
Aretha Franklin Calls Off Her Wedding, wonder what happened?

Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin called off the wedding to her fiance Willie Wilkerson, according to published reports.

Will and I have decided we were moving a little too fast, and there were a number of things that had not been thought through thoroughly. There will be no wedding at this time,” Franklin said through her representatives. “We will not comment on it any further because of the very personal and sensitive nature of it. We appreciate all of the many well wishes from friends.”

Mm, wonder what happened?


101 thoughts on “Aretha Franklin Calls Off Her Wedding, wonder what happened?”

    1. Some people just look like they smell like fish and regret

      dont forget

      Seagrams and struggle


    2. Some people just look like they smell like fish and regret

      right and ewww @ the thought of retha having sex I’m still not over those nasty, filthy hotel stories I heard about her.


    1. Whomever does Mrs. Franklin’s makeup needs to be shot!

      Looks like somebody did her eyeshadow with a hot BBQ charcoal briquette. She took “smokey eyes” a lil to literal.



  1. Did y’all know that Aretha was once married to

    ‘Colonel Taylor’ from ‘A Different World?’

    Government name Glynn Turman.

    Also played ‘Preach’ on ‘Cooley High.’


    1. I guess Aretha is holding out on the pooh nanny too long… he just cant wait
      Or maybe she gave it up and um yeah …………..


      1. I guess Aretha is holding out on the pooh nanny too long… he just cant wait
        Or maybe she gave it up and um yeah …………..
        She better get that snapback…..!


      2. She better get that snapback…..!
        Mama Reefa had a baby at 13…I think she is beyond snapping anything at this point. IDK…And y’all know she’s a PK and they the worse.


    1. she been w/ this dude like 20 years…why is he still around if this is the case? she must have asked him to do a prenup and he said “bitch..u think i been fuckin and sucking for nothing for 20 years? … i want all my ends…”


  2. Re been with catfish wilkins for like ever.. every since she was a size 8. If you ask me if you been shacking up since tv was in black and white then no need to try and make it legal. Look at Oprah and Harpo, been together since Nette hit Mister in the cock with her school books and they still together.

    Chiles please!


  3. Re been around though… she can’t keep a man nor a pant size. But I loves me some Retha so keep the notes high and the tits low ReRe… *singing** swing low sweet charriot.


  4. Can ya’ll imagine him boobie fuckin the queen, lawd sweet baby jesus he probably fall in between that grand cannon of hers…


    1. Can ya’ll imagine him boobie fuckin the queen, lawd sweet baby jesus he probably fall in between that grand cannon of hers…
      Her boobs sang “givin’ him something he can feel” to her knee caps all the time.


  5. There are a lot inner things that has caused Aretha to balloon in weight and use food as a crutch. Sifting through the facts versus the folklore has been the fodder for many a journalists. Try mother leaving family at 6 years of age, raised by a womanizing/pot smoking.chain-smoking preacher man dad; mom dies when she was 10 years of age; father didn’t even go to wife’s funeral; getting pregnant at 14 and again at 16; started smoking cigs at 14; dropped out of high school during 10th grade; travelled all over on gospel caravans in her early teens; multiple sex partners at a young age; rumours of incest and abuse; abusive marraiages and common-law husbands; four sons by four different men; catapulted into international in 1967 in an unprecedented way – with no advance preparation; coddled by her father and brother – to the point where she only will do what she wants, when she wants and is uncompromising; as lost all of her siblings except for one of whom she has never really had a relatioship with; one son in a mental institution, another on medication for allegedly having gotten a hold of some bad drugs at one time – he even was suspected in setting her mansion on fire in suburban Detroit; two failed marriages – one very abusive, the other to actor Glynn Turman acccording to reliable sources involved him being caught in bed with a family member of Miss Franklin’s (hint – mental institution person); fame; fortune; mistrust; arrogant; egomaniac; insecure; protagonist; genius; can be benevolent or downright blunt – all of it rolled into one makes for a very complicated woman, and all of it has probably led to some of the best damn soul music that has ever been sung on the planet earth for four plus decades..she will never tell all of it, and she doesn’t have to – a read of her book FROM THESE ROOTS give one insight into how bitter, self-driven and guarded she is – but…the truth is out there


    1. all of it rolled into one makes for a very complicated woman, and all of it has probably led to some of the best damn soul music that has ever been sung on the planet earth for four plus decades..

      Aw Hail To the Queen


    2. @Harlem you forgot one…her daddy had a baby with a girl that was in their congregation that was the same age as Mama Re when she got preggers…at 13.


      1. lustin after them young girls in their lil usha uniforms.
        The Rev CL Franklin was a reported summa-gun. WORD LIFE.

        The rumor I always heard about Re getting preggers at 13 was that her father pimped her out to an older deacon at their church. It has NEVER been said WHO the oldest or the one she had when she was 16/17 dad is…and she has pretty much stated she ain’t NEVER gonna say neither.


