
“Heavy D Passed Away – And I’m In A State Of Shock!”

Law enforcement told TMZ … Heavy D had just returned from shopping and walked up some stairs when he began having trouble breathing.  Adam Mills, a designer who was in the building and knew Heavy D, found him leaning against a railing and clearly in distress.  Adam tells us he cradled Heavy D in his lap as others called 911.  Adam says Heavy D was conscious and said to him, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.”  When paramedics took Heavy D to the hospital he had a pulse.  People in the building are saying he died of a heart attack, but we have not been able to confirm that.  Law enforcement sources tell us … no foul play was involved and so far they only know the cause of death was “medical.”

From TMZ.com:

Rap legend Heavy D — one of the most influential rappers of the ’90s — died earlier today … TMZ has learned.

Heavy D — real name Dwight Arrington Myers — was rushed to an L.A. hospital around noon today … and was pronounced dead at the hospital at 1 PM. He was 44 years old.

We’ve learned a 911 call was placed from Heavy’s Beverly Hills home around 11:25 AM to report an unconscious male on the walkway .

When help arrived, we’re told Heavy D was conscious and speaking — and was transported to a nearby hospital.

He died a short time later.

Cops are investigating the death — and so far, there are no obvious signs of foul play.

Rest in paradise Heavy, I’m so hurt 😦

150 thoughts on ““Heavy D Passed Away – And I’m In A State Of Shock!””

    1. Damn Trace you LATE with this one.
      That’s ok, Blog Queen gon do what she gotta do to keep it goin.


  1. this really makes me sad. I was a huge fan of Heavy D….. I just saw him in Tower Heist.

    I got nothing but love for you baby… I got nothing but love boy, yeah whatever…


    1. his last tweet speaks volumes! “Be inspired”
      He was just on twitter this morning…. I’ve never heard anyone in the industry say a bad word about Heavy. I’m happy he was able to do his thing at the Hip Hop Awards.


  2. “Now that we found love, what are we gonna doooooo, with it”

    RIP Heavy D 😦 Thoughts and prayers to your family and friends.


  3. R.I.P. Heavy D…I’m shocked over this too @Blog Queen…smh… 😦 I thought he was in good health especially after losing so much weight..guess God said it was time for him to go home.


    1. *Salt n’ Pepa
      *Heavy D and the boys
      *Keith Sweat
      *Johnny Kemp legends!!!!!!!!!! all of em
      Takes me back to Cross Colors, Karl Kani, Fubu, f&*cking high-school, house parties….


    1. Hmm so somebody said HIV? True or no? @Tra

      And damn, does HIV still kill people??? WTF!!! Know your staus!
      HIV I wouldn’t know – what I do know is Magic is 20 years later living with this disease!


      1. Hmm so somebody said HIV? True or no? @Tra

        And damn, does HIV still kill people??? WTF!!! Know your staus!
        Yes, and Magic has known that staus and acted appropriately for these 20yrs.

        The stigma attached must be lessened if people wanna live.

        When ppl find out they are + the do usually says, “but you wont die of this..” because the gains have been so great. but if you have had it for yrs with no care that’s a different story.


      2. Hmm so somebody said HIV? True or no? @Tra

        And damn, does HIV still kill people??? WTF!!! Know your staus!
        what’s HIV gotta do with this? Please don’t speculate people.


      3. *packs up shyt and leaves*

        What a nasty rumor to put out there without facts. I highly doubt he had HIV and if he did so what the man is dead. When I saw him at the Hip Hop awards I remember people tweeting that he GAINED his weight back that he lost.

        smh usually when ppl die from HIV related causes they die in the hospital not sudden death.

        RIP to one of the Greatest….


  4. “i want somebody to love me for me., not because mc heavy d”. i was just thinking about his episode on LIVING SINGLE and crazy Max said ‘ok regine, some people are born big, some just eat a lot. which one is he?’ wow man.


  5. man, I remember when his dancer T-roy passed away early 90′s. i think that’s when he took the dancing away from his shows. i think.


    Way too soon.
    I’ve been jamming to your POSITIVE rap since you started! Loved seeing you on the BET show recently.

