
“Lindsay Lohan Looked Toe Down When She Walked The Red Carpet”

Lindsay Lohan was spotted on the red carpet during the THQ launch of their new video game ‘Saints Row: The Third’, in Los Angeles last week. But what in the world was going on with her teeth and hands? LoLo’s teeth were stained yellow as if she had been chewing on pumpkin seeds all day.

A dental expert has told RadarOnline.com that Lohan’s tooth decay has most likely come from “smoking and drug use.”

Lindsay has been in rehab six times for treatment of her drug and alcohol abuse, and was released in January from her court appointed stint in the Betty Ford Center. Friends of the troubled starlet told RadarOnline.com they would like to see her enter rehab again “to treat her substance abuse problems once and for all.”

86 thoughts on ““Lindsay Lohan Looked Toe Down When She Walked The Red Carpet””

    1. Gross,,… White folk just don’t age gracefully…. But she is my age..dang Lindsey
      🙂 LOL. Lindsay is an addict, she’s sped up her aging process. Who would go on the Red Carpet with dirty hands? Does she not have “people”. If Bey can have someone hold her umbrella, someone could have used some cotton balls w/polish remover while on the way to the event for Linds.


    2. “white folk” wtf if i had said “black folk dont age gracefully” how much crap would i get….i know people of all races that have drug issues and dont age well. i am 40 and look 25 and IM WHITE i dont do drugs tho! lol lets keep the race out of it. we all know she is a crackhead, burns from the meth and crack pipe on her teeth and fingers!! SHE NEEDS HELP!


      1. Whoa. Poor Lo, Lo, she looks like crack head that asked me for 50 cent this morning downtown near Bdway. Just saying….

        Hey Misssssssss Tra : ) HAPPY Sunday ERRRRBODY!


      2. I miss y’all too…. I’m still here trying to keep up…

        @Man, not ignoring your emails, you know they’re trivial. 🙂

        again, hello to Daisy, Corp, Ebony, Felicia, Olivijah, BBallen, Civil, Lexy, KeeWee and any other family members who may came behind me.

        Loggin off for now 🙂 but y’all carry on.


      3. My mommy told me that if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. So,:tape: 😦 on that note, top of the evening to everyone!

        Hey Blog Queen….I miss you too girl!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


  1. Both Meth and Crack does that to your teeth and she probably suffered those scratches to her hand from all the glass pipes she been using.


  2. I often wonder how a women’s cooter feel after so many peens done ran through it. The tag on this post should be loose. Lindsay look so bad. WOW. 😦 like a worn out pair of drawers with no elasticity left in it.


    1. I often wonder how a women’s cooter feel after so many peens done ran through it. The tag on this post should be loose. Lindsay look so bad. WOW. like a worn out pair of drawers with no elasticity left in it.

      Well you know Lindsay’s puzzy got traffic signs due to all the dycks that cum and go in that tunnel of hers.


  3. :hurling: at that PIC. Now this bytch right here for sure has Benjamin Button Syndrome. Aint no amount of money somebody can pay right about now to prove she is only 25.


  4. How is it Lindsay is as skinny as a stick and she has grandma hands? Did the meth/crack/smack weightloss stop at her wrists?


      1. I mean like, she’s not even trying to HIDE this shit…she’s obviously strung out on Meth and/or Crack…or something


  5. I can only bet her family has not given her an intervention yet, because she still has some royalty checks coming in that she shares with them. This girl needs help ASAP.


    1. I can only bet her family has not given her an intervention yet, because she still has some royalty checks coming in that she shares with them. This girl needs help ASAP.
      its really sad when a family loves money more than they love each other now, Im starting to feel real bad for ol’ fire crotch 😦


  6. This shit right here… No ma’am Lilo!! Not only are her teefus discolored as heck, they look soooo brittle!! One good bite of an apple or something and those things will straight crumble!

    Seriously, there is someone that loves this girl, and they need to get her some help before there is NO MORE help. Damn a royalty check! Real Talk!


  7. lindsey lohan you look horrible!!what happened to the little freckled face cutie pie whos movie i use to watch over and over again??so sad..


  8. Lindsey’s mouth looks like it hurts to chew anything other than jello. So so sad. She probably doesn’t care if it looks like her breath smells like metal and a dirty toilet…


  9. Despite the meth teeth and what ever is going on with her hands, she actually looks healthy or at least the weight looks better on her.


  10. Lindsey teeth look like she just finished using ‘em in a pumpkin carving contest. She won. Either that or she been chewing her meth like peanut brittle.


    1. Lindsey teeth look like she just finished using ‘em in a pumpkin carving contest. She won. Either that or she been chewing her meth like peanut brittle.





  11. It’s a cry for help…..that’s why she’s out looking the way she does!! Nobody wants to help her, people just want to ridicule her and gossip…. Nobody wants to intervene. Not even her own damn family, they ain’t shit and all the people around her, giving her the go, when they should be sayin’ no….ain’t shit either. smh


  12. Her mouth looks like the begging stages of what is called Methmouth. Its easiest way to identify when someone is smoking meth.


      1. This isn’t funny, this chick is probably gonna die soon.
        Well if she dies, we can point our fingers at the JUST US system for not punishing her for her thousands of punishable crimes! All the dirt this chick has done, she should have BEEN in prison years ago! So if she dies blame the gotdamn judges who let her go free w/o punishment.

        No sympathy here!


      2. Well if she dies, we can point our fingers at the JUST US system for not punishing her for her thousands of punishable crimes! All the dirt this chick has done, she should have BEEN in prison years ago! So if she dies blame the gotdamn judges who let her go free w/o punishment.

        No sympathy here!



      3. Well if she dies, we can point our fingers at the JUST US system for not punishing her for her thousands of punishable crimes! All the dirt this chick has done, she should have BEEN in prison years ago! So if she dies blame the gotdamn judges who let her go free w/o punishment.

        No sympathy here!
        I cosign !!! Preach @2Thick!!!!!


    1. she just needs to floss and whiten that’s all…….
      Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder and any other blind person could see that this girl’s teeth are rotting.


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