CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, The Challenges Of The Single Father, Tracy L. Bell

“The Challenges Of A Single Father” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”


The challenges of a single father can be many; from raising their children alone, holding down more than one job, conflicts with the mother or the loss of a child altogether. Regardless to what cultural narratives would have you to believe not all fathers are absent and disengaged. A healthy parent, mentally and emotionally will produce happy and healthy children, which is vitally important. 

According to the U.S. Census report, 16 percent of single parents are men and the numbers are increasing, along with the statistics of divorced fathers requesting (and being granted) shared or sole custody of their children.

In continuing on the subject of men, in honor of Father’s Day this month, my guest on the show tonight are two extra-ordinary men, who will reflect on their greatest successes and challenges as fathers.

My panel tonight will include Mr. Miguel Angel Delgado, 40, a Network Engineer and father of three daughters and one son, who’s served four years as a Corporal E4 in the U.S. Marine Corps stationed in Jacksonville, North Carolina following a  a tour of duty in Okinawa, Japan. Mr. Delgado currently resides in Tampa, Florida with his family. Although he’s had a normal childhood overcoming many struggles, he’s certainly persevered as a stable father.    

Timmy_BellAnd Mr. Timothy T. Bell, 52, (pictured here) father of three daughters who has served six years of active duty in the U.S. Army, spent tours of duty in North Korea and Germany, before being stationed at Fort Dix in New Jersey, Fort Hood in Texas and Fort Campbell in Kentucky. Mr. Bell is currently operational as a Mental Health Adviser and extremely active in his role as a single father. 

Join me tonight (June 19th) at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” via “Conversations Live” as I discuss with my gentlemen guest, the challenges they’ve struggled with as single fathers.

Please send all topic related questions to my guest at 

You can access the show here or at any of the Conversations Links in this post.

I’ll see you on the air!!!!

210 thoughts on ““The Challenges Of A Single Father” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

      1. Timmy Bell being Blog Queen’s brother is a given. Y’all should know Tracy’s style by now she love to leave us guessing and wondering. Either way he’s a very handsome brotha DAYUM!!!!!!!!!


      2. How much y’all wanna bet it’s her brother?
        I’ll take $100 Al on that bet. 😆


      3. That IS Tracy’s brother, if y’all would go back and listen to her mother’s day interview when she had her mom on the show she mentioned him. I’m a true “Conversations Of A Sistah” fan so trust me i know 😆


      4. Is Timmy her oldest brother or NO?
        No Timmy is Mrs. Bell’s 3rd child Tracy is the 4th. So to answer your question no he’s NOT the oldest.


      5. Thank you @Zion. Although Tracy cleared it up on the air. But I still want my $100.00 @Al. 😆


      1. Yes that’s her brother and also my father
        Aw @ Jasmine, bless your heart that makes you Tracy’s niece. You have a very handsome father 🙂


      2. Yes that’s her brother and also my father
        Hi Jasmine, love your name, your father gave a very good conversation on the show tonight. Thank you for letting us know who you are. He’s a very handsome man!!!


      3. Yes that’s her brother and also my father

        Ah shit now, Jasmine I like your defense “That’s her brother and also my father” like back the FUCK off!!!! 😆 You go girl!!!! love your name.


      4. Hi Jasminne,
        Thank you for letting us know that Timothy is your dad, which makes Tracy your aunt. 🙂 That’s so special…


      5. Hi Jasminne, a pleasure to have you here. we love your aunts show and enjoyed your father’s interview tonight in spite of the small technical difficulties. thanks for letting us know Timothy is your father. He’s a very, very handsome man.


      6. Hi Ms. Jasminne,
        Let me apologize for half the heifers on this blog who is lusting after ya father. We know he fine, they know he fine but you just see him as your father and think “no big deal” it’s typical behavior for these women here. But ya daddy is a looker now.


      7. Good night Jasminne,
        And thank you for letting us know that Timmy is your father and Tracy your aunt (his sister). That was sweet.


      8. Y’all better be careful cause Jasminne sound like she gon fuck somebody up over her father 😆


      9. Hello Jasminne Bell, thanks for stating your position, i can RESPECT it. And everybody else better too cause Tracy will get to banning some people.


