Celebrity Kids, Dearly Departed, Law and order

Whitney Houston Left Everything She Had to Her Daugher, Bobbi Kristina…

Whitney Houston’s will was signed on Feb. 3, 1993, a month before she gave birth to her daughter Bobbi Kristina. The 48-year-old pop-star died on Feb. 11 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in CA.

Houston’s will was filed in Atlanta, GA today and she left all of her furnishings, clothing, personal effects, jewelry and cars to her surviving children and Bobbi Kristina was her only child.

Houston’s money will be put in a trust. Bobbi Kristina will get part of it upon turning 21, more of the money at age 25 and the balance at age 30. Houston’s trustees can give her money from the trust for various purposes, including tuition, to buy a home and to start a business.

Whitney made sure her child would be cared for, let’s hope her trustees will do the same.

110 thoughts on “Whitney Houston Left Everything She Had to Her Daugher, Bobbi Kristina…”

  1. thats good whithney did leave her daughter something to start a life for her self and hope that she do the right thing with the money and get her self in college and make her mom proud


  2. I’m so scared for this girl. she young and when you young, you dumb!! she gotta be careful not to hook up with someone whose gonna want her money, she’s gotta be real careful as to who surrounds her now. I pray Whitney gave her the wisdom f sound judgement.


  3. I am so glad she thought about her daughter even before she was born…BK will be alright, she just need to lean on her family for support and learn from her mothers mistakes…


  4. When are they going to give the name of the person that sold the Photo of Whitney in her casket? I thought the funeral Parlor lady said the name was soon to be released…I’ll bet security did it!


  5. Whitney may have made her majority of bad choices, but this was probably one of the wisest and best choices she could have ever made! May God bless her daughter with the wisdom to use the money to help her live a life that would have made her mother proud.


    1. Dayum!!!!!!!!!!! how y’all all up in here at 10:38 PM???
      I get Trace’s blog alerts. Erytime she put a new post up, I get an alert.
      Whats it to you anyway?


    2. Dayum!!!!!!!!!!! how y’all all up in here at 10:38 PM???
      WTF??? We got a curfew or something up in this bish nigga


    3. Dayum!!!!!!!!!!! how y’all all up in here at 10:38 PM???
      Not that it’s ya business @Al-Scream but…., when I get a blog alert I run in here cause this blog is addictive…sometimes be in here early mornin too. Now what?


  6. That was very loving of Whitney to think about the only person in her life that understood her and loved her so much, I hope Bobbi Kristina does well and makes something of herself that Whitney tried to do in her lifetime.

    God bless you Bobbi Kristina and Good Luck to you.


  7. As long as Bobbi Kristina have the right support and stay focused on taking care of herself and not other people she’ll be just fine.


  8. Any parent with 1/2 a brain should handle their estate this way. The Silver Platter Syndrome that many kids suffer from is a direct result of parents being irresponsible, not the kids. I hope that Bobbi does something wonderful and wise with her mom’s legacy.


  9. A good mom? For those of you who said she was a good mom…what’s your idea of a bad one? Are you kidding me? She was a substance abuser which may have killed her. She pimped out her daughter on that god-awful reality show. She was married to Bobby Brown and who knows what her daughter saw growing up with those two dysfunctional parents. Please thing girl has issues I’m sure.


    1. Good morning,

      I have a question: Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers?

      Just askin.


    2. Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers?
      Ha the fuck we spose to know?


    3. Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers?

      You tell us, are you the one leavin em


    4. Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers?

      GTFOHWTBS…Are u fa-real????


    5. Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers?
      people are really sick if this is true.

      Morning one and all


    6. Morning

      Is it true that crack pipes are being left at her grave along with flowers? —> Is this supposed to be a joke? cause i don’t find it funny. and it’s too early in the morn for the b.s.


    7. Morn-TING!!!

      Angelhair, is so damn messy I swear!!! There’s one on erfamily and she seems to be the one here.


  10. whitney left everything to her daughter? why is that not surprising. Everybody in her family is gonna be mooching off of her.


  11. This is still so sad. After Whitney married Bobby Brown and the issues started to arise, I knew that life would take a hard turn for Whitney. Bobby Brown was so wrong for Whitney. She would still be with us if he hadn’t come into her life.


