Breaking News, George Zimmerman

Zimmerman in Custody!

George and Shellie Zimmerman

Calm down people, he supposedly threatened his soon to be ex-wife Shellie and father-n-law with a gun.

Since his acquittal in the Trayvon Martin murder back in July, Zimmerman has been stopped twice for speeding.

See George Zimmerman is on a big fat ego trip since he’s been found not guilty for killing the 17-year-old teen, therefore he feel as though he’s invincible.  His attitude and trigger happy fascination is going to get him caught up eventually. Why? Because he has innocent blood on his hands on top of a stack of lies. 

Let’s wait on the Lord people, Justice will prevail.

Stay tune!

107 thoughts on “Zimmerman in Custody!”

    1. I CoSign Al, she know what really went down and guess what???? the truth gon come out watch!!! He ain’t threaten her and her daddy for no reason


    2. She know da truth
      I believe that and now ole Georgy boy is afraid she gonna tell it if she hasn’t already told him she would. She knows he lied that’s why they have beef now.


    3. She know da truth
      Her and her daddy which is why he’s threatened. And if she don’t get what she wants his covers blown!!!! His covers blown anyway cause karma coming for all of those who lied including the jury.


    4. She know da truth
      Oh well only the truth will set you free! But fa old Georgy it just might do the opposite.


      1. she must of been wearing a hoodie and eating skittles.
        Ha ha I 4got to laugh mainly because I don’t find that shit funny.


      2. she must of been wearing a hoodie and eating skittles.
        Nah she know he’s guilty of killing an innocent teen so he’s trippin.


  1. I knew it won’t be long before he Zimmerman was arrested. Tra is RIGHT He is a criminal and feel invincible because he was acquitted.


  2. Well now, looky there.
    A trigger-happy killer taken into custody for questioning, accused of threatening his estranged wife and punching her father in the face.

    Aggressive, violent behavior from Georgie Boy??
    Hmm…What a surprise.


  3. According to Lake Mary Police Chief, Steve Bracknell:

    “Zimmerman hasn’t been arrested and officers were at the house trying to determine what happened,” Bracknell said.

    “We’ve only heard one side of the story so far,” Bracknell said.


  4. If Zimmerman’s estranged wife claims are corroborated, then he should be locked up in a cell. IMO, we need to withhold judgement until we hear what the police have to say about the incident. But IMO he’s going to try and kill her if she really knows the truth.


  5. Gosh I realy thought he was an upstanding Citizen,that EVERYONE should strive to be like.
    Protect our neighbors,Keep the the neighboorhood safe,Teach a STAND UR GROUND class
    How disappointing 😡


  6. i know she cant hardly wait to change that last name.
    funny how he will probably spend more time in jail for NOT killing her than he did for killing Trayvon.


    1. I thought Jelly Zimmerman say ZimZam was not capable of violence?
      Donte, Of course she would say that to keep from getting her tail whipped again. Georgie has been in trouble with the law before for assaulting her.


  7. This fool 😡 notice they didn’t waste any time rounding them cops up this time….. but when he kills a innocent child, damn near all the marching in the world couldn’t get this man in custody ….. SMMFH


  8. “CNN legal analyst Mark O’Mara, who represented George Zimmerman in his murder trial, told Orlando he had no comment at this time.”

    Wonder y not fuck boy done had SEW MUCH to say all THIS time. fucka!


  9. These ppl knew his character from the get go and karma started kicking their azz. Now she wants a divorce.Trayvon aint haunting George in his sleep he haunting her azz…The truth will come out. Gloria Alred will make a statement in


    1. Bob Zimmerman, The paranoid brother of ZimZam, had this to say according to CNN:

      George’s brother, Robert Zimmerman, cautions public not to “jump to conclusions”


      1. George’s brother, Robert Zimmerman, cautions public not to “jump to conclusions”
        He needs to take his :gay: ass down somewhere. He couldn’t wait to address the public could he?