      10. @Jasminne,
        These women might think ya father fine but I think your aunt is FINER!!! 🙂 Now that’s on the real.


      1. Some nice looking man meat here.
        Angel look suave n shit while Timmy look like he don’t play! 😆


      2. Some nice looking man meat here.
        Timmy has a nice hard voice but u can tell h don’t play.


      1. Morning ladies and b4 y’all start with their looks and how you wouldn’t mine doin them focus on the subject at hand for the show. thank you!


      2. If one mo person come up in here asking if Timmy Bell is Tracy’s brother I’m gonna e-slap they asses!

        Now good morning!!!!


      3. I usually WAIT till after the show to comment but I’ll comment NOW and LATER!

        Hey Fam


      4. Good evening everyone!!

        Can’t wait to hear these 2 brothas share their stories. Dr. Osborne last week was so good!!!


  1. Two nice looking men. Wow
    Tracy ain’t playing with having these conversations to address the men. good look.
    Is the face shot single father her brother? justasking#


  2. I commend any brother doin the damn thing. being a father is a huge responsibility. i will def. be tuned in tonight to hear these men.


  3. Tracy i like how you pulling out the brotha’s for this month. two erday niggaz who can relate to the real struggles of being a father. now all i gots 2 know is they in some hood and it’s the shit for that conversation tonight.


  4. I like that face shot of Timmy Bell 🙂 he must be Tracy’s brother. He’s a nice looking piece of man meat 😆 wonder if he’s still single.


  5. good to see real men stepping up to the plate and taking part in their children’s lives. I will be better suited to comment further after hearing them tonight.


  6. Another good topic.
    Now let me scroll up cause i know there are so many comments about these 2 men.
    Not the subject but these men pictured 😆 Smh


  7. This is one role i never wanna play. i think uma need a women by my side if i gotta raise some kids. i do not and i repeat do not wanna do that job alone. oh hell no!!!!!!


  8. I know that very situation is different but why are these two nice looking men in a position to be fathering with the status of being single? And what’s wrong with the sistahs who didn’t marry them? Or did they even want to get married? So many questions.


    1. Daisy,
      Situations vary. Maybe these dudes were in bad relationships, we can’t call it because we haven’t heard their stories but the topic to focus on is how they are challenged as single fathers not why their relationships failed.


    2. Actually Daisy I was married at the time but their mom cheated and then left me. She gave me the girls shortly afterwards a few months later and I raised them since.


      1. Actually Daisy I was married at the time but their mom cheated and then left me. She gave me the girls shortly afterwards a few months later and I raised them since.

        Scandalous!!!!!! God bless you Angel!!! I was moved by your interview last night. I pray to Gawd Tracy find s a reason to invite you back 🙂


      2. I knew it @Angel, I knew it! You look like a GOOD MAN and from the interview last night may i add intelligent (no shade to Timothy). Tell your wife she’s one lucky woman 😆


      3. Thank you Daisy, Starr and Adriane … Actually Daisy I received an email from Tracy this morning saying how well the show was and if I would like to return in the future and I told her I would love too!
        And Starr I will be happy to pass the message to my wife … Thank you!
        Adriane … Thank you and I pray my God bless you as we’ll.


  9. Hooray for the fine ass single fathers in this pic. 😆 Now i hope they blow my mind when i hear their challenges as dads on the show tonight. That’ll be the real turn-on.


  10. I’m sure these two men are embracing their roles as single fathers can’t wait to find out tonight on the show. And yes THEY ARE FINE!!!! Both of them 😆


  11. I applaud these two men but NO thank you on the “single father” front…..Along with a child comes child Support payments for procreated children. Um No thanks that’s ok.


  12. I appreciate the hard work and sacrifices single fathers make and these dad’s should be greatly honored for that. NOW I WANNA HEAR WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR THE SHOW 😆


    1. I personally face many issues because I was a single father. At the time no one wanted to be with a single man with children, so dating was a big issue. Every time I meet someone and I told them I was a single dad with two girls at the time, she would say it was too much for them. Also trying to work during the day and going to school at night with no one to watch the girls was difficult as well. I had to pay for a sitter and no support from the mom or her family!


