
Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Cover Essence Magazine

Ooh and I know Siohvaughn is pissed!!!!!

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union will grace the cover of the February 2012 issue of ESSENCE magazine. The NBA star met the sultry actress while he was still married to, Siohvaughn Funches. Gabby caught a lot of flack from NBA groupies and others who objected to her home wrecking talents. But the reality of the situation is that the love was gone in Siohvaughn and Dwyane’s marriage by the time Gabby worked her feminine wiles to get him.

On the subject of marriage, Wade said:

“We’re not rushing it. Both of us have been married before, and we understand that if we choose to marry again, we want it to be right. We both took failing at marriage hard. The next time it’s gotta be forever…” — Dwyane Wade

Dwyane Wade’s 8 year marriage to his high school sweetheart Siohvaughn came to an end in 2010 and Gabrielle Union was married for 5 years to Jacksonville Jaguars running back, Chris Howard. Their marriage ended in April of 2006.

Read the full interview in next month’s Essence!

98 thoughts on “Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union Cover Essence Magazine”

  1. Will she be giving tips on how to get a married man to actually leave his wife…maybe the article should be titled “finding love with a married man”


    1. Well at least Gabby posed how she got him. Legs open…ok bye



  2. As my grandma always says “Can’t take someone that doesn’t want to be taken.” She didn’t go to their home and take him away from Siovaughn, Dwayne left willingly.


    1. As my grandma always says “Can’t take someone that doesn’t want to be taken.” She didn’t go to their home and take him away from Siovaughn, Dwayne left willingly.
      I Co-sign, HIS DEDICATION WAS TO HIS WIFE! People are crazy Women scorn…


    1. call me a hater if you want—stuff wasn’t right—I mean its old now, but the foundation of their relationship was built on him cheatin and that just isn’t right—I would get into it, but that’s all I have to say.


      1. BLACK HOLLYWOOD’S FAVORITE COUPLE? Says WHO? I don’t think so.

        Black people get extremely excited about Will and Jada, but this couple is hardly exciting news.

        I know that you like this lady, Angelhair, but she just isn’t all that. She reminds me of a young church lady or a school teacher. Boring.

        She’s a homewrecker to boot. Doesn’t matter what the husband says about his state of affairs. All married men say the same thing. The proper thing for her to have done was to stay away until he was no longer married and fighting with his wife over his children.


    2. Wow. The level of jealousy and envy in this post.
      @Angelhair, Def no jealousy on my part…facts are facts


  3. I’m GOING to tell y’all what ALL MY Female Relatives and Female PEEPS have said regarding D-Wade… “WHEN did D-Wade start LQQKING All GAY (And SHYT Though…)”


  4. Gabby is not a homewrecker folks need to mind their own homes. People aren’t property you can’t take anybody away from anybody people choose who they want to be with. People get divorced everyday nothing new under the sun. His ex was batshyt crazy per the court docs. There are three sides to every story.

    I LOVE that yellow on Gabby WERK hunni



  5. Well dayum that’s how yall really feel? I don’t get why people get so caught up in other people’s business that it affects thier mood. Like really, y’all going that hard bc this man left his allegedly cheating, crazy wife?

    I guess he was suppose to stay forever…..

    Damn get over, let it go….” nice looking couple” Not to say they have the perfect relationship, that have something that’s working for them at this moment.


    1. Damn get over, let it go….” nice looking couple” Not to say they have the perfect relationship, that have something that’s working for them at this moment.
      It’s very easy for us to say “get over it” when we are not walking in Savoigne’s shoes. we don’t know how betrayed that woman feel by DWade.


  6. They look good and yeah I’m sure this issue will send Siovagnne (the ex-wifey) over the edge. I know if I had built my life with a man from H.S. and he then ran off with an industry whore I’d be pissed too!!!!! hell yeah. and that same bitch is around my kids. I would need a str8 jacket.


