Blog talk radio, CEO's Blog, Conversations Of A Sistah, Tracy L. Bell, What she said

Modestly Dressed? -or- Looking a Hot Mess?! Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sisah”


What is considered modestly dressed in today’s society? What is going on with some of the outrageous outfits we see men and woman wearing today in what is being called fashion?

I made a trip to the mall for the first time in a long time on last Friday and was shocked by some of the bold outfits I saw women dressed in…I saw way too much skin! Skin tight mini-skirts, low-cut dresses, cut out t-shirts, painted on jeans, plunging necklines, low-rise pants, see-through clothing, skimpy tops, tacky formal wear and the list goes on.

You have men dressing like women with their jeans worn down and hanging off of their buttocks, sleeveless tees, unlaced sneakers and tight jeans. And for the record anything tight on a man is never a good look and this includes white shoes or a white coat.

It seems as though some individuals both men and women are attempting to live out their fantasies by dressing like those examples seen through some of these famous entertainers, while not being creative with modest and decent styles of their own. If sex sales for attention, they’re all for it and I think it’s a disgrace!

Join me tonight at 8:00 PM on “Conversations Of A Sistah” on “Conversations Live” as I discuss such issues. In the meantime email your questions to the show at

Follow the link here to access the show!

102 thoughts on “Modestly Dressed? -or- Looking a Hot Mess?! Tonite on “Conversations Of A Sisah””

  1. sorry but alotta these women out here don’t even know what modestly dressed even means Tra…But I TRUST you gone break it down LOVELY tonite on the show. 😆


  2. I may not know what modestly dressed means but I know not to walk out the house with just a tittie cover on either. :no: :no: mama says NO!


    1. I may not know what modestly dressed means but I know not to walk out the house with just a tittie cover on either

      why? I wouldn’t mind seeing a little tittie now and again!


      1. Hello Ceo’ers.
        I’m guilty of being modestly dressed cause I love to show the tower tops of my twin girls. 😆


    1. Yeah well whateva, there’s no rule book on how to dress and you can’t tell people what NOT to wear.
      So true esp. for bitches who wanna stay tacky, tasteless and teachless, is that you? If so be SURE TO TUNE IN


  3. Ladies half naked is for ya man around the house. That shit should ABSOLUTELY NOT be shared in public. Can’t wait to hear Tra’s spin on it thou.


  4. That girl in the black and white check her dress is way too small.
    then again thats prolly how she wanted it.

    You can tell they wanna bees.

    I’ll be listening Ms. Bell 🙂 as usual.


  5. well, well, ain’t this the cotton, pickin truth. some women be looking str8 stank dressed half naked and swearin somebody jealous of they asses.


  6. Loving tonight’s topic Blog Queen and will be front and center cause I know you gone have me and my sisters rollin. 😆


  7. Ion know some of these women today need a girdle on their big tails. They wearin too small clothes and everything jingling or hanging out. sending my 2 cents to the show.


  8. Oh well she answered all of my questions on what’s appropriate for work. I had one of my co-workers tune in and I hope she heard what she said about tight clothes cause that heifers clothes be so tight she look stuffed.


      1. Yes Lawd cause a lot a bitches think they Beyoncé!
        Please these lil heifers out here be even tryna walk like Beyoncé.


  9. LMMFAO 😆 that Tracy don’t like a nigga in white shoes. So all y’all country monfuckers back the fuck way up!!!!

    That shit had me rolling 😆


      1. Show was too short Tracy and I implore you to make it longer
        Some people never satisfied. –>That’s right I want my entire 30 minutes damnit !


      2. Show was too short Tracy and I implore you to make it longer
        Let’s look on the bright side, she gets str8 to the point.


      3. Show was too short Tracy and I implore you to make it longer
        I’m trying to figure out while y’all bitchin when the time is Tracy’s to use it how she pleases. She gets to the point of her topic and finishes and that’s all that matters.


    1. Good show Ms. Bell but you gotta give us more by way of time.

      I feel raped and cheated.
      Cosign witch you on the time issue 😆 Trace be getting the job done though.


  10. To each his own. she was funny esp. when she was talking about the see through spandex pants. Gosh she has a real sense of humor 😆


  11. Loved tonight’s show especially when Ms. Bell said: “you looking all sexy but you stink. You showing cleavage and ya breast have an order, I was damn dead on the floor people!

    It’s true women think they all sexy and ain’t washing they asses. 😆


      when she said: women be tryna look all sexy and stink I was rofl 😆


  12. Thanks Tracy for addressing my question regarding what’s appropriate for the office. 😆 Loved the stank breast reference in your commentary.


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