      1. OMG Angel,
        I know Tra ran outta time last night and knew she didn’t get to my question but I commend you for standing your ground. but remember: the RIGHT woman for you always accepts your kids


      2. Thank you Zenna … For many years alone I told myself I would not be with just anyone who could not accept my children and I kept my word.
        And Pamela it was my pleasure to take the time to answer and commit to anyone who wanted to ask me anything.


  13. When I started being a full time single dad nearly 20 years ago, I felt like I was the only one on the planet. Today I meet single dads at work and church and all over. Thank God. So I’m relieved Tracy is doing a show on this and i appreciate it.


    1. I commend you for all your hard work from one single dad to another … I know how you felt for many years and I too felt like I was the only one out there … God bless you fit all you’ve done!


  14. The courts are slanted toward women. I do not hate women, however, I dislike the fact that women support each-other women in these instances even when they are wrong!!

    I commend these men but Kids need both parents. period!


  15. Everybody’s situation and circumstances are different. You can inherit single parenthood through a divorce. Hell when a woman even bares a child she should be prepared to raise it alone. We all believe marriage is 4ever but we never know what deck a cards life will deal us.


  16. “I think a single dad brings a better perspective to the table – because he understands what it is like to have to put someone else ahead of himself.”


  17. “Be on the lookout for those brothas that still aren’t over their ex’s but give the single dads a chance. Just make sure that if you are going to have a love affair with a single dad that you really love the kid too.” Me, No thank you I don’t want nobody’s daddy.


  18. I am really impressed from this post Tracy and your topic! I think you are so creative as to how to keep your readers connected. Thanks for sharing this with us, I find it informative and interesting. Looking forward to the show tonight.


  19. I don’t anything about this subject. Some of the homey’s on my block might i’m just tuning in for the topic and because i love the show. 😆


  20. Fatherhood is a task that is an on-going process, just remember patience, understanding, love and a stable foundation.
    That’s all u need and God will handle the rest.

    1 Love


  21. Both poppy chula’s are hunk a dunk, dunkss!!!!
    I can’t wait to see if Trace is going to ask my question and I wanna hear what these brotha’s have to say.


      1. Hi Angel (I’m screamin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

        With a military background, how did discipline play a role in raising your kids? was my question and you and Tim answered it well. My dad was in the Marines and i know how he was with us. which is why i asked the question 🙂

        But thanks for hollering @ me i feel sooo privileged 😆


      2. Really Random? Well if you scroll up and down this post, you will see that my man Angel talked to a lot of us, so don’t feel too special 😆


      3. Random … My military back ground played a big roll in my life with my daughters because I kept things in order and expected nothing but respect from them. I was tough but fair in all I put my mind to and kept pushing towards a better tomorrow … I’m still that way today!


  22. Go head Blog Queen I like how you keep this blog DIVERSIFIED!!! Ya got one Latino cutie and an African American Mandingo!!!! 😆 Tunin in.


      1. I fuckin loved the show Angel, and heard it again on my way to work this morning. Especially like, because you told your daughters point..blank.. “I’m your father, not your friend” hot damn so true!!!! That’s the problem with alot of these parents today.!!!

        I pray Trace will have you back on in the future. 🙂


  23. Came in outta lurk mode to say: Timmy Bell has some nice lips 😆 Goining back to lurking till after the show.


  24. Trace I know you honoring fathers and the subjects concerning fathers on every level but i need a topic to address some juicy stuff about the brotha’s


    1. Is giving up ever an option?
      Maybe for the man/father but never for the mother. You can’t send the kid back. once you push a kid out that’s it. the only other option before that is to abort the fetus before it goes full term.


      1. The only options for me is to keep my snake out the grass. I ain’t ret-to-be nobody’s father no time soon.


    2. Giving up was never an option for me! I raised those girls from the age of 1 and a half and the other at 6 months old. I gave up a lot and managed with what I had but I never gave up and still won’t !


      1. Giving up was never an option for me! I raised those girls from the age of 1 and a half and the other at 6 months old. I gave up a lot and managed with what I had but I never gave up and still won’t !
        I’m in tears… 😥 You did what you had to do and I have MAD RESPECT for you! Lucky wife!


      2. Angel man, I got nothing but RESPECT for you. I enjoyed your interview with Trace and hope my comment wasn’t judgmental based upon how i feel.



