
New Birth Crowns Bishop Eddie Long As King!

Bishop Eddie Long and New Birth Missionary Baptist church brought in a controversial “Rabbi” to crown Long as King in an elaborate Jewish ceremony using what appeared to be a fake 300-year-old sacred scrolls, that were found discarded outside of a concentration camp in Germany in the early 1940s.

The Rabbi who performed the show of support for Bishop Long, is not even jewish:

Messer is a proponent of so-called Messianic Judaism, a religious movement founded in the 1960s that wraps evangelical Christian theology in Jewish cultural trappings.

Put simply, it’s a Christian movement. Messer is a Christian minister.

And despite Messer’s claim to be acting “on behalf of the Jewish people and the land of Israel,” there’s nothing Jewish about the performance he put on at Long’s church. Neither the ritual nor the language of Messer’s act have any basis in Jewish traditions, while his repeated references to the divinity of Jesus and quotations from the Christian bible make his actual theology clear.

Also, the “priceless” Torah scroll Messer wraps Long in is almost certainly a fake. As you can see at 5:15 in the video, the thing is held together with scotch tape.

Oh, and one more tip for “Rabbi” Messer, if he’s reading this. The name of the Nazi concentration camp where you claim you found that scroll? It’s Auschwitz-Birkenau, not “Auschwitz and Birkendal.”

Eddie Long supporters/followers are doing everything in their power to make him look innocent, holy and consecrated, without an admission of guilt or repentance from the Bishop. What’s so very scary about this performance is, New Birth is lifting up man and not God.

The Bible clearly states: “If I (meaning God) be lifted up from the earth, I’ll draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). It’s important to know the TRUTH people because the enemy is fooling the very elect.

104 thoughts on “New Birth Crowns Bishop Eddie Long As King!”

  1. I saw this and just shook my head. Then we have people wondering why people don’t go to church and believe in God. If I didn’t have a relationship with God and seen this mess I probably wouldn’t believe in the church either.


    1. This is scary on the level of Jim Jones and the Ghana tragedy back in the 80s
      Difference between him and Jim Jones – Whatever they drinking over there haven’t kiled them fools yet.








      1. Did the Jewish pastor just say “O.K. we’re going to peel the foreskin off of this” ?
        I’m glad they didn’t ask me to hold the scroll. Because by the time he said he was going to pull the “foreskin” off of that thing I would have been 🙂 LMAO….ain’t no way they’d have had to carry me out of there in a tent


  3. Now if this aint some BS…Didnt he just get caught phuckin young dudes? I mean think people i know we all are imperfect but dang…

    Eddie Longstroke gotta have a serious gift of gab cause his congregation is confused…


  4. Where is Rezzie when you need her!!

    I am a divinity school graduate and I am floord on so many levels. It’s interested to see the fusion of two separate religions BUT Long is a proven wolf in sheeps clothing.

    His members need to RUN and run hard. Now the sheep will definately be afraid to speak against him. This is a plow to shame those who respect ministers into submssion.

    There is nothing wrong with the Torah/Old Testament but my main focus is Matthew-Revelation.


  5. There are no words for this nonsense and anyone who can watch it and support this man needs to have their heads examined. No true man (woman) of God would ever even dream of doing this and thinking it’s okay.


  6. You say he was crowned King? King of what? More like a reincarnate of Reverend Ike. SMH!

    Rapunzel better get the Peter Popoff out of here. Next thing he’ll be sending prayer clothes and ketchup packets of oil in the mail.

    I am all for forgiveness, but WHHHYYY can’t he just sit his azz down and just teach?

    *cues “Nobody Greater”*


    1. I am all for forgiveness, but WHHHYYY can’t he just sit his azz down and just teach?

      because he’s been exposed and the TRUTH of it all makes him ashamed.


      1. King of what the Ultra Perm
        you’s a fool, Tabatha 🙂


  7. “The Bible clearly states: “If I (meaning God) be lifted up from the earth, I’ll draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). It’s important to know the TRUTH people because the enemy is fooling the very elect.”