    Rest Peacefully~


  7. 44 is still so young. I wonder what caused his death. RIP and thanks for leaving us with good memories and jams that we can continue to enjoy.


  8. Very sad, Heavy D was very instrumental in 90’s music. They go in 3’s everytime, Mickey Rooney, Joe Frazier, and Heavy D


  9. I’m rough and tough and all that stuff , make u dance and dance and prance, make you huff and puff, there’s just no way you can get enough of ME! Mr. Big Stuff…. RIP HEavy.


  10. First, Smokin Joe Frazier may he rest in peace and now this! OMG! I can’t believe this.
    He was such a positive influence in the rap game. He didn’t have to resort to vulgar lyrics, his music was jammin and his message was ALWAYS positive & on point. I was so proud of him after he lost all that weight and was doing so well. I am so shocked! God Bless his soul.

    Rest in paradise Heavy, I’m so hurt –>Me2 Tra Me2


  11. lets not ignore the pink elephant in the room!!! yall acting like yall dont know why he died. OBVIOUSLY his weight was a factor, whether it caused hypertension or diabetes or heart failure or whatever it was that led to his death.his weight was the cause. get healthy black ppl.


    1. We can’t necessarily assume his weight was a factor. Over the years he lost a lot of weight. And while he could have possibly had diabetes or hypertension, it’s rare that diabetes will make you drop dead on the sidewalk with no warning symptoms.


      1. I cosign @Angelhair,
        We don’t know why he died but black folks are dying way too young. Nate Dogg, hell Joe Frazier was young. The list is long. Go to the doctor and keep your shit regulated


      2. I personally dont think it is important on how a person died, we all know death will call for each and every one of us, we have to ask, will I be ready?
        yes it’s time to mourn ,and also time to reflect, 16 hrs ago he was on twitter, 16 hrs later he’s dead. that is not even a complete day, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY #WORDSFORTHOUGHT Have a good nite family all yall


      3. I personally dont think it is important on how a person died, we all know death will call for each and every one of us, we have to say will I be ready. yes it’s time to mourn ,and also reflect 16 hrs ago he was on twitter, 16 hrs later he’s dead. that is not even a complete day, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY #WORDSFORTHOUGHT Have a good nite family all yall

        clapping my hands – so true


      4. I personally dont think it is important on how a person died, we all know death will call for each and every one of us, we have to say will I be ready. yes it’s time to mourn ,and also reflect 16 hrs ago he was on twitter, 16 hrs later he’s dead. that is not even a complete day, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY #WORDSFORTHOUGHT Have a good nite family all yall


      5. I personally dont think it is important on how a person died, we all know death will call for each and every one of us, we have to say will I be ready. yes it’s time to mourn ,and also reflect 16 hrs ago he was on twitter, 16 hrs later he’s dead. that is not even a complete day, HERE TODAY GONE TODAY #WORDSFORTHOUGHT Have a good nite family all yall



  12. RIP Heavy D … a real gentleman, legend & teacher of hip-hop … wow, unbelievable, oh man, this one really hurts, so sad!!!


  13. Extremely sad news. One of the last GENTLEMEN in hip-hop. I’m showing my age, but Heavy D and the Boyz provided the soundtrack to my high school years. He never called me a b*tch and he never promoted violence. My mother loved him too. RIP my brother 😦


  14. R.I.P. HEAVY…Just goes to show you whatever you’re doing death can show up. Stop hating one another and take time to show and find love. Tomorrow is not promised to no one young or old.


  15. The lesson learned from Heavy’s unfortunate passing…get ya house right cause HE is coming back for his children…RIP overweight lova…


  16. Sooooooo…….Rick Ross gets to live and you take The Overweight Lover huh Lord????

    I shall not question you, I just don’t understand.

    RIP Heavy D aka Dwight Myers. Always positive, always a pleasure to see you doing good and will always be missed 😦


  17. LUV Heavy-D (Truly SAD !!!) You WILL Be MISSED Greatly Sir

    The VERY FIRST Time I Heard the SENTIMENT “The Overweight LOVER” was from Him


  18. I am SO SHOCKED about this, it’s staggering!! !!!


    RIP, Heavy D! You were SO loved, and will be missed TERRIBLY! Thank you for sharing your gift and your heart with us.

