
Will And Jada Are Divorcing And Jada Lawyers up

Despite trying to deny the divorce rumors, it appears that Will and Jada Pinkett Smith are headed for divorce court according to In Touch Weekly.

The magazine is reporting that Jada Pickett Smith recently met with celebrity divorce lawyer Laura Wasser, who has represented the likes of Britney Spears, Maria Shriver, and Kim Kardashian.

A source tells In Touch that Smith has “finally begun to take steps to dissolve their marriage,” even reportedly turning down a role in Keanu Reeves directorial debut to spend time with her kids during this “difficult time.”

The magazine first reported that Will and Jada had separated in August after 13 years of marriage. The pair issued a statement in response to the allegations: “Although we are reluctant to respond to these types of press reports, the rumors circulating about our relationship are completely false. We are still together, and our marriage is intact.”

The star couple have two kids, Jaden and Willow, whose careers were reportedly at the root of the Smiths’ marital problems. Smith has one son from a previous marriage.

90 thoughts on “Will And Jada Are Divorcing And Jada Lawyers up”

  1. Not surprising­!…. Are most of these celebrity marriages for real in the first place…..­NO!

    They are usually marriages of convenienc­es and to acquire money.


  2. Apparently the “meditatio­n room” in their new home didn’t help to keep the marriage solvent. Now, as is the custom when you “lawyer up”, its all about the money!


  3. I seriously doubt that “disagreem­ents on how to manage their kids’ careers” is the reason for their split.

    More likely, it is the open marriage that they espoused that had one of them decide enough was enough.

    And don’t anyone start telling me how polyamory works; is wonderful; don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it.

    Because I will call major BS on it every time. E.V.E.R.Y. T.I.M.E


  4. what’s the world coming too? will and jada divorcing. chaz/chasity bono wanna buy a dick…damn i’m going ta bed. nite y’all.


  5. I always felt that the over the top encouragem­ent of their children to perform was a bit much. They always seemed to be over the top about everything­.


  6. yes, yes, word on the net is, they done already sold their house in hawaii. they are unloading their different properties..wonder what happened??


    1. wonder what happened??
      Say what? yeah what happened? I want to know who has the tea on what happened in that marriage


      1. wonder what happened??
        They say Will wanna throw the kids in feet first and Jada wanna take it slow…or vice versa. Will’s slow, Jada fast. IDK.


      2. They say Will wanna throw the kids in feet first and Jada wanna take it slow…or vice versa. Will’s slow, Jada fast. IDK.
        Jada better bring her inner Bmore hoodrat out and save her marriage!!!!

        Will will understand! Let that negro know….they MY damned kids and if I say we slowing it down, we’s slowing the fukk ddooooowwwWWWWWWWWNNNNNNnnnnnn!!!!!


      1. how sad and they were sooo in love.
        oh well love don’t last 4ever
        in my family it does.


  7. So, yeah, I just saw “Hancock” last night and was fairly annoyed by the bullshittery of it all:

    Angry Black Man?…CHECK

    Angry Black Man with ape like strength?…CHECK

    Angry Black Man that’s only angry because he
    wants to be patted on the head by the white folk?…CHECK

    Angry Black Man who drools at any kracka female?…CHECK

    Angry Black Man who will stop at nothing to get his kracka female?…CHECK

    “Perfect” kracka woman who’s his “match”?…(LMAO) CHECK

    Little “sweet” kracka child who Angry Black Man melts over?…CHECK

    And no movie featuring a darkie is complete without **DRUM ROLL**-a WHITE SAVIOR!!!! who has to save the Angry black man from himself and…CHECK

    Fuck that movie.


    1. Not to mention, we finally get a black big screen super hero in a major summer blockbuster flick and:

      He’s lazy,
      He’s homeless,
      He sleeps on a bench,
      He’s quit on life and aint doin’ shit,
      He’s an alchoholic,
      He flies drunk,
      He curses at little kids and old women,
      He endangers innocent citizens in the line of duty,
      He costs the city millions with his careless actions,
      He’s hated by the public,
      He doesn’t show up to court to face penalties for his fuck-ups,
      And of course…he’s not allowed to touch the white woman even though the bitch is supposedly his wife and soulmate..

      One of the biggest sellout roles of all-time, in my opinion. Real house nigga shit..


      1. OK and how many years ago did Hancock come out? Y’all kinda late with these Siskel and Ebert reviews…
        And so are u cauz Siskel been dead for 12 years….it’s Roger and Ebert #carryon


    2. @Soldier,
      I couldn’t make it PAST when I found out The YT Female had Super-Powers ALSO… When they tore up The House (I WAS Fucking DONE Watching that ALL-OUT Bull-SHYT!!!)


  8. They don’t have a pre-nup?! I mean, won’t she just walk away with her money and he with his. Hell she got 20 million from the Matrix (or close to that)


    1. @Yasha,
      They claim they don’t have a pre-nup but I actually never believed that. I also don’t believe that Will has as much money as we think he does. And I believe that Jada probably doesn’t have much money at this point, thus her hiring the big gun divorce attorney.


    2. Ya’ll don’t know what’s in these peoples bank accounts. they have several cars and houses they can cash in., that’s money right there.


  9. Tra,
    there is not much else left to talk about regarding the Smith divorce. Many people will tell you that they saw it coming a while ago. This is kind of stale for a lot of us by now.



    1. Wonder why they just won’t issue a statement already.
      because when some people divorce, they feel as if they’re a failure. for some odd and dumb reason people see long mariage as a sign of success and stability. that shit is fine and dandy if it’s real.