      3. 1 LUV @ Angel.

        @Danny, stop trying to kiss his azz and dress up what you said 😆 too late. Your comment is there. Ah ha!!!


      4. Thank you so much Ashanti and Angelhair … I truly appreciate your kind words and support! I do what I must day by day because I love my family and I know its what my heart tells me I must do. I have no regrets even though I went though so much pain in my life. May God bless you all as well.
        And Danny no hard feelings … Thank you for your honesty! I’m sure when and if your time comes to be a father, you’re be ready!
        And to Acquitta … Thank you as well and God Bless!


      5. I do what I must day by day because I love my family and I know its what my heart tells me I must do.



  25. Parenting equals worry and i don’t think i would want to go through with it by myself. so i can’t picture myself being a single dad. and i’m sure you have some excellent fathers out there. so my hats off to these two brotha’s it’s a brave and bold move.


  26. damn she asked her brother my question!!!!!!!! LMAO she was cutt off before she ended with whatsoever things are lovely 😆







  28. Loved how Timmy broke this song down.

    Y’all know I had to go online and find the lyrics right??

    This is for you Tim!!!! 🙂

    My child arrived just the other day
    He came to the world in the usual way
    But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
    He learned to walk while I was away
    And he was talkin’ ‘fore I knew it, and as he grew
    He’d say “I’m gonna be like you dad
    You know I’m gonna be like you”

    And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon
    When you comin’ home dad?
    I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then son
    You know we’ll have a good time then

    My son turned ten just the other day
    He said, “Thanks for the ball, Dad, come on let’s play
    Can you teach me to throw”, I said “Not today
    I got a lot to do”, he said, “That’s ok”
    And he walked away but his smile never dimmed
    And said, “I’m gonna be like him, yeah
    You know I’m gonna be like him”

    And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon
    When you comin’ home son?
    I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then son
    You know we’ll have a good time then

    Well, he came home from college just the other day
    So much like a man I just had to say
    “Son, I’m proud of you, can you sit for a while?”
    He shook his head and said with a smile
    “What I’d really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys
    See you later, can I have them please?”

    And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon
    When you comin’ home son?
    I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then son
    You know we’ll have a good time then

    I’ve long since retired, my son’s moved away
    I called him up just the other day
    I said, “I’d like to see you if you don’t mind”
    He said, “I’d love to, Dad, if I can find the time
    You see my new job’s a hassle and kids have the flu
    But it’s sure nice talking to you, Dad
    It’s been sure nice talking to you”

    And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me
    He’d grown up just like me
    My boy was just like me

    And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon
    When you comin’ home son?
    I don’t know when, but we’ll get together then son
    You know we’ll have a good time then


      1. I’m very familiar with the song @ Nicole, and thought it was a great way to express the answer to the question she had given him….the song is actually sad y’all should listen to it. youtube it if you have to.,


      2. Thanks y’all because when Trace asked him the questioned, then mentioned the song i never ever heard of it until now. deep. you learn something everyday.


      3. I knew Nicole was going to either post the lyrics or the video but I see both. I’m usually not into that kind of music but when Tracy mentioned it to her brother on the show i was curious. the lyrics is what touched Tim not so much the music or who’s singing it. but the lyrics. ok. song is kind a sad though.


      4. I was bugging how Trace remembered that her brother even liked this song i personally thought that was special. I listened to it too just because it was mentioned on the show.


      5. The song is deep with real meaning. the lyrics are anyway. y’all see how sometimes we gotta think outside the box.


      6. going to cop this CD tomorrow. Damn shame ain’t it? 😆 but her brother got me hooked on this song now.


      7. Never heard of this song before tonight. Thank U @Nicole for sharing and thank you Tracy for bringing the song to your brother’s remembrance. 🙂


      8. Thanks Nicole cause when Trace mentioned it and her brotha broke the song down i wanted to hear it. so thanks for the lyrics and the YouTube video @ Felicia #2 😆


      9. I was LOST when Tracy mentioned some dam “cats in the cradle” but now i understand where she was going with her question. smart move and a huge plug for the song.


  29. Timmy sound like he can be a real HOOT. Especially when Tra had lost them for a minute. 😆 He started humming the jeopardy song 😆 I was like “OH SHIT!!!”