    1. I’m so tired of people blaming Whitney’s drug use on Bobby Brown. Whitney was a grown ass “motherfuckin” woman and Bobby ain’t put no gun to her head when he was locked up in Atlanta, Whitney was druggin, free basin and all up in the most dangerous crack houses there are. Left her child and didn’t give a shit…and Bobby wasn’t there for that. hell if she was still with Bobby she might be alive today., cause I’m sure he looked out for her.


    2. I COSIGN ->> Whitney was a grown ass “motherfuckin” woman
      Too much Bobby Brown bashin…the proof of who was really hooked is the person whose no longer here and that’s Whitney.


  12. I’m praying that Bobbi Kristina will do something positive with her inheritance. Maybe reach those dreams she and her mom may have talked about.


  13. I am sure glad she made that will while her head was on straight. It sound like the attorney had a sound plan. Now Bobbi can’t blow it all at once. The only thing that confuses me is all the stories that Whitney was broke. Where did the money come from?


  14. I am very pleased with the decision Whitney made early on in her life, in regards to the preparation of her WILL. I do hope that the rights to her Music are secure.


  15. I Think that was so good what Whitney Did for her daughter.and I also think it was good that she put her sister-in-law Patricia Houston in charge of all Bobbi Kristina trust fund. That way no one can get trere hands on it


  16. TIME WILL TELL PEOPLE??? Let us pray for this young lady who will face the world on her own! I can only imagine how devastated she must be… Pray, pray, pray that she makes it in this world on her own!


  17. I love the way that whitney spreaded the money out; with goals to be accomplished before assessing portions of it, by age 30, bobbi will be ready to understand why her mom portioned out the money and she will have the mauturity to use it wisely.


  18. That a real good look from a responsible mother, i pray that the girl will not disappoint her.

    May Whitney Houston rest in the bosom of the almighty God


  19. I pray that this girl does not follow in her mother and father’s footsteps. I pray that her family will keep a close eye on her.


  20. love whitney houston i was and will always be a fan. Even though she took in bobbi browns kids and treated them as if they were her own she did the right thing by her money. And to spread it out through the course of her daughters life was a very smart move on whitney’s part. I just wish she would have made better choices when it came to men.


  21. Whitney did well in spacing the money out and how it would be released. That will keep Bobbi Kriss in check. And 30 is a good age to be a responsible adult.


  22. She just need to learn how to manage it, and most of all get an EDUCATION!!!
    And make it her lesson, that nothing will last 4ever, so it’s always best to have a back up plan.


  23. I pray this chile will be ok. i also hope and pray aunt pat and uncle gary don’t try and live off of her because it sounds like they will be her biggest influence.


    1. I pray this chile will be ok. i also hope and pray aunt pat and uncle gary don’t try and live off of her because it sounds like they will be her biggest influence.
      Exactly…Aunt Pat seem like she was a moocher..Whitney paid her but she didn’t look out for what was best for her. I wished i could of slapped the shit outta her when she said to Whitney’s mother at the funeral “mom you would of been proud because Whitney kept your words right up till the end” I was thinking STFU then why was she still taking/doing drugs?


  24. Bobby Kris is beautiful. i pray she stays on a str8 path and live a fulfilling life. Situation is just sad because Whitney will miss all of the important events in this girl’s life and it doesn’t seem like she’ll have much of her father in it either.


    1. Bobby Kris is beautiful. i pray she stays on a str8 path and live a fulfilling life. Situation is just sad because Whitney will miss all of the important events in this girl’s life and it doesn’t seem like she’ll have much of her father in it either

      I agree.


  25. Houston’s beloved mom Cissy is the executor; her brother and sister-in-law are the trustees. Houston first drafted the Will in 1993 and amended the will in April 2000 when she was still married to Bobby Brown.

    Brown is mentioned in the Will but gets nothing. The will also states if Bobbi Kristina had died before Whitney, her ex, Bobby Brown, her mother Cissy and other relatives would share the assets.


  26. The fact that this will was created while her and Bobby were still married, and she left him nothin 🙂 lmao…. clearly she didn’t have that much love for him.


  27. I *love* the trust fund idea. Very smart Whit!

    Wish more black people would set up trust funds for their kids.

    I’m pretty sure we all knew bobby wasn’t getting a dime.


    1. Wish more black people would set up trust funds for their kids.
      chile please most black folk aint got shit to leave them.


  28. And they say the will was written 1 month before BobbiK was born. So Whitney wasn’t never leaving Bobby Brown nuthin….Smarter than anybody gave her credit for.

    Hey @ errybody!


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