Birth and Babies, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian

Kim Karadashian and Kanye West name their baby “North” West.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Baby Revealed

Now how stupid is that?

I don’t usually blog stories on Kim Kardashian, the slut, whore, tramp who was pregnant and onto her next victim of a man before her divorce to Kris Humphries was even finalized. However, I couldn’t resist the urge to talk about the ridiculous and asinine name she and Kanye have chosen for their illegitimate child born on the eve of Father’s day.

The infant, left the hospital with her parents under heavy security last night. Doctors induced Kim’s labor 5 weeks early to prevent complications from preeclampsia.

The name of the child is so stupid, I guess neither Kim nor Kanye care that the child will be the pun of punchline jokes and idiotic comments for the rest of her life. Then again Kanye’s name is no ordinary tag either.

69 thoughts on “Kim Karadashian and Kanye West name their baby “North” West.”

  1. “I couldn’t resist the urge to talk about the ridiculous and asinine name she and Kanye have chosen for their illegitimate child born on the eve of Father’s day”.



  2. I like it. Its not like the kid will deal with typical society. That child is royalty. So Kim but might be a slut, whore/tramp Ms. Bell but she laying on some silk sheets in a mansion at night.


    1. What’s your point? At the end of the day she still a HO. And Ho’s might stay winning for now but that’s only for a season sweetums 😆


      1. I guess so @Angelhair,
        Her mother who is the grand madam gon pimp them prostitute daughters of hers until she can drain every nickel out of them.


  3. This the same name that they were talking about last month. They knew what there were gonna name that child playing all these games with the media like they didnt have a name
    ole heifer


  4. Her dad’s name is “Kanye” for gawd’s sake.
    But is “Donda” not in the name at’tall? *lip quiver*


    1. Jamilla,
      No one will care about her middle name. She will be the butt of everyone’s jokes. Her life was unfortunate from the moment she was conceived. Poor kid.


    1. So if they have another baby will it be South West East West or West West.
      Kim will never, ever have another baby.


      1. Kim will never, ever have another baby

        Shole won’t. She is only gonna get elephantitus once in her life, she’s too vain to do it again.


      2. Kim will never, ever have another baby.

        Co-Sign* Not to mention her and Kanye ain’t even gone be together that long anyway.


      3. I think yall wrong.. Kim is the type of vain that WILL have another baby and suck the excess weight.
        KIM WILL NEVER have her old body back but, KIM will most def have anotha baby IMO


      4. As far as her body, she will show up next month looking like Bey talking about how great her chef and personal trainer are


      5. I don’t think Kim will have another baby but she will start adopting for attention. As far as her body, she will show up next month looking like Bey talking about how great her chef and personal trainer are


  5. They named their baby after an old airline then tried to clean it up by saying her nickname is nori…cute but do they know it means seaweed did they both receive an epidural while choosing this name?


  6. No comment on this post. Can’t sand KK or the rest of her klan.

    All women jury for ole Zimmerman huh *-* (side eye) Interesting. He’s a goner.


    1. All women jury for ole Zimmerman huh Interesting. He’s a goner.
      Ion’t know. Only one of em is black. White folk think it’s ok to gun down nigras whether they did something or not.


  7. Kim will never, ever have another baby.
    I think ur right. Once she surveys all the damage left from North to West I doubt she will go thru it again.


    1. I don’t care what Tamar named her baby, the fact that HERBERT is in there will eff it up for generations to come.


  8. I’m interested in seeing how motherhood will change Kim. And Tamar, for that matter. The good thing is, both babies are joining large families so they will be surrounded by lots of love!


  9. I still think Nour West woulda been pretty too… I just think they went with North cuz the folk on TMZ had alotta comments bout it.


  10. North West? Really…Who gives a fuck!!!! Some more serious shit happening in the world like folks staving right in ya hoods.


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