  30. Awesome show Tra…just awesome!!!

    I fell in love with both Angel and Timmy. They sound so sincere esp. talking about their girls. It was just so refreshing to hear good men speak on their children.

    God bless Angel and may God give him the strength he needs to get through losing his child. That’s never easy.


      1. Angel,
        I’m shocked!!! 😆 When Tra has guests on her show we never think they’ll come here and read what we say not realizing how she encourages it. But my heart goes out to you, i know you are a good soul. We need more men like you with such a good heart. Be well and be blessed!!!!!


      2. Thank you Mrs Hawthorne … I appreciate your kind loving words and I wish I would have had more people like yourself over the years giving me this type of support and love … Never the less I thank you with all my heart and may God bless you as well …


      3. OMG @Angel, you are more than welcome but you don’t have to thank me. I just pray you grow and prosper in your efforts. I was really moved by your words. Now I’m impressed because i see you’ve taken the time to address so many of us.

        Stay strong and sexy…it works 🙂


  31. Timmy sounded like he was in the Marine Corp. while Angel sounded like he was in the Army. Hell I can tell Timmy ain’t fuckin playin!!! 😆 Now I wanna know his height and his weight cause i might be scared of that knee-grow.


  32. Angel is nice looking. and he lives in Florida. He in my neighborhood.

    Timmy FYNE too but I notice Trace ain’t say where he live. *side eye* Heifer!!!! 😆


  33. I was equally impressed with BOTH men Ceo’ers. Tracy be having some really good guest on her show. And i like because these are two hard-working ordinary men and i commend them BOTH!!!!! May God continue to bless them for doing their thing.


  34. At least Angel did say that there were some things he just didn’t know about girls. My father was a single father and i was uncomfortable even telling him when i had my period and needed money for my personals. So i was waiting for that statement which made me know they were keeping it REAL. The show was good and it was funny when Tracy lost them and they were on the air talking to themselves but all in all the show was awesome.


  35. These guys were good. Really they were. And i enjoyed the show although Trace got lost there for a minute. I liked how they talked among themselves.


  36. Timmy has three girls and Angel has 3. I wonder why Tracy didn’t ask the gentlemen to tell us their ages? That Timmy is FYNE and that close up pic is da truth people. Too bad Angel is married. Did y’all hear him say “his wife texted him and told him they were still on the air” I was like Oh well, 1 down 1 to focus on 😆


    1. My oldest daughter Jasmine was 17 years old before she passed just a few weeks from her 18th birthday, Ariel is now 17 years old and Jessica is 13 years old and my son is 6 years old.




      2. That’s what some of y’all get @Yasha…..for not emailing the show some of your comments but writing them out loud here and talking shit. so don’t be surprised when the guest come in here and answer. 🙂


      3. Yasha no need to be embarrassed … I did not see anything wrong with your question. That is why I answered you … I’m more then happy to answer anything you like!
        And Cameo … Thank you for looking out! I’m sure she did not mean anything wrong by her comment …


      4. Yasha no need to be embarrassed –>>Can’t help it plus your FINE-NESS makes me shy (covers mouth and exits blog left)


  37. Oh how I loved the show.

    Hearing about Angel’s daughter passing away and how he handles day to day it was so touching.

    And Tim’s advice for those father’s not involved in their kids life was so true. Find a way to reach out because Time is flying. I pray that helped somebody listening.

    Overall, a really good show.


  38. The conversation was good. I thought it was very good how both gentlemen lost Trace and Tim was like “I think we’re still on but what happened to the host” shit was funny as hell. I loved the dialogue and appreciated the facts. Both men sound very grounded in their roles. They were such a turn on, well Tim was Angel is OFF LIMITS!!! 🙂


  39. I just listened to the rewind. I had to hear it again. Great show! These guys were awesome with the convo. Wasn’t ghetto no slang and sound like they are grounded respectfully. Guess that is in part due to the military training. Tim said they (he and Trace) were raised old school Angel was somewhat abused but look where he landed? loved the show loved it!!!


  40. I’m seeing a lot of feedback from Angel not much from Timothy. Mm..Nice how he has taken the time to keep the convo going and answer most of what Trace didn’t get the chance to talk about.


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