
Beyonce Gives Birth Supposedly, to a Baby Girl…

I could care less about this story but to appease my readers here we go…

Word abuzz and around the internet is that singer Beyonce gave birth to a baby girl (through a surrogate) yesterday in a New York city hospital, the baby’s name is Ivy Blue Carter.

The conflicting reports are, Beyonce checked into the hospital under the alias name of Ingrid Jackson, while some are saying Ingrid Jackson is the surrogate woman who gave birth for the burlesque singer and her husband, rap mogul Jay Z.

The general public never believed the singer was actually pregnant, as several blogs constantly spoke about the singer’s collapsible belly pillow.

The baby is the first for Beyonce, 30, and the second for rapper Jay Z, 43, whose son, Isa Jael, 9, lives with his mother, former video model Shenelle Scott on the island of Trinidad.

151 thoughts on “Beyonce Gives Birth Supposedly, to a Baby Girl…”

  1. “The conflicting reports are, Beyonce checked into the hospital under the alias name of Ingrid Jackson, while some are saying Ingrid Jackson is the surrogate woman who gave birth for the burlesque singer and her husband, rap mogul Jay Z.”

    I read that was an alias that she used to check into the hospital……


  2. If this is true, congratulations to the Carters! Babies are a blessing although Its safe to say that the lengths they went to, to “protect” this child at birth, lord knows how this child will grow up normal. Baby carter will grow up with zero sense of reality which is pretty sad. The price of fame is one I can do without!


  3. I believe the baby was born on the 7th….shouts out to Capricorns….

    And they said she had it C-section…..



  4. GLO-RAY!!!! The PILLOW finally arrives and gets a name and IT’S OWN PRESS!

    I am rolling on the floor as ya’ll are reading this; speaking in tongues and calling GLO-RAY!


  5. I’m not sure about her giving birth just yet.I hope that she would not fake a pregnancy because she is to vain to carry her own baby knowing that she have enough money to correct any flaw that she has developed from pregnancy. I don’t get that vibe from her.


  6. we are happy that the baby is here because now the rumors will stop and Beyonce will slowly fade into obscurity I hope.


    is a baby really going to revive her career, I think not. What a dumb scam of a plan, a maternity line won’t do any better than her sasha fierce deron line. If immature teens didn’t want to wear her fashion line why would grown ass pregnant women want to? And mothers and expecting mothers aren’t trying to be no beyonce fans, that’s childish and they damn sure not trying to go to no concerts, so beyonce’s replacing her dumb young pop fans for mothers is a loss of income and a risk to her pu$$y popping stage acts, that’s not going to work for her anymore, sooooooooo what was the point of this career wise?

    I just don’t get beyonce’s thought process for this?? Babies don’t save careers or marriages, especially non-biological babies, we all see what adopted children did for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidnman, it got them a divorce lawyer.

    Now on the rare side, like Towanda Braxton, kids are keeping the parents under the same roof, but they’re biological kids that look just like their birth parents, I doubt a surrogate baby can save the day, who wants to be in a fake relationship raising another womens child, not selfish beyonce.


    1. It’s gonna be a while before anyone sees her.
      wanna fuckin bet? we’ll see that bitch somewhere around the city next week. she’s too vain to disappear.


  8. Congrats to the couple and their new baby girl, born in the year of the dragon too…baby girl will def be a star. Cant wait to see the photos, I bet she’s gorgeous, that Knowles gene is pretty iron strong


  9. I don’t buy it!!! Beyonce was never pregnant, simply because I can’t see Queen Tacky Yaki having a baby & not having a over the top bamma ass Baby Shower. This chick does not miss a chance to have something to put on DVD for her stans to buy. She was never pregnant! How did her baby get here b4 Jessica Simpson’s. GTFOH!!!


  10. Did y’all see the video of the Yak quickly getting into an SUV like a line-backer? Check it out on e! news.

    You can’t move like that when you are a nine-months pregnant person.

    This is so interesting, it THRILLS the beyjasus out of me!