  8. Many people really don’t understand that people see ministry as a job like going to work and sitting behind a desk. They are not followers of Christ it is just their JOB! This is “bishops” JOB. I don’t think he loves God at all…
    * Logs off for lunch and prayer*


    1. Sometimes I wonder if Jesus thinks “is this the shit I died for…damn”

      Right i mean i know im not perfect but i havent taken place in worshiping false idols… this is just wrong…


      1. Sometimes I wonder if Jesus thinks “is this the shit I died for…damn”
        Okay! Jesus probably be cussing us out and everything. (I hope not) but he is coming back soon.


      2. Right i mean i know im not perfect but i havent taken place in worshiping false idols… this is just wrong…

        Jesus and his Father already knew this was going to happen…He knows Eddie Longstroke well enough to number the very hairs on his head….
        This is just sad to see him lead his flock like this. he seems desperate.

        “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he would cause one of these little ones to stumble.
        Luke 17:2

        His punishment in the lake of fire is going to be BAD…


  9. Satan is the father of lies. He is a deceiver who can appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

    God does not deceive. Matter of fact we Christians are warned ALL OVER the New Testament to be wary of false prophets, false messiahs, and those carring false gospels.


    1. Satan is the father of lies. He is a deceiver who can appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

      God does not deceive. Matter of fact we Christians are warned ALL OVER the New Testament to be wary of false prophets, false messiahs, and those carring false gospels.
      Exactly do not be fooled, seek discernment. The beginning of wisdom is:Acquire wisdom and with all your acquiring get understanding. <Proverbs 4:7 Keep your eyes open folks, Lack of knowledge is killing us spiritually and mentally


  10. Oh well yeah I mean I’m not surprised the man is doing the Devils work cloaked and disguised in cloth of course its gonna work! That just goes to show how many folks truly have no faith


  11. This is why you have to get to know Jesus/God for yourself. My grandfather is a pastor but if I don’t understand something I go to the word for MYSELF!


  12. “It’s important to know the TRUTH people because the enemy is fooling the very elect”

    I hope the members wake up and leave. They are the ones who suffer the most at the hands of these people. Being able to see the truth in everything is a great gift to have. Clearly, All do not possess it!!!


  13. Many years ago, a substitute teacher broke down the origins of the “F word”. Fornication under consent of king, how befitting. It is all starting to make sense.


  14. This is freaking ridiculous!!!
    I am totally ashamed that I once attended this church. It did not take me long to figure that that something in the milk wasn’t clean and I was out of there faster than you can say “pervert”.


  15. I have no sympathy for the church goers they know what this man is and they still support him so when they have no retirement funds left they can only look to themselves


  16. All the ceremonies in the world aren’t going to mean anything unless he’s made his peace and repented for his actions. I’m not saying he didn’t, but what is all of this extra about!??

    He looks like the lion from the Wiz sitting up there. And I can’t believe those men picked him up at all four corners. Eddie Long is not Jesus; I will NEVER give man the glory that is due to the King of Kings.

    He got me twisted.


  17. The devil is a liar. The Most High is not a Father of confusion or lie. This here is the work of the devil. I pray that the Most High protect us…These are the last days. We have been deceived so long that these souls are in limbo. I pray for the calling of and unity of The Most High nations to rebuke this deceiving, lying son of this earth.


    The Most High will surely deal with those that have deceived his people. To the pits of hell they shall all go.

    These Rabbis are phony anyways and this continues to prove that they are in alliance with the devil. NO MAN OF GOD would co-sign this wolf in sheep clothing.


      1. Fee, Yasha & Spice, I’m not watching it either Got me walking around her whispering Halleluyah (so that spirit don’t jump outta the computer)


  18. New Birth CAN NOT be the only church in Atlanta??!! What a slap in the face to real sexual abuse victims. You reward a man that takes advantage of other men and/or boys. And you wonder why people don’t go to church. Look at the “leaders”!!


    1. Jesus help us in these last days…
      I was studying Revelations and it is, people don’t realize it but we so knee deep in the last days…


      1. @Acq – We been living in Revelations for sometime. But I agree things have gotten worse. It’s time to stay on your knees and


      2. We been living in Revelations for sometime. But I agree things have gotten worse. It’s time to stay on your knees and
        and they will continue to worsen as our days get closer to the end stay prayed up is RIGHT!


