Controversy, Politics, President Obama

Obama SUCKED in last night’s debate!

Yes he was that bad…

I was so pissed as I watched last night’s debate and President Obama looked down, pursed his lips, appeared distracted, stuttered, all while Governor Mitt Romney was attentive, engaged and relaxed as he lied.  Romney made it “all about him” as he came with a frame for the evening, and was prepared to engage President Obama on every question; and because of his documented faith in his own abilities, Mitt Romney felt he could wing it with snatches of familiar verbiage.

There was barely a moment when Obama offered any sense that he was prepared to challenge Romney on his weakest point. The President allowed Romney to piggy back off his policies and be aggressive in this debate, it was like Obama became a straight wimp!

Even on the most basic political points, President Obama seemed clueless. When you argue as a Democrat that you and your Republican opponent share wide areas of agreement on Social Security—especially when recipients make up a chunk of Romney’s “47 percent” of indolent spongers—you have thrown in a fistful of high cards.

What remains after this debate, is one key question that the next 48 to 72 hours will answer: Did this debate change the minds of significant numbers of voters?

Assuming that the flash polls are right and that most viewers thought Romney won the debate. I did what about you?

88 thoughts on “Obama SUCKED in last night’s debate!”

    1. yeah Obama was pretty bad but i’m still voting for him.
      Hell yeah plus Romney was so inconsistent..he’s a liar point.blank.period!


  1. Obama was so close to that mitt fuckin romney i thought he was gonna kiss him. wtf!

    yeah romney punked obama’s ass down last night. it was so fucked up to see obama take that shit too. i couldn’t take it.


      1. Good morning all.

        I’m LOL @ “If Tracy sayin Obama sucked! It’s a sad ass damn day here on the CEO’s blog.”


      2. came on up to say good mornin to everyone.

        @anthony, yes it is a sad day and i agree with blog queen.


    1. Obama was bad but for Tra to say “He sucked!” she’s fallin off with him.
      NO she’s keepin it real.


      1. Obama was bad but for Tra to say “He sucked!” she’s fallin off with him.
        NO she’s keepin it real.
        Cosign and ole girl is gonna do that


      2. Obama was bad but for Tra to say “He sucked!” she’s fallin off with him.
        NO she’s keepin it real.
        She tellin the TRUTH!!!! She bein blunt about it but speakin the TRUFF!


      3. Obama was bad but for Tra to say “He sucked!” she’s fallin off with him.
        Yes he SUCKED get over it, Tracy SAID IT! and she should of at the end of the day, this is her fuckin blog! she can do that, don’t like it click elsewhere!!!!!!!


    1. Can’t wait for Biden/Ryan debate….
      @Al, the VP debate ought to be a hoot! When you put a microphone in front of Joe Biden, anything can happen… 🙂


  2. Romney walked away the victor last night – hands down – no doubt. In fact, I’m now convinced that if the debate had lasted just five minutes longer, Obama would have walked over to Romney and would have bitten off a chunk of Romney’s ear.


  3. I was quite surprised at Obama. He is a professional speaker who has done very well in the past. He broke the rules of public speaking…using uhs, talking with his hands too much, looking down too much. Obama seemed irritated & awkward. Romney ate him alive & smiled while he did it.


  4. I know Obama’s people are really hurt this morning. Potus messed up royally. And I knew Tra was gonna talk about it! 🙂 I just can’t believe how clueless he was.


    Obama’s couldn’t even look Romney in the eye had the biggest impact IMO. He was looking down for his pride n shit and sometimes appeared to be nodding in agreement with Romney as he told him what a terrible job he had done.

    OMG it was so fucked up!!!!!!!


  6. Obama was not very impressive, hesitant on questions that as president, he should have known the answer easily. Obama seemed lost and unprepared.


  7. Romney smoked Obama like a fat bag of weed, left him clueless and so high he didn’t even know wtf happened when it was ova


  8. Romney took over he was very aggressive. ate our poe president up. it was like watching a fight between ali n frazier. it was just awful.


    1. Obama was awful I just can’t believe blog queen admitted it. she loves her some obama
      Like they said on ‘the view’ today, its just like rootin for your home team and they lose, you don’t give up on the team you keep cheerin them on and supporting them.




  10. @Tra,
    Yes Romney did attack the Prez, but he was an empty wagon. I am not surprised that the polls showed mitt as the winner because the public or majority will be swayed because he is Black! I will close my eyes and can not tell you what is Mitt Romney will do to help the American people and put this country back in financial shape!


  11. I agree. Black people will go to bed on election night thinking Obama won. They will wake up the next morning to see that Romney won by the slightest margin, lol.


    1. You know, it wouldn’t shock me if these idiots in the US vote for lying Romney They voted for Bush that second time! With that being said I still believe Romney or Ryan is the antichrist stay prayed up folks! If u don’t know God please get to know em! And not the God that lives on a planet <— Insider


  12. I found Obama to be week, however Romney is a liar, Obama called him out on several issues and Romney dined it as if he never stood behind certain polices. Romney came of very liberal, but when its all done he will go back to being conservative. If u believe in something stand by it, dont back peddle.



  13. Ok so Romney won this debate…sure he was loud and aggressive, but his answers continued to have no substance and very little, if any, truth to them. The only thing I got from Romney is that he wants to turn over all gov’t power to the states….consistent with his outsourcing way of doing business for sure, but it’s not the answer our country needs or wants!! It was also pointed out many times by Obama that Romney continues to give NO specifics to any of his plans re economy, education, healthcare, tax reform, etc. etc. I don’t think loud and obnoxious equals winner when his actual answers were all fluff.


  14. Just remember Obama was not in the lead with McCain. I think Obama did not win the debate persay, but he did win where it matters. I predict he will win again.


  15. First of all there was nothing to win…Obama layed out his plan and the actions he planned to take to fix the economy and get the United States back as a top contender…Willard said we need regulations yet he wants a government free society…someone explain to me how that shit works and if that even makes sense?


  16. when Williard can give me a clear plan of action for EMPLOYMENT, HEALTHCARE, EDUCATION besides saying ‘we need more jobs’ then I’ll be more than happy to listen


  17. TRUST there’s a reason why Obama didn’t mention the 47 percent everyone is talkin about. Why? It’s already fresh in our minds. Romney will not win this election, if he do its because of something more devious


  18. What pisses me off most is that people are more upset at the fact that this dude said he gone cut PBS when they should be mad that he said students ” should borrow money from their parents for college”.


  19. Trust me. Obama was taking note of all the flip flopping that was going on. One minute your gonna create jobs. The next minute your going to cut federally funding programs, “cut jobs on the federal level” and convert the programs into state programs… What will we lose mitt? Jobs


  20. anyone see what the social media person for Kitchenaid said? Said something about how his grandma knew What type of president he would be, that’s why she died. People think they were trying to tweet from their personal acct but it went to the Kitchenaid twitter.


  21. Obama looked and sounded as if he didn’t want to be there or was disinterested. Romney called him out on a lot of stuff and the Prez just didn’t respond the way he should have.

    Personally, I believe that Obama blew a big chance of stating his platform in front of tens of millions of people. Everyone watches the first debate but everyone does not watch the second debate.

    I’m ready for the Vice Presidential debate. That should be even better than this one.


  22. The debate went exactly as I predicted. Obama was not prepared to answer outrageous and ridiculous claims by Romney. Obama was probably prepared to defend against the things Romney has been saying all along, but at the debate, Romney rose to a new level of crazy, and Obama couldn’t defend it. If Obama had tried, he would have sounded ridiculous, so he didn’t try.


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