    1. Yasha,
      I read the pillow was born last week. Still too soon to be walking around. I saw a vid of her getting in a SUV. After birth no woman gets in a vehicle the way she did. I don’t care how you deliverd the baby. Something is going to be hurt, or be stitched.


      1. I agree. Wether she was still pregnant or just gave birth she would have to waddle to the car. She is a horrible actress that doesn’t know how to play it off. Hasn’t she been around pregnant women before?


      2. That video of her jumping in that SUV should be proof to most but sadly it’s not. No way in hell a full term pregnant woman can move like that. It’s crazy that people believe this chick was pregnant. Beyonce always had “big girl potential” but she’s a couple of days before delivery with barely a stomach hopping in a car fully bending over?? Enjoy that Kool-Ad folks.


      3. Exactly @Al-Scream!!!
        No matter what she was always one biscuit away from being fat. She is a big guhl.


      4. @Shawnia,
        It was most def. on E!’s website…it may be down now…you know they snatch evidence down real quick. But she def. got in a van unlike any other 9 months pregnant woman I’ve seen..no matter how small you carry.


      5. I saw the video of her hoping into an SUV with high heels on at 9 months pregnant on the video on E!? A real pregnant woman can’t just jump into a car head first. Beyonce was never pregnant. She’s a fraud.


  11. CONGRATS BEY!! CONGRATS JAY!! Can’t wait to confirm the name and see some pix!! WELCOME Princess Carter!!

    Oh and BTW, Rihanna was one of the first tweeting congrats from “aunty Rih”


  12. I pray for this family’s sanity just based off some of these comments people are so hurtful.

    They already start comparing the baby name to someone he use to date and etc….foolishness


  13. No matter how that child was conceived or who carried her to term, she is here and this is a very special time for the family. Expect to see the first photoshopped baby photos in about 6 months.


  14. I still believe she had a surrogate. Some are saying the baby was born a month ago. Guess we’ll never know. I don’t believe the babies name is Ivy either.


  15. Congrats – whether birthed or bought.

    There’s a new baby in the Carter house. 🙂

    Can’t hate on that – babies are beautiful! They change the entire atmosphere of your home.


  16. LMAO!!!! 🙂 I hate-y’all!

    I just think a lot of the comments, not specifically on this blog, but others in general are just malicious. Having a baby whether natural or not is one of the most exciting and wonderful blessings in the world. And if Bey did have a surrogate I doubt it’ll come out with all that hush money, confidentiality agreements, etc which means all of their bases are covered.

    Besides as a surrogate why would you ever take yourself out of your hookup? I doubt any tabloids would pay said surrogate more than what they may have or may not have made off with Jay and Bey…considering also she may want to use the same surrogate for any other addtl children.


  17. I like the name Ivy Blue better than Blue Ivy but its not my child

    SN I guess their next daughter will be named Brooklyn

    Good Sunday Afternoon Ceo Fam…GO GIANTS AND STEELERS


  18. Congrats to the following:

    Ingrid Jackson (Surrogate Mother)
    Larry Johnson
    Kanye West
    Ivy’s future plastic surgeon
    Julius (Sperm Donor)
    Matthew Knowles (for his new group “Ivy And Two Back-Up Singers”
    Battle Ax Knowles (for her new clothing line “La Petite Camel-ia”)


  19. I feel sorry for this baby. Simply because this “child” will ALWAYS have a cloud of doubt that she is a testube baby brought off by the highest bider. No money or fame this child will recieved will remove this black cloud. THIS CHILD IS SCREWED. Thanks to her fake ass parents.


  20. though we KNOW that this bitch wasn’t pregnant, but used a surrogate, she is still going to have to sit her ass down. Nobody is gonna be checkin’ for her and her pussy popping mama steez. Fans are not going to look at you the same anymore…it ain’t happening! Beyonce can now officially sit the fuck down and go away. Her stocks are now down…it is what it is…


  21. “I could care less about this story but to appease my readers here we go…”

    That’s because Beyonce fans are young, naive little girls who KNOW NO BETTER… LOL…You Tracy Bell have no time for bullshit news like this.