    1. They look good and yeah I’m sure this issue will send Siovagnne (the ex-wifey) over the edge. I know if I had built my life with a man from H.S. and he then ran off with an industry whore I’d be pissed too!!!!! hell yeah. and that same bitch is around my kids. I would need a str8 jacket.


      1. Ladies no woman can enter a closed heart. and if that man’s heart was open he had no love for his wife. grant it, i’m not condoning cheating but he should’ve closed one door b4 opening another.


  7. Of course Gabby’s going to open up about their relationship now that he’s divorced but she kept that shit on the real DL when she was creepin with him. No shade but she was fucking around with him when he was married and what’s right is right and what’s wrong is all the way WRONG!! That type of shit would make any *ex* bitter.


  8. If Dwayne Did Siovohgnne (his ex) wrong his relationship with Gabby will fail but if they have success as a couple, sombody did something right.

    Peace people.


      1. Looks like Gabby enhanced ole boy and i betchu this photo shoot and cover idea was all hers.
        I agree it’s like he’s even dressing better. lol 🙂


  9. It is time to stop riding Space Mountain.
    Hey Essence, I think I will be skipping this issue. Two cheaters for the love issue? Really? How you get them is how you loose them.


  10. “We’re not rushing it. Both of us have been married before, and we understand that if we choose to marry again, we want it to be right. We both took failing at marriage hard. The next time it’s gotta be forever…”

    I actually agree with him…have fun, date, and enjoy each other’s company! Too many people rush into marriages without much thought and end up in divorce court.


    1. Yeah @Xmen,
      Why should they hurry up and get married? They are going to break up regardless if they get married or not. #Essence is grasping at straws as always and him with 2boys, Gabby is just having fun.


  11. I have no comments on their relationship. But it sucks that Essence cannot find a prominent married black couple with no baggage for these so-called “Black Love” covers – but controversy sells so they know what they are doing.

    But WTF is up with the styling? Gabby looks like she is a secret fatty hiding under a tent, that color is horrible and her weave did not need to be “blowing” in the wind. They used way too much photoshop on both of them and that typeface is UGLY.


    1. I have no comments on their relationship
      ARE U SURE? CAUSE YOU SOUND MAD AS HAIL WITH: “But WTF is up with the styling? Gabby looks like she is a secret fatty hiding under a tent, that color is horrible and her weave did not need to be “blowing” in the wind. They used way too much photoshop on both of them and that typeface is UGLY.”


  12. OOOH I Thank God I stopped subscribing to Essence when they put Sean Combs and Kim Porter on the cover. The multiple Steve Harvey covers and this solidifies for me that I made the right decision. Controversy sells. :-/


      1. You sound petty when it’s so not about the woman’s looks. Hell he ain’t no door prize either.
        the nigga is ugly on average.


      2. Dwayne Wade is average looking but he has nice skin, the height and the body. Plus he seems like he’d be a sweet guy in private times and all that. But yeah, his face ain’t nothin’ to write home about.


      3. Dwyane is impressive overall and definitely looks like he packin and can put it dooown so I get it but it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it … so #epicfail HEAUX #BOOM


  13. Gabby is fine as hell. Siohvaugh can’t compete against women like Gabby ( Delta Sigma women,Corporate Sistas,she might be the only Sista hanging out with her Yt girlfriends but she always looking out for her lil’ chocolate covered nieces and nephews, pushing them to finish school, whiteboys might ask her out but she really wants to settled down with a brotha, she’s freaky like a yt gurl but carries herself like a queen)


  14. Thanks I appreciate the negative comments for once..I cannot stand this couple..GU is in fact a whore and nothing she does will prosper..I don’t appreciate Dwade taking his kids away from their mother like that..she was good enough to hold you down for years and when you had nothing, but then after filing for divorce you treat her like garbage?? IDGAF I hope this nigga lose all his money and die an early, slow painful death..For flaunting this garden tool and disrespecting his children’s mother like this…


  15. Dwyane ain’t gonna marry this girl..he just used her for a crutch to help him get out of his marriage…she might get broke off and get a baby out the deal or a house or whatever but she will not walk down anybody’s aisle..Gabby you are fuckin for nothing you homewreckin heaux!!


