re not willing to fulfill most of the black man’s sick, twisted and freaky fantasies like fuck him with a strap-on dildo. Yeah some of y’all black men want it both wayz and up the ass is one of em.
        Bird, I don’t know what da fuck kind-a men you dealin wit 😆 but I don’t take shit up my ass as a fuck fantasy. You can GTFOHWTBS!!!


    7. That’s right my CEO ladies, there’s a lot we’re just NOT willing to do. so all of what is mentioned here are just some of the reasons our black men prefer white woman. Now let’s send our list to Tracy cause ain’t nobody stressing this topic.


    8. And may I add:::The white chick will suck they dick while they on the toilet taking a shit!!! 😆
      Fa Real @Flo? Where deez white bitches at so i can get me one 😆


    9. Ah some of my Ceo women sound mad wassup wit that?
      Mad at what Omar? The fact that SOME black men can only get a white girl/woman when he has something to offer her? Paleze!!


  18. The average black woman is not as docile as the perfect white girl. They tolerate alot of shit while WE will tolerate NONE!!!! So black men prefer them because they can get an up advantage while a sister will never have it!!!


  19. Black men are turning to these women to make them feel better about themselves when they really need to be turning to a fucking therapist to find out why they ain’t hooking wit somebody who look like they mamas.


  20. I would neva fuck wit a white girl. if they ever cry rape a nigga def goin to jail. i ain’t down wit jungle feva never was and never will be.


    1. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!

      Black women teach their daughters to be strong and independent because a lot of the mothers are unmarried and that’s all they know. If black men would start being husbands and fathers instead of just sperm donors, there wouldn’t be so many “ghetto” acting black women out here. So those black men who created the problem wouldn’t be running from it!


      1. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!

        Black women teach their daughters to be strong and independent because a lot of the mothers are unmarried and that’s all they know. If black men would start being husbands and fathers instead of just sperm donors, there wouldn’t be so many “ghetto” acting black women out here. So those black men who created the problem wouldn’t be running from it!
        AMEN Lisa….Black men leave women bitter then when they give them attitude they can’t deal with it! But deal with the monsters you’ve created!!!


      2. Lisa,
        While white women teach their daughters to find a husband to take care of them financially and do WHATEVER it takes to keep him. and like it wss said up-top unfortunately, some black women aren’t willing to do some of the things that white women do.


    2. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!
      Really Ace, some black women are ghetto? I suppose you deal drugs, hold up stores, and have been in jail then? Don’t stereotype people, unless you want to be stereotyped back. We are all not the same just like all assholes are not the same which is WHY Tra’s topic says SOME!!!


    3. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!
      So Ace, is this your sad ass excuse to date white women over black women..

      I’m black..and I’m so far from ghetto till it’s not even funny..

      The stereotype of ghetto inyourface black women is just that..a stereotype..

      You need to broaden your horizons a little more BRO!!!!..


    4. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!
      @Ace, KISS MY ENTIRE BLACK ASS wit a nice WHITE cherry in the middle too 😡


    5. some black women can be ghetto and wild so that’s why some brothers turn away from they asses!
      Don’t be ignorant GHETTO comes in all colors son.


  21. Yup every black man, actor and athlete up top only with a white woman for a status quo and because those gold digging heifers can only lay down with a black man when she can see the money! $$$ and be comfortable off of his black dollars!


  22. Trace the answer is NO. HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The majority of black men have never even dated a white woman and don’t seek them out either. It’s a good thing you said SOME up-top cause I would a chewed yo butt out otherwise 😆


  23. Nope @Trace not true, black men tend to prefer black women. Us preferring white women is an outdated stereotype. Good show topic though!


  24. While most of them black successful bucks up-top ain’t the average broke knee-grow y’all better know the only reason they can be married to these sprites and Becky’s is because of the almighty gold diggin dolla these bitches seek them out for!!!!!!!!!!!


  25. I steadfastly stick to dating Caucasian women only…….wouldn’t have it any other way. And I don’t know why other races don’t follow the same practice. There would be less trouble on Earth if that were the case.


  26. Many of them prefer to slide their fingers through long straight hair rather than a kinky Afro. Plus some of them can’t see the true beauty of black women.


  27. Why do SOME Black men prefer white women over Black women in America?

    Because black men have been conditioned by Americas racial past into believing that white women are the most beautiful women to walk the Earth. Black men are still trying to gain something over the white man by dating his women. I’ve seen most of the white women who go with black men and quite frankly the black men can have them.


  28. Some black men see white women as a prize Trace. Especially blonde, blue eyed all American types. You see a lot of major non-white rich figures (like up-top) in power married to very beautiful white women all over the world. It’s a status for a lot of people. But some just may be in love with a woman and she happens to be white.


  29. Lots of black men chase white women..
    Very few white men chase black women..
    Black women must feel insulted & offended ..
    Apparently black men must feel that white women are more attractive than black women.
    I can see no other logical reason for this behavior.


    1. Lots of black men chase white women..
      Very few white men chase black women..
      Black women must feel insulted & offended ..
      Apparently black men must feel that white women are more attractive than black women.
      I can see no other logical reason for this behavior.
      BITCH PLEASE WITH THE “Apparently black men must feel that white women are more attractive than black women”.


    2. Apparently black men must feel that white women are more attractive than black women.

      GTFOH 😆 in who’s mirror?????????????


  30. why do SOME black men prefer the Caucasian woman?

    well let me see where do I start:::::The white woman is more tolerable, submissive, subservient and less combative this is SOME! while the black woman is strong, less submissive and will sometimes take ya ass or leave it! And again SOME!!! I’ve never dated, hooked up, looked at or even desired a white and or Caucasian woman. Ain’t nothing in the world like a fine black girl….So while SOME prefer their light brights I’m not the ONE!!! Now Trace deal with that!!!!!!!! 🙂




  32. 3 reasons black men date white chicks.

    1. White women are easier to deal with.
    2. White women do not try to change their black men
    3. White women are supportive.


    1. 3 reasons black men date white chicks.

      1. White women are easier to deal with. yep cause they roll ova while he treat her like shit! A sistah I don’t think so
      2. White women do not try to change their black menNo because they so desperate they’ll take anything. case n point lamar n hoey i mean khloe
      3. White women are supportive.yeah true…they stand by their men in that press conference when they admit to their 14, 15 n 20 Ho’s they man was caught with



    1. Nicole, He gay bottom line. Tra gotta get past this show topic b4 she can post ya story. 😆 Cause she gon set it off with this one.


  33. Its seems as though as soon as a Black man becomes famous ( & yes I am generalising) they immediatly start dating and marrying the White (blonde?) women. Why is this, are Black women not attractive for them?

    Is this why Black women straighten their hair & lighten their skin ( to appear more white & thusly attractive? Look a Beyonce, she even went blonde!!). I mean really but we are the CHOSEN people. A royal priesthood and a chosen generation!


  34. Militant Mello said “our black queens have rejected the black man so because they have the white woman will take him” that was deep. he was good.




      dude took a real chance calling in on a show hosted by a black chick talkin bout if it ain’t white it ain’t right……..i thought trace was gonna cuss his ass out!!!!


    2. Mello Militant said every situation is different and all baggage aint bad baggage.

      What did yall think when he said some bags are gucci bags not every baggage is drama. He took it left quite quick!!!


    3. Bobby i was feelin his perspective although its true why wouldnt the white woman want black men they wanna be like the black woman. They wanna copy the original queen…Militant had some excellent points. And its true every situation is not necessarily a bad one.


  36. Good Show tonight Tracy….I didn’t too much like hearing that white women are gold diggers but not all….any woman of any color could be actually.


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