      1. Wonder why they just won’t issue a statement already.
        because when some people divorce, they feel as if they’re a failure. for some odd and dumb reason people see long mariage as a sign of success and stability. that shit is fine and dandy if it’s real.
        well said and I cosign!


  10. goodnight everyone. I got 3 more hours left at work. I pray you all have safe trips to your destinations and will see you again here tomorrow.


    1. goodnight everyone. I got 3 more hours left at work. I pray you all have safe trips to your destinations and will see you again here tomorrow.
      you leavin already? Hell we just gettin started. lol 🙂


  11. Notice how…when rumors of celebrities breaking up start floating around…the rumors are ALLWAYS adamantly denied..then a few months later the rumors turn out to be true?


  12. If these rumors are STILL around months later, i’m inclined to believe there are serious problems within their marriage.

    What black couple will we look up to now? [sarcasm]


  13. Where there’s smoke there’s fire.

    I wish them nothing but the best and some peace and happiness. And if they have to achieve that through divorce.

    Bless Them.


  14. Back in 2008, Will opened up about his marriage during a visit to “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” and at the time, said “divorce is not an option.”

    “What I found is divorce just can’t be an option,” Will told Ellen at the time. “It’s really that simple. And I think that’s the problem with L.A. – there are so many options. So a huge part of the success for [Jada] and I is that we just removed the other options.”

    WHAT ABOUT THIS WILL…HUH …….HOWEVER its not so far fetched that people do change!


    1. Hope its not true……

      Hm they went to Heavy’s funeral in seperate limo’s and ain’t been pictured 2gether in a minute., um yeah I think it’s true Boo.


  15. I read someone (not here) that this is why men shouldn’t get married because they have to pay all this money when they get divorced (her lawyer rep Kelis).

    I find this funny because money never stopped them from fucking w/no condom. Child support is where you really stuck for your papers…. #justsaying.


      1. Hopefully this is not true I have truly always liked them as a couple but if they do split hopefully they will remain close in the raising of their children.


      2. My little belief in REAL (must be clarified) marriage will die….if these two split…


        so for the sake of some lucky lady..i suggest these two stay together.


      3. My little belief in REAL (must be clarified) marriage will die….if these two split…

        so for the sake of some lucky lady..i suggest these two stay together.

        Man STHU!!!


      4. For some reason I never looked to Will and Jada as far as modeling a marriage cause of all those swinger stories. Granted Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee may have some skeletons in a closet somewhere, but they seemed like a genuinely happy and beautiful couple, and I always aspired to be like them.


      5. OH damn… I feel so sorry for these famous couples.
        folks always got something to say bout your business.


      6. @Spice, I don’t need any of these people to look up to… They are getting divorced period and have been working it out quietly for sometime.


      7. 2012 needs to be the year that people stop living in these “Stars” shadows and be their own person- be educated, work hard, follow their dreams and stay out of the spotlight if possible.


      8. no, No, No, no, NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

        Not will and Jada!!!! I’ve always admired their “divorce is not an option” ideal!! They’ve been saying it since at LEAST 1999!!!


        Well…. lemme move on down the list…..

        Denzel and Pauletta are still together….so I’m good.


      9. “Aw Hail NO!!!!!! – SMH at people thinking this swinging couple being the perfect example of a dag gone marriage.” Damn So glad I have my parents to look up too. Still happily married 43years and going strong. There is still hope, but if you’re basing your life off celebrities.


      10. Denzel and Pauletta are still together….so I’m good.

        TOTALLY AGREE (That’s a REAL Marriage Though…)


      11. @Man
        If you need their marriage as an example then perhaps you should skip marriage all together marriage is what you make it


    1. I read someone (not here) that this is why men shouldn’t get married because they have to pay all this money when they get divorced (her lawyer rep Kelis).

      I find this funny because money never stopped them from fucking w/no condom. Child support is where you really stuck for your papers…. #justsaying.
      actually @ ionna, you pay more for the divorce than kids. like tiger old wife or what vanessa bryant about to get. sure they would get child support payments that equal maybe 35-40k a months but in a 18year span of a kids life thats less than 10 million these women getting 50 million at least.


    1. Will got most of the money anyway…his money is long.
      If they ARE getting divorced, Jada is DEFINITELY entitled to half in this situation. She has LITERALLY been Will’s partner in building an empire. She’s helped him start, run and manage his “Overbrook Ent.”, she’s been co-producers with him on a tv show, if youlook at most of the movies he’s done that he was able to stamp with his “Overbrook ent” logo, she’s got some type of production, exec production credit.

      Jada ain’t been like an Elin or Vanessa- she’s worked for hers. They’ve built something TOGETHER. Anything LESS than a half split would be totally unfair to her.


      1. I don’t believe this… I don’t really care either but I don’t believe it simply cause it’s too much on the line for them to split right now. They both have images and reps that’ll be attacked and their kids have too much going on. The money issue, no big deal cause that’s for the most part an easy split down the middle, but the rest ?? NO!


  16. Will still my nigga but somewhere along the way when he was working on Fresh Prince he “changed.”

    I think Uncle Phil mighta pulled an ol “Sandusky” on that nigga.


    1. I think Uncle Phil mighta pulled an ol “Sandusky” on that nigga.
      I was just about to say that!


      1. @Man Will still my nigga but somewhere along the way when he was working on Fresh Prince he “changed.”
        Exactly. Now when I go back and watch that show..it seems Will would act gay..(i.e..fanga snappin in a Z formation…swayin his back…whippin his hair back & forth, etc.) at times when the scene he was in did NOT call for it. tsk. tsk.


  17. As eccentric as they both are for some reason I have always loved Will and Jada together, I really can’t explain what it is, I just feel like marriage should be a private institution for any and all people, including celebrities, they to me seem they have accomplished this well..


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