    1. Somewhere Siohvaughn is sitting in the bathtub trying to slit her wrist ova this shit…
      He cheated on her so of course she’s somewhere hurt. This cover is like a slap in her face. Pouring more salt into her wound.


  16. Well, well, well. As others have said, you can’t keep no man/woman who don’t want to be kept. NOW if they were separated and him and Gabby started dating, you cannot call this woman a homewrecker! Maybe i’m too new school…divorces take too flucking long and people tend to move on with their lives before the divorce is final.

    HOWEVER,let me say this, if she was with this man while the wife was under the impression that their marriage was salvageable, then she’s sheisty. Either way, I like the cover but I know the black community is gonna be “up in arms” about it.


  17. LOVE these 2 together!! By all accounts that I’ve read, D. Wade’s marriage was already over when they got together


  18. I hate when a person post about how a person suppose to feel or how they feel about a story. It’s just like any other news story, bish I feel how I feel and gabby is a non-acting homewrecking hoe…


    1. I hate when a person post about how a person suppose to feel or how they feel about a story. It’s just like any other news story, bish I feel how I feel and gabby is a non-acting homewrecking hoe…
      You’ve got that right, Pinky. They were still married and fighting over their children, but she the hoe role and stuck around waiting for a bite.

      A man that is separated is still married. Ask the law or ask Jesus.


  19. It doesn’t matter what our opinion is regarding their relationship; at the end of the day they are the only two who have to answer for their actions; despite all the negative feedback Alicia & Swiss still got married & are still together. If karma is all that folks say it is, what’s the hostility if-their demise is imminent right?!?!?!
    Leave folks be, what will be will be…so -y’all can call these ladies hoes & jump offs etc a la but these men are the ones who filled y’all head up all these years talking bout men don’t marry hoes, men marry or are in relationships with the hell they want to be and no woman is excluded including hoes- so stop buying & believing everything these men tell u & just know if & when a nicca feel the notion your arse can & will be replaced married or not- me included…. so don’t count on happily ever after & expect happy for now & be prepared for later~ I’m just saying all is fair in love & war


    1. Well I have something else to say, we all wish for that “happyily ever after” but it is no longer a reality, if it does happen than you are one of the lucky ones…#IMO


  20. Homewrecker yes but so what its life. If a man is seperated whats wrong w/ moving on.
    If my husband and I seperate, i’m dropping over on the first new c0ck tomorrow. Aint nothin like new d!ck. They look happy and yes hoes def are winning.


    1. I wouldn’t be messing with someone while I was separated. You can’t really move on until that is cleaned up anyways. I also think whether the divorce is your fault or the other’s you need reflection time and figure out what went wrong, what can I do different, and be you with always.


      1. totally agree @Bobby – it’s alwasy easier to rebound when you have someone waiting in the wings, but what real time do you have to work on you? I am going through this situation right now, right now I am taking a break and focusing on me, I’m tired of being hurt and feeling disappointed. All change is self change and that change needs to start within you, moving right on to a new relationship, only temporarily fixes the problem…#IMO


  21. LIVE and LET LIVE… There is NO Right or Wrong regarding these TWO Being Together IMO It’s Simple “It IS What It IS” and “Keep It MOVING” Though


  22. You can’t call Gabby a homewrecker when Dwyane’s ex-wife was cheating and contracted a STD from another man. She lied and said Dwyane gave it to her and he sued her for defamation.


    1. @Starr – I have to respectfully disagree, she wasn’t his ex when this happended, although, I do agree to each his own, but damn at least wait for the ink to dry on the divorce papers…as someone else posted separated is still married..#IMO..


