Christmas Holiday, Conversations Of A Sistah, Holidays, Tracy L. Bell, What she said

Merry Christmas to all…


Seasons Greetings Readers,

I would like to "thank you" all for supporting this blog, reading faithfully, keeping the conversations alive and tuning into "Conversations Of A Sistah" which will return to "Conversations Live" on Wednesday January 16, 2013 at 8:00 P.M. Until then, feel free to check out our "past shows" from 2012.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year!

The Ceo aka ReadyWriter

94 thoughts on “Merry Christmas to all…”

      1. Loved your last show of this year. Can’t wait till 2013
        True but she shut the comment section down too quick.


      2. True but she shut the comment section down too quick
        I think it’s because they shut the sight down before the holiday.


      1. Merry Christmas
        and anyone after me. 🙂 Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Happy Kwanzaa


      2. Have a very Merry Christmas everybody, be careful out here and hope to see you all back here in the new year.


  1. Tracy your show last week was good. but you left us hanging for a minute.
    Merry Christmas and may you get your hearts desire in 2013.


    1. Hey Curlene, seeing you up in here a lot. you’re new?
      Anywho…..Welcome to the CEO’s blog. 🙂

      My New Year’s resolution is to hit the gym harder!

      Have a Merry Christmas! And again Welcome!


      1. I wish everyone a merry christmas!! And a safe new year!!! Is any making resolution for next year????
        Same to you @Curlene and Welcome!


      2. Is any1 making resolution for next year????
        grow a fatter bank account and smaller hips. 🙂 Licks tongue**


  2. Feliz Navidad
    Feliz Navidad
    Feliz Navidad
    Prospero Año y Felicidad.

    Feliz Navidad
    Feliz Navidad
    Feliz Navidad
    Prospero Año y Felicidad.

    I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
    I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
    I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas
    From the bottom of my heart.


    1. Merry Christmas Nicole, my favorite Christmas song is “Give love on Christmas day” by the Jackson 5.

      the man on the street and the couple upstairs, all need to know there’s someone who cares, give love on Christmas day


      1. It was a Silent Night, a Holy Night, all is calm and all is bright, sleep in heaven, oh so heaven

        By Kurt Franklin y’all


    1. keep Christ in Christmas…listen to Tracy’s show from last week.
      Tracy’s show was real good. At 1st I thought se was drunk she sounded so mello.


  3. Merry Christmas Tracy, Happy Kwanzaa…..I can’t wait till you back on the air 1/16/13….till then guess I gotta listen to those past shows.


  4. Tracy you know dog on well these noisy ass folks gon comment and read what you write regardless. You just keep doing the damn thing!!!

    Merry Christmas Gurl!!!


  5. Oh yeah and Trace it was WHACKED that the comment section for last weeks show was CUTT OFF so quickly. I mean dayum we didn’t even have time to talk about your last show.


    1. Wednesday nights in 2013!


      I knew it, I knew it!!!
      Yes Coco I think we all pretty much knew it.


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