  19. BTW Good Afternoon… beautiful people

    We need to wake up…

    Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.


  20. The sun’ll come out, tomorrow
    Bet’cho bottom dollar
    that Tomorrow
    There’ll be sun

    Just thinking about Tomorrow
    Clears away the “cobwebs”
    and the sorrow
    Til there’s none


    1. smdh… I really wish Eddie Long-stroke would go sit down somewhere… everything he does just makes him look crazier…
      Most of today’s Black preachers became prosperous by being groomed by one or more White filthy rich television evangelists. To get that cross-over appeal, some prominent and monied white “religious” organization has to give you special instructions and “annointing.”

      Eddie Long is going to have a long and prosperous career because he has just been “re-annointed” by some PROSPEROUS Jewish White folk.


  21. The “Bishops” church is based on prosperity, teaching that Jesus was a rich man, and his gospel was about the MO MONEY prosperity scheme.

    Bishop Long has been riding that prosperity money train for a very long time. And the Jews have just ridden in to make sure his cup runneth over.


  22. lol 🙂 lol c’mon nah.. I believe in God… all this stupidity would never allow me to not acknowledge GOd… But we have to remember these folk are working in the flesh and the flesh is weak… but they r carring this man ahahahahaha thats hilarious I laugh When the catholics carries their pope priest too…ahahahaha
    This stuff gots to stop ahahahahaha


  23. Bitch-op Eddie Long was already a Queen … being a King shouldn’t make much of a difference!!ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!! HE/SHE IS NOW A KING!!!:hahaha:


  24. I’m a Messianic Jew and I’m embarrassed by this fraggle-knackle bullshat. This is NOT what we stand for, don’t be fooled


    1. When is he gonna apologize to me for wearing that damned wig?
      @ AnnaB: yeah I am sick of that damn baby gap wig too did he not notice that shit was too damn small. I guess he likes his wigs like he likes his boys young and tight. Nasty bastard!

      And this ritual is TOTALLY OUT OF LINE. King of Sodomy is what they should have been crowing his ass.


    1. Longstroke did look caught off guard in the video but then again this man is a great deceiver.
      Oh please I’m sure all that was rehearsed! That queen knew what he was doing he just didnt expect it to go viral. Pray for that congregation.


      1. Pray for that congregation.
        Idolatry at its finest. Those people in that church are caught up in celebrity not Jesus. Sad, might as well stay home.


      2. Longstroke did look caught off guard in the video but then again this man is a great deceiver.
        Nah i think this was all planned up b4 she got her queen…i mean king crown. he probably even paid them to come and do it. take off that wig and buy some shirts that fit. oh and get you a boy friend your own age.


  25. “Bishop” Long should be happy that God is slow to wrath…but God is NOT mocked and if he doesn’t repent soon, he will suffer…there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth…


  26. I wonder what kind of divorce settlement his wife is going to end up with? She was part of the problem, but when the circus got out of control and she could no longer pretend she didn’t know what was going on, because people were starting to look at her, all of a sudden being the wife of a megachurch “Bishop” wasn’t so important and she decided to walk away with whatever shred of dignity she might have had left.


  27. When is Long going to step down? When are his parishiners going to kick this child molesting theiving mofo out of the church? He is a liar a thief and a sexual deviant. What more do the need before they get a clue?

    Does he have to start to spike the Kool-Aide before they wake they fuck up!


  28. The only way to margainalize Long is for the members to stop showing up. Long is the sole “owner” of NB. There is no board for him to answer to, or anything of that nature. He changed all of that around ’96.


  29. This is probably what he wanted. Erase the first incedent from the minds of his followers. Create a we against them scenario to keep his followers locked up tight. Thats that cult brainwashing shit he on.. #pimping101


  30. he should be apologizing for making those clowns hold his big ass up on they shoulders for 10 minutes lookin like he reneged on a hand of spades…


  31. He needs to apologize to the Lord God Jehovah, first. And then repent of his foolishness, dismantle that unholy spectacle of a church he’s running, slip away into the darkness, and never let people see his face ever again.


    1. He needs to apologize to the Lord God Jehovah, first. And then repent of his foolishness, dismantle that unholy spectacle of a church he’s running, slip away into the darkness, and never let people see his face ever again.


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