Controversy, Education/Schools, Food and Dining, Michelle Obama, Protest/Boycott

Children across America are Hungry – and they’re blaming it on Michelle Obama

Students across the country are complaining and protesting the new school lunch regulations pushed by Michelle Obama. The new menu is mandated by the United States Department of Agriculture and its initiative was heavily promoted by first lady, Michelle.

All across the country, students are unhappy with the new calorie and protein limit on school lunches; it caps the number of lunch calories for students in kindergarten through fifth grade at 650, and at 700 calories for grades six through eight. High school lunches can contain no more than 850 calories.

The law calls for larger portions of fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, less sodium, and the elimination of trans fat in lunches. Schools may serve only nonfat or low-fat milk.

Schools across the country are reporting students who are unhappy with the new rules, they’re seeing it as; forced starvation diets.

In the you tube video posted of the protest, the students argue that the low-calorie lunches are not enough to meet the physical needs of growing teenagers.

See the protest video here!!

36 thoughts on “Children across America are Hungry – and they’re blaming it on Michelle Obama”

  1. Oh they need to cut it out!

    Fruits, vegetables and all those other nutrients is what they’re bodies need. They use to having that junk that’s all.


  2. Please!
    Some of these kids out here need to lose weight. I saw a kid 10 y.o. who weighed 159 and i’m in my 20’s and ain’t no where near that. SMH


  3. change is always a struggle. i hope the new initiative put these fast food restaurants on blast. that’s the children’s weakness right there.


    1. If they still hungry after the healthy school lunch then they should pack a lunch from home that all.
      and if they don’t have money to pack a lunch from home then they should eat the healthy lunch and STFU!


  4. So i guess sloppy joes and mystery meat provide them the energy that they need?

    Tell these fat ass kids to STFU!!!!

    Next they’ll want motorized wheel chairs caus they asses too fat to walk up the damn stairs.


    1. Ummm so I guess Sloppy Joes and mystery meat burgers provide the energy they need?
      U aint lying cause that shyt didnt look like meat


      1. U aint lying cause that shyt didnt look like meat
        I used to season the shyt out of my school cheeseburgers in HS, had my mustard and ketchup sauce with lettuce. My “too cool to eat school lunch friends” were like lemme get a bite


    2. Next they’ll want motorized wheel chairs caus they asses too fat to walk up the damn stairs.
      I just spit juice all ove my computer 🙂 too funny


  5. It’s not the food so much it’s the lack of physical activities with kids these days they are too busy trying to take away P.E. from some schools and when kids are home they’re either on the computer or playing Xbox and parents wonder why their kids are overweight


  6. All I know is that when it was something on the menu I did not want to eat…I headed straight to the salad bar and made me up a pretty salad with a bunch of ranch dressing I bet I wasn’t hungry after that!


  7. I bet you half of those kids that are “fainting” don’t eat breakfast either… that would really make them hungry then too right? Not my fault you dont want to get up early enough to feed your face.


  8. They showed the video this morning on the news and these kids i swear. all they have to do is pack a lil somethin extra each day. that’s all.


  9. they better eat they broccoli and stfu!!

    i saw that exaggerated video of them fallin out. they need to get they asses up and keep joggin cause they asses fat! 1st lady doin the right thing.


  10. nothing worse than seeing folks with 2 cart fulls of meat at the first of the month and you’re struggling to get groceries for just you for the week…some things are assbackwards sometimes but I’d still rather not depend on the state


    1. nothing worse than seeing folks with 2 cart fulls of meat at the first of the month and you’re struggling to get groceries for just you for the week…some things are assbackwards sometimes but I’d still rather not depend on the state
      I WISH I could find me some hoodboogers to get some stamps from, they doing the EBT now though. I see chicks carts filled to the brim with JUNK. We would be eating high off the lamb EVERY night. Organic everything. SMH. Folks don’t know how to spend other folks money.


  11. So, go get you some Cheetos and Pepsi. These kids are hardly straving, just some Republican mess trying to once again discredit the Obamas.


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