    3. There are a lot inner things that has caused Aretha to balloon in weight and use food as a crutch. Sifting through the facts versus the folklore has been the fodder for many a journalists. Try mother leaving family at 6 years of age, raised by a womanizing/pot smoking.chain-smoking preacher man dad; mom dies when she was 10 years of age; father didn’t even go to wife’s funeral; getting pregnant at 14 and again at 16; started smoking cigs at 14; dropped out of high school during 10th grade; travelled all over on gospel caravans in her early teens; multiple sex partners at a young age; rumours of incest and abuse; abusive marraiages and common-law husbands; four sons by four different men; catapulted into international in 1967 in an unprecedented way – with no advance preparation; coddled by her father and brother – to the point where she only will do what she wants, when she wants and is uncompromising; as lost all of her siblings except for one of whom she has never really had a relatioship with; one son in a mental institution, another on medication for allegedly having gotten a hold of some bad drugs at one time – he even was suspected in setting her mansion on fire in suburban Detroit; two failed marriages – one very abusive, the other to actor Glynn Turman acccording to reliable sources involved him being caught in bed with a family member of Miss Franklin’s (hint – mental institution person); fame; fortune; mistrust; arrogant; egomaniac; insecure; protagonist; genius; can be benevolent or downright blunt – all of it rolled into one makes for a very complicated woman, and all of it has probably led to some of the best damn soul music that has ever been sung on the planet earth for four plus decades..she will never tell all of it, and she doesn’t have to – a read of her book FROM THESE ROOTS give one insight into how bitter, self-driven and guarded she is – but…the truth is out there
      So you saying eating a 20 piece a day contributed nothing?


      1. So you saying eating a 20 piece a day contributed nothing?
        PLEASE get out of my head…I ain’t wanna say it, BUT YOU DID!


  6. “Everybody knows this is a horrendous picture of Mrs Franklin”

    & Who actually believed this wedding was gonna happen C’mon now.


  7. So many questions

    1. Whats on Retha lips

    2. Why is Her eyelashes gangsta leaning

    3. What’s wrong with her teeth

    4. All the surgery, Why does she have washboard neck syndrome

    I Respect her though and her work!


    1. So many questions

      1. Whats on Retha lips? -> Butter flavored crisco

      2. Why is Her eyelashes gangsta leaning? -> she ate the cucumber that was applied at the spa

      3. What’s wrong with her teeth? deboning fish and chicken for 70 years does something to bicuspids.. plus we so used to seeing folks with the flex grill

      4. All the surgery, Why does she have washboard neck syndrome? You can pull the skin back from an uncircumsised wank but its still an ant eater hiding BV.

      I Respect her though and her work!


    1. Reading these comments and LMAO

      Thought this was a family oriented blog?


    1. Hell I ain’t goin nowhere, it’s freezing rain out.
      I guess freezing rain is better than snow, right?


      1. @ Keisha, dayum that’s why she starting eating all the chicken, all the hog maws, all the chitlins’ all the bacon, all the biscuits, all the eggs, all the gravy, all the rice, all the grits. Po lil retha, it’s not her fault that she’s everything Dawn said she is, cause she surely is


      2. From all the comments yall saying Aretha was like Fantasia back in the day.

        We trying to “put you up on game”. LOL


      3. From all the comments yall saying Aretha was like Fantasia back in the day.
        I ain’t never seen Aretha dressed as Project Wonder Woman like Fantasia was at her baby shower but…she done wore some realllllll shat…so umm yeah.


  8. Y’all need to leave Retha alone, but did anybody notice that her head leans to the right and his head leans to the left like they were conjoined twins


  9. #nobodycares, this stomach stapling, fat ass, desperate ass bitch act like she has a humongous fan base or some shit. like, bitch…you ain’t famous no more! #sitchoassdown


    1. Um @ Anonymous,
      Legends are ALWAYS famous, unlike the shallow pool of talent thats out there now! SHE WILL ALWAYS HAVE FANS. Just because your ignorant ass aint one of them dont mean she dont have them.


      1. Cosign Yvonne,
        Thank you for giving voice to respect the Queen. That hoodRat, you need to check yourself, her comments suggest a vehement anger. If Areatha’s music is not to your liking OK, but why the disrespect her? When she’s someone who has stood the test of time. Lessons over time are important, you need to study.


      2. @anonymous and you’re not famous at all.

        She is a living legend………………………………..and you need more mascara


      3. @Anonymous,
        show some respect! After all, the ledgendary Aretha Franklin deserves and earned the respect. … and that’s the reality!


      4. Anonymous, what u said was/is mad disrespectful!! This woman seen thing’s done thing’s that we will never see. Woman like her especially that is she is black deserve respect. She will forever be the Queen of soul.


      5. In reading some of the comments I am unfortunately not surprised at the crassness of so many of them. I wonder what has become of you people that you not only feel it is okay to talk so ugly about one of the best known singers of decades but you are not aware that all you’ve proven is how low-life you are. As the saying goes “It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it so”. I am saddened at the number of people who feel the need to be vulgar and foul just because you obviously feel you can and perhaps it is the only thing you know. And I pity you!