  10. Was Shelly wearing a Hoodie? Was she pounding his head into the sidewalk?…
    He knows he belongs in jail so he keeps doing stuff to put himself there


  11. It was only a matter of time. We knew this bastard had anger issues which is why he shot Tray 😥 It still hurts to think about it still praying for the Martin family.


  12. Acquitted child murderer George Zimmerman is being questioned by police after allegedly threatening his wife and former father-in-law with a gun.
    I bet they will take his gun now 😡


  13. Acquitted child murderer George Zimmerman is being questioned by police after allegedly threatening his wife and former father-in-law with a gun.
    I bet they will take his gun now


  14. Mark my words, there will be another altercation where ole Georgie will be shot to death by Sanford police and they will say he resisted arrest. He will die! Now he is making a fool out of Sanford and they are already taking heat and now this. I give him until next Wednesday to be walking the skreets!


    1. CNN is making the excuses that he is “actin out” and “emotional” over his divorce
      Umm this ain’t normal behavior for nobody divorcing. Ohh I guess it is if you just got off murder charges. CNN is TRIPPING


  15. The sad part is that they were fighting when Trayvon was killed…and even though Trayvon is dead…these two bishes are still fighting!



  16. As soon as karma jumped on her azz I knew it was coming for him too. I’m a very happy lady right now. Triggerman Zimmerman your hell is just beginning bruh.


  17. Zimmerman and the police are still talking on his father-in-law’s property. If he was black, he would be face down on the ground with guns pointed at him.


  18. George Zimmerman would have to shoot his wife dead, and still be standing over her warm body with a smoking gun in order to get arrested in Florida.


  19. George Zimmerman is a pathological sociopath. So she better be scared!!! I guarantee you he thinks he is untouchable right now. He went to his wife’s house with a gun. That says it all.


  20. So the rapist in Cleveland does the world a favor and kills himself. Now Zimmerman murdering azz BACK in trouble and bout to lose his money. 😆

    Man, that bytch Karma a mean azz hoe for real! 😆


  21. I just wanted to clear up something cause some folk don’t seem to know. TRIGGERMAN LEFT SHELLIE. She didn’t leave him. And he left her without saying he was leaving. N*gga just stopped coming home. He’s probably mad she put in her divorce filing that she was going for his NBC lawsuit money.


  22. No charges filed against whacked ass ‘neighborhood murderman’ George Zimmerman.
    Sharpton just pissed me off with his “Don’t Gloat” bullshit!!!! I turned my damn channel.


      1. They don’t need the person to press charges in domestic cases anymore tho!
        You and I both know that. It looks like Eric Holder will have to step in and demand that the Lake Mary police charge him with something.


    1. Sharpton just pissed me off with his “Don’t Gloat” bullshit!!!! I turned my damn channel.
      FUCK Al Sharpton’s watered down MSNBC sell-out hosting ass!!! His ass ain’t even seen GLOATIN yet….We gon really Gloat once Obama leave office and MSNBC Kick a knee-grow to the curve


    2. Sharpton just pissed me off with his “Don’t Gloat” bullshit!!!! I turned my damn channel.
      Natasha, Sharpton traded in his “race baiting no justice no peace” pimp card once MSNBC hired him on as Obama’s mouth piece. 😆


  23. Now HLN is saying Zimmerman’s father owns the house but the Zimmerman’s were paying him $1000 a month rent. Shellie moved out 2 weeks ago. She and her father went to the house to get her things.


    1. For the OJ thing, any first year law student knows the “kidnapping and robbery” charge against him is good ol yt revenge. Several legal analyst on CNN have said as much. OJ committed no crime.
      This dude here… this dude here is a straight up psychopath!


  24. when folks get away with outright MURDER…ie OJ, Robert Blake, george…why not just go the hell away and lay low? Ion get it.


  25. This couple needs serious mental help. They both look on the edge. The wife is gonna get PAID IN FULL! SHe knows way too much and he know it!


  26. Fuck you George! Shellie may not press charges but I hope the state, prosecutor or somebody does. His behavior screams “I gotta motherfuckin problem”


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