Celebrity Kids, Celebrity Mess, Hot Mess

Willow Smith shows off her tongue jewelry for Gay Pride Weekend

Willow Smith continues to spread her wings without parental supervision or concern. The little youngster showed off her tongue piercing in a shocking photo uploaded to Instagram over the Gay Pride weekend.

Willow’s parents, actors Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, are devout followers of the alternative religion Scientology, which teaches parents that they are only their children’s vehicles for their journey to earth. Children are encouraged to lead independent lives free of constraints and parental rule.

In other words, kids of Scientologists raise themselves the way we all see 4-year-old Suri Cruise who is also a child of Scientologists, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

Jesus help the children!!!

84 thoughts on “Willow Smith shows off her tongue jewelry for Gay Pride Weekend”

      1. Lol, u can tell its a fake…Aint no new piercing ring that big for one…For two, she has her tongue tiighttin which means this silver ball is SITTING on her tongue nd she’s trying to keep it from rolling….I have a tongue ring…I know…


    1. Tracy, it was confirmed that it was fake…

      and yet she posted the story without a hint of the complete truth. Sad thing is people will comment and make baseless comments about this young girl and her parents.


    2. Real or fake, an 11 year old doesn’t need a tongue ring.

      …unless she giv…never mind


      Go ahead Ace..finish your sentence man…


      1. She is a lesbian. fyi and they didn’t say she was they simply inquired . age doesn’t matter I was just as gay at age 7 as I am today.


      2. She is a lesbian

        Po thang…i hope not but then again she dresses like a boy so anything’s possible.


      3. there’s nothing wrong with it.

        No for a lesbo in their eyes it isn’t but a box eater is disgusting IMO. ain’t no pussy eaters in my world boo. don’t get it twisted society might be saying that shit is ok but it’s morally disgusting!!!! Ugh!!!


      4. You’re so ignorant. being a lesbian doesn’t automatically mean that you eat cat or you’re even sexually active. its about the connection you feel with someone not the sex you dumbass that’s just a bonus to any sexuality. homosexuals have been around for centuries and out of 1300+ species our is the only one who has some that reject them which means something in the world of nature must be wrong with YOU since you’re the MINORITY of the whole animal kingdom, us included, that sees it wrong. anything you may have to say against this is void seeing as though mine is based on researched fact and yours is an ignorant ass halfminded opinion(:


      5. There’s no reason to feel bad for her . there’s nothing wrong with it.
        That lil girl too young to be smelling and nippin her tongue around in somebody’s fish box. I do feel bad for her cause she obviously don’t know NO better. Nothing wrong with being a lesbian? Fa real GTFOH IT’s SICK!!!!!!


    1. Is lil Willow a Lezbo?
      I have believed for a minute now that Miss Willow is gay. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. God bless her either way.


  1. The Smith’s are Christian, but that ain’t never made nobody a perfect nothin. I don’t agree with their parenting style, but it’s really none of my business.


  2. if it’s a faux piercing, i don’t see the problem some things are for style-sake and this certainly is fitting for hers.


  3. Will and Jada need to get it together. This is absolutely ridiculous! They had pictures of Jayden this weekend in a crazy outfit looking like a ghetto peter pan…….. I dont care how much money they have, this is unacceptable!


      1. Says the chick with her ass showin to the world hmph
        don’t get it twisted boo boo…that’s just a gravi shot not my real ass. i still stand by my comment though!!!!! it’s unacceptable.


  4. To the great people of Scientology please understand that the veiws express by all the nay sayers on this blog are theres and theres alone and do no reflect all of those in this blog.


  5. “Willow’s parents, actors Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, are devout followers of the alternative religion Scientology, which teaches parents that they are only their children’s vehicles for their journey to earth. Children are encouraged to lead independent lives free of constraints and parental rule”.

    That’s a bullshit belief because children cannot raise themselves. They need guidance and direction. Their minds are not fully mature and/or developed to make the right decisions. so that belief system is doomed for failure and a bunch of mixed up confused children.



    1. “Willow’s parents, actors Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, are devout followers of the alternative religion Scientology, which teaches parents that they are only their children’s vehicles for their journey to earth. Children are encouraged to lead independent lives free of constraints and parental rule”.