    My deepest condolences to your family.

    See you on the other side …



    1. Rest in paradise Heavy, I’m so hurt -> I’ll comfort you baby remember that.

      and you were doing so good up until now. SMH


  19. R.I.P. The first and only concert I ever went to was the Fat Boys Wipeout tour with Heavy D & the Boys, the Fat Boys, Salt n’ Pepa and a couple of more performing back in the late ’80s. Aww…the memories.


  20. Been a fan of Heavy D since “Girl’s They Love Me” to the theme song to “In Living Color” to the movie “Life” and so on…He helped put on a lot of artists at Uptown Records. This is so sad. Rest In Peace, Heavy D 😦


  21. Damn!!! Not Heavy!!!

    Rest in Peace, Heavy! I loved Heavy! “The overweight lover’s in the house!” I guess he’s in God’s house now…..

    How depressing!!! I wonder who will complete the trio, though. They do say that death comes in 3s….especially when it starts getting cold out.


  22. I had to log in to express my deepest and most sincere condolences. 😦

    At only 44! Sad, sad sad. Rest in God’s everlasting peace heavy D…..


  23. I remember when he was on A Different World… and Dwayne Wayne did the “word to the mutha.” ad libs.

    Heavy was a great. I remember when he was head of Uptown records… He was one of the first Hip Hop artist who ran a label.


  24. Not sure why how he died matters since it wasn’t foul play…what matters is that he’s no longer here and at such a young age…but because of my faith I hold on to the fact that he is going to a better place and we shall rejoice in his homegoing


  25. We hear of deaths a lot, but its hard when it hits home. This is someone I’ve always admired and respected. Someone I grew up on. I’m 32 years old and I’ve been grooving to Hev since I was in elementary school. This one really hurts.

    What I loved the most about him, is that he made it big as a rapper, an influential one at that, without rapping about violence, drugs, without degrading women or talking about anything negative. And they say it can’t be done. He was not a follower and set his own standards.
    Love you forever and always Heav.


  26. Eddie F — one of the founding members of Heavy D & the Boyz — issued a heartfelt statement about his longtime friend … saying, “We were only young kids out of high school when we got into the game just wanting to make fun music filled with love and excitement.”

    “We always had so much fun as a group. I cherish all the happy times we had together while unknowingly helping to build the movement and legacy we call Uptown Records” … adding, “I love you Hev and we all will miss you so much.”


  27. Man this is just truly sad 😦 The radio is playing all his old joints and I never realized how many songs of his I jammed to. So sad man…


  28. Wow I just went back and read some of these comments and now people are saying he died from HIV wtf people are a hot azz mess I tell ya gossip or no gossip some chit is just tacky…


  29. FloridaGurl :Hmm so somebody said HIV? True or no? @Tra
    And damn, does HIV still kill people??? WTF!!! Know your staus!**********************************what’s HIV gotta do with this? Please don’t speculate people.

    thats whats wrong with the world everybody listening to all this he say she say


    1. what’s HIV gotta do with this? Please don’t speculate people.

      thats whats wrong with the world everybody listening to all this he say she say




    2. what’s HIV gotta do with this? Please don’t speculate people.

      thats whats wrong with the world everybody listening to all this he say she say
      Never said he had it but that people were specualting this. When you here someone died suddenly from having pnemonia, yes people will speculate aids because it’s another name for pnemonia that’s all.

      R.I.P. Heavy!


    1. I didn’t know Heav had a daughter. Praying for her. His mom said he and his daughter were very close.

      That’s so sad, the girl is only 13 y.o.



  30. Heavy had pnemonia and had just got back from england. he had no business shopping. he shaoulda been home in bed. he mighta felt like shopping but pnemonia can be a silent killer on the lungs.


    1. Yeah Mrs, sometimes traveling extensively in other countries does not work well if your immune system is already compromised (jetlag). Hot in some places cold in others. I’m hurt by this i wear.


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