      6. In reading some of the comments I am unfortunately not surprised at the crassness of so many of them. I wonder what has become of you people that you not only feel it is okay to talk so ugly about one of the best known singers of decades but you are not aware that all you’ve proven is how low-life you are. As the saying goes “It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it so”. I am saddened at the number of people who feel the need to be vulgar and foul just because you obviously feel you can and perhaps it is the only thing you know. And I pity you!


      1. They’ve been together since the mid-80s (check your old Jet magazines). I doubt a pre-nup had anything to do with it. Maybe one of them got cold feet.


  10. Big Retha lost weight now she probably acting like she’s the shit, and can get anybody to marry her stank breath rotten teeth ass.


  11. everything is for the media…even the love your suppossed to share…
    …but still, Aunt’ Retha loves some attention. I bet her sons didn’t even approve of ole’ Willie. If he gets enough of her paper, he will be at every Blues Festival in Mississippi mackin’ all the wanna-be Arethas’…the over-weight, big weave back-up singers. Yeah, Willie probably got a caddie with white-walls..he don’t want no Benz.


    1. Yeah, Willie probably got a caddie with white-walls..he don’t want no Benz.
      …..Naw…naw…He got a Buick


  12. You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me
    Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free

    Let’s go back, let’s go back, let’s go way on back when
    I didn’t even know you, you came to me and too much you wouldn’t take
    I ain’t no psychiatrist, I ain’t no doctor with degree
    It don’t take too much high IQ’s to see what you’re doing to me

    You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me
    Yeah, think (think, think) let your mind go, let yourself be free

    Oh freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, yeah freedom
    Freedom (freedom), freedom (freedom), freedom, ooh freedom

    There ain’t nothing you could ask I could answer you but I won’t (I won’t)
    I was gonna change, but I’m not, to keep doing things I don’t

    You better think (think) think about what you’re trying to do to me
    Yeah, think (think, think), let your mind go, let yourself be free


    1. (Ooh) What you want
      (Ooh) Baby, I got
      (Ooh) What you need
      (Ooh) Do you know I’ve got it
      (Ooh) All I’m askin’
      (Ooh) Is for a little respect when you come home (Just a little bit)
      Hey baby (Just a little bit) when you get home
      (Just a little bit) mister (Just a little bit)

      I ain’t gonna do you wrong while you’re gone
      Ain’t gonna do you wrong (Ooh) ’cause I don’t want to (Ooh)
      All I’m askin’ (Ooh)
      Is for a little respect when you come home (Just a little bit)
      Baby (Just a little bit) when you get home (just a little bit)
      Yeah (Just a little bit)

      I’m about to give you all of my money
      And all I’m askin’ in return, honey
      Is to give me my profits
      When you get home (Just a, just a, just a, just a)
      Yeah baby (Just a, just a, just a, just a)
      When you get home (Just a little bit)
      Yeah (Just a little bit)

      Ooh, your kisses (Ooh)
      Sweeter than honey (Ooh)
      And guess what (Ooh)
      So is my money (Ooh)
      All I want you to do (Ooh) for me
      Is give it to me when you get home (Re, re, re ,re)
      Yeah baby (Re, re, re ,re)
      Whip it to me (Respect, just a little bit)
      When you get home, now (Just a little bit)

      Find out what it means to me
      Take care, TCB

      Oh (Sock it to me, sock it to me,
      sock it to me, sock it to me)
      A little respect (Sock it to me, sock it to me,
      sock it to me, sock it to me)
      Whoa, babe (Just a little bit)
      A little respect (Just a little bit)
      I get tired (Just a little bit)
      Keep on tryin’ (Just a little bit)
      You’re runnin’ out of foolin’ (Just a little bit)
      And I ain’t lyin’ (Just a little bit)
      (Re, re, re, re) ‘spect
      When you come home (Re, re, re ,re)
      Or you might walk in (Respect, just a little bit)
      And find out I’m gone (Just a little bit)
      I got to have (Just a little bit)
      A little respect (Just a little bit)

      Don’t play with me 🙂


  13. Is it me or does getting engaged and married signal the end to celebrities relationships? People are trying to fit into the archetypes of yesteryear which society doesn’t require anymore. If you want to date until the end of time, do it. Hell life is to short to ponder the matter.


    1. Is it me or does getting engaged and married signal the end to celebrities relationships? People are trying to fit into the archetypes of yesteryear which society doesn’t require anymore. If you want to date until the end of time, do it. Hell life is to short to ponder the matter.
      Damn that! I will always require COMMITTMENT.


      1. Damn that! I will always require COMMITTMENT.
        @ her age and with 3 failed marriages i’m sure committment means something else for her altogther now anyway. God bless her and as long as she’s happy.


      2. Damn that! I will always require COMMITTMENT.
        just becuz they ain’t married don’t mean they ain’t committed to each other.


      3. Damn that! I will always require COMMITTMENT.
        if they shacking up, hail they common law anyways.


  14. Glad she is wise about jumping into a marriage.
    She had a long career and probably a lot of money.
    Wonder what kind of work ole slick Willy Wilkerson did/do.
    Aretha said that Willy supports her and she
    supports him a lot…Friends first and then marriage.
    At 69, Aretha…stay smart…


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