      That’s a bullshit belief because children cannot raise themselves. They need guidance and direction. Their minds are not fully mature and/or developed to make the right decisions. so that belief system is doomed for failure and a bunch of mixed up confused children.




      1. Lead by example.. These r not the old days. Children hve a mind of their own.. As they should.. Why do her parents need to get her ? Because shes a free spirit.. Im glad that will and jada arent going slave mentality on their children like most blacks are used to


      2. Lead by example.. These r not the old days–> GOD’S WORD IS NEVER OLD IN FACT IT DOESN’T PLAY OUT…IT STANDS YESTERDAY, TODAY N 4EVER MORE!

        Children hve a mind of their own.. –> This is why parenting is necessary because children can’t make sound decisions on their own

        Because shes a free spirit.. Im glad that will and jada arent going slave mentality on their children like most blacks are used to ->Really? and this is how the devil creep in because most children are left to themselves

        You sound crazy with your comment.


  6. Well, I guess if you’re just faking doing something inappropriate for your age, it’s okay, right?

    How about smoking a fake joint, taking some fake pills, hey and there’s always fake sex.

    When you do that, just tell people up front that it’s fake, so they won’t be concerned about you unnecessarily. ‘Cause that’s kinda thoughtless to make people worry.


    1. why r u worried n the first place.. She dame sure isnt worried about your wanna be perfect but just as fucked up as the next walking contridiction, broke ass


    2. why r u worried n the first place.. She dame sure isnt worried about your wanna be perfect but just as fucked up as the next walking contridiction, broke ass

      BITCH!!!!! you don’t know me from adam’s house cat to detremine that i’m broke or wanna be perfect. This is a blog where we voice our opinions and comments. who da fuck are you anyways to say any comment i made was/is a contradiction. don’t come for me cause i’ll take ya ass toe to toe up in here!!!!


    3. why r u worried n the first place



  7. can a brotha get a new post soon? i can’t be talkin bout no “out of control” “parents don’t care” seeking attention” little heifer…she’s a kid and we need a new topic. she stay doin too much.

    will..,jada get yo child please!!!!!


    1. Having a fake piercing doesn’t mean you’re not in school. your comment makes me challenge your intellect ………


    2. Having a fake piercing doesn’t mean you’re not in school. um i never said it did but if this lil heifer is busy posing for pictures and busying herself on the internet (doing much) her azz should be in school is my point!

      your comment makes me challenge your intellect ……… and you trying to ration my comment makes me challenge yours??


  8. Little Willow said she doesn’t want the fame yet can’t seem to keep her behind off the blogs and out the limelight.


  9. yes ignorant people at age 11 you can know exactly what you want in life.. just because your mom and dad who held you back by forcing you to go by their beliefs doesn’t mean that she cant know what she stands for.. real or fake does it matter you’ll be going to work tomorrow and her rich ass will be chilling in the shade


    1. real or fake does it matter you’ll be going to work tomorrow and her rich ass will be chilling in the shade

      and what you gon be doing? selling leamonade on the corner or in a str8 jacket at sing sing. GTFOH wit ya bullshit!


  10. why r u worried n the first place.. She dame sure isnt worried about your wanna be perfect but just as fucked up as the next walking contridiction, broke ass . Ugh people get a life let’s face it she has already accomplished more than you will ever accomplish in your life get over it


    1. why r u worried n the first place.. She dame sure isnt worried about your wanna be perfect but just as fucked up as the next walking contridiction, broke ass . Ugh people get a life let’s face it she has already accomplished more than you will ever accomplish in your life get over it

      you said the same thing to Bobby up top. but because you took the time to respond YOU must be worried and bothered. GTFO this blog b4 you get ya feelings hurt for real!


    2. Ugh people get a life let’s face it she has already accomplished more than you will ever accomplish in your life get over it
      Um @Chocolez, r u a lezzy? how u know what we’ve accomplished here. Please STFU and stop assuming. thank you.


    3. Chocolez said:
      why r u worried n the first place.. She dame sure isnt worried about your wanna be perfect but just as fucked up as the next walking contridiction, broke ass . Ugh people get a life let’s face it she has already accomplished more than you will ever accomplish in your life get over it

      Harpo who dis woman?


  11. i became bisexual when i was in fourth grade, i had a nose ring/ belly button ring @ 11, and a tongue ring and several ear peircings by 13. and i grew up to be a pretty good person


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