      1. Technically, shouldn’t Savoghdkjy be the hoe since she cheated, supported (with Wades money), and got an STD from a guy she was cheating with??? I guess since she was the wife she gets a pass…

        Anywho, I love them together.


  23. Hey errybody! Happy New Year. They look alright to me. A little too much photoshopping, but majority of those celebs would look like trash if they didn’t have makeup and photoshop.


  24. Why does The School Marm aka Housewrecker Union have those big ol’ scary hard, extra white lookin teeth like Barney?


  25. *Oh Hail NO!!* Essence, Ebony and Jet are the first and oldest magazines for the black community. Back in the 70′s, the covers of Essence and Ebony showed black love and family. It wouldn’t be anything to see a picture of a black man on the cover with his queen and their child; I understand we are in a new day and age when homewreckers are profiled on the cover of their magazine. That isn’t a story of ‘black love’ and I really am offended by it.

    D-Wad and Gabby maybe should have been on the cover of Source Magazine or Right On, but NOT Jet/Ebony/Essence. Slowly but surely, these magazines are becoming rags that will profile anybody; yeah I said it!!


    1. @Ms. Kayla-_____So who exactly do you suggest they put on the cover? How many celeb couples that have children are actually married? Not many, right? The few that are out there have already been featured so why continue to put the same people on the cover??? That won’t sell mags, sorry…

      Nobody wants to see the same people on the cover every month.


    2. *Oh Hail NO!!* Essence, Ebony and Jet are the first and oldest magazines for the black community. Back in the 70′s, the covers of Essence and Ebony showed black love and family. It wouldn’t be anything to see a picture of a black man on the cover with his queen and their child; I understand we are in a new day and age when homewreckers are profiled on the cover of their magazine. That isn’t a story of ‘black love’ and I really am offended by it.

      D-Wad and Gabby maybe should have been on the cover of Source Magazine or Right On, but NOT Jet/Ebony/Essence. Slowly but surely, these magazines are becoming rags that will profile anybody; yeah I said it!!

      Further more who are you too:

      1. Be Offended and..

      2. State that what they have isn’t love


    3. *Oh Hail NO!!* Essence, Ebony and Jet are the first and oldest magazines for the black community. Back in the 70′s, the covers of Essence and Ebony showed black love and family. It wouldn’t be anything to see a picture of a black man on the cover with his queen and their child; I understand we are in a new day and age when homewreckers are profiled on the cover of their magazine. That isn’t a story of ‘black love’ and I really am offended by it.

      D-Wad and Gabby maybe should have been on the cover of Source Magazine or Right On, but NOT Jet/Ebony/Essence. Slowly but surely, these magazines are becoming rags that will profile anybody; yeah I said it!!
      You’re correct, Ms.Kayla., Union is one of these “straight to DVD” type of actresses, and the cover choice is just BLAH. No excitement whatsoever.


    4. @Mahogany & Daisy:
      All I’m saying is that there used to be a STANDARD that was set and that apparently no longer applies.

      A married man (even if he is separated) that flaunts his girlfriend before the divorce petition is even drawn up and submitted is just cruel and doesn’t care about anyone elses feelings but his own. It isn’t right just because everyone else does it.

      I’m just offended that some of us act like we don’t have standards anymore. It seems that whatever is being done this week or whatever attitude is being taken by the majority is ‘ok’. This is all strictly my opinion but it’s sad.


      1. @Kayla,
        You stand for what you believe is right, even if you stand alone…Time will always reveal the truth and God will always show up and show out for what is WRONG eventually……….


      2. You stand for what you believe is right, even if you stand alone…Time will always reveal the truth and God will always show up and show out for what is WRONG eventually……….
        Exactly!!! and thank you


      3. Hey Tracy,
        you may be right but in the meantime, we are all entitled to our opionions and you being this blogs host, surely you believe that. and your job is to ignite conversation, interaction and disagreement.


  26. whyy does this nigga have pink sissy lips in that pic? he looks cool with a beard. I mean the hair on his face beard, not GU beard.


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