  22. Congrats to the Carters, I love it, bringing a new life in the world is a beautiful thing, even though u always got a Bitter Betty out there hating & looking 4 something negative 2 say


  23. Blue Ivy….sounds like a movie about a disturbed young woman where strange things happen to the people she encounters….oh well congrats


  24. Beyonce was NEVER pregnant! She hurried this shit up in time for the upcoming awards show and shit. This is not adding up. Either way, she is sooo done! Thank God!


    1. Beyonce was NEVER pregnant!
      Exactly and if this is true, all it serves to do is add more speculation to the debate over whether or not this trollop was really pregnant or not. After all: this attention whore went out of her way to upstage the VMAs with her bogus announcement, yet now all of a sudden everything is so hush hush. Shit…I wouldn’t be surprised if what people on other blogs have been saying is true–that the baby was actually born a week or so ago.


      1. If this narcissistic bish shows up at the Grammy’s, then that should be another obvious indication that she did not have a baby.


      2. She will show up at the Grammy’s. She will of course look fabulous and talk about all her working out to get rid of the baby weight. When that pillow didn’t even weigh a pound. LOL 🙂


  25. Beyonce is the fist woman I know to announce a pregnancy, show fake bellies in different sizes each month, then give birth quick, fast and in a hurry. GTFOH!!!

    And i know she love the fact that, she’s getting all this attention behind this fake shit. how sick!!


  26. Is the baby named after the teen mom who gave it up for adoption? Call me loony but I still think something was up with the belly fold in Australia.


      1. So her first name is Blue???

        No…i cant rock with that…

        Ivy Blue Carter i can see

        but Blue Ivy Carter…nah…i cant see callin a girl blue all the damn time…


  27. Good Evening!! Super long time lurker here… She had pregnant women feet the other day. I just don’t see how you can fake that.


    1. Sally,
      I see pregnant women feet on non pregnant women every day..They refuse to accept the fact that they wear a size 9 instead of a size 6

      As for beyawnce., flash that belly w/o a c-section scar & you’re busted!


      1. I see pregnant women feet on non pregnant women every day..They refuse to accept the fact that they wear a size 9 instead of a size 6


  28. This whole thing was odd since the beginning…. This was the fastest pregnancy ever. Also, so sad they had to name their kid after their albums.


  29. So no one is going to mention that she was 4 months pregnant performing running around this town with a flat stomach?


    1. So no one is going to mention that she was 4 months pregnant performing running around this town with a flat stomach?


      1. her belly could be flat at 4 months.
        Who said??? Because Beyonce wasn’t showing doesn’t mean shes not pregnant? Umm yes it does! Beyonce is a naturally big girl who said so herself, so at 4 months how is her belly flat at the billboards but 2 weeks later she is showing her belly on Mtv? How does that same belly fold on tv c’mon now.


      2. I was skeptical at first and thought people was tripping but Stevie Wonder can see this heffa aint never been no more pregnant than the man in the moon…


  30. Beyonce is a hypocrite with paper and that’s dangerous. And why would Jay-Z care if they used a surrogate? He’s already a father. I wonder if Beyonce is barren….or just lazy.


  31. “Most of these young girls today don’t know their cooch from a hole in the wall. See, that’s why I dress… and rest, cause love don’t live here anymore.”


      1. enough of this bullshit talk about Bey and Jay’s surrogate baby I’m out.
        Me 3


  32. this was the shortest, weirdest, unbelievable cat and mouse pregnancy in hollyweird history!! or as i call it, the hoax of the century. and like somebody said. what happened to the baby shower??


    1. what happened to the baby shower??
      she and her husband are rich and don’t need a baby shower. still don’t mean she didn’t give birth to a baby. although the shit is still very suspect @Starr.


      1. with all the speculation surrounding this chile’s pregnancy, the title was very appropiate IMO.
        Oh NO DOUBT!


      2. Hey CDawg, we’re 9 days into the New Year already man. LOL

        Morning, BigBelly, Brown, Nicole, Queen, Olivijah, Danny, Sane, Al and the rest of y’all ceo bloggers.


      3. Oh good ain’t nobody talkin bout this beyaki baby spectacle no more. so it’s safe 2say morning people


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