
“To The U.S. Congress: Pass The GotDamn Jobs Bill Already!!!”

American people are suffering!!!!!

I think’s it’s a shame that the republican leaders are playing games with people’s lives and livelihood by not passing President Obama’s job bills, the reason they won’t, is because they want to keep the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer and to hell with the rest!!!!

President Barack Obama intends to push his 447 billion dollar jobs package tonight in the Senate and of course, the republicans plan B is to block this bill.

The Senate’s vote is key because it represents the first act in a long-term play over the next couple of months to try to help the economy in the short-term get back to work. The american people support the bill but congress is blocking it!

People are unemployed, tired, frustrated and angry; from the occupy wall street rally that’s growing in numbers to the high unemployment rate, yet the voice of the american people are falling on deaf ears while a republican congress continue to play games.

In the meantime, Republican leaders have already said Obama’s bill is dead on arrival in their chamber and that they won’t even bring it up for a vote. So most republicans will not even cast a vote on the bill tonight.

Congress is saying, the only part of the bill they’re willing to entertain is the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, which would provide access to education and training funds for unemployed veterans. Wow!

Congress is so hell-bent on defeating President Barack Obama that the America people are suffering in the long run and this is extremely unfair!

If you “got his back in 2012” contact your congress leaders and tell them “to pass the gotdam jobs bill already!” because the President is going to win a second term anyway.

89 thoughts on ““To The U.S. Congress: Pass The GotDamn Jobs Bill Already!!!””

  1. 🙂

    LMMFAO @ “tell them to pass the gotdam jobs bill already!” because the President is going to win a second term anyway.

    Go head Trace

    LOL 🙂


  2. petty ass motherfuckers. they only doing what they knew their old ass ancestors to do, hate on the smart black man in order to control him. IMO this whole issue is about 2things: RACE & HATE!



  3. People are unemployed, tired, frustrated and angry;

    cosign and it’s to the point where people are robbing and killing in numbers over dumb shit. frustration is bitch!!! and some people know no other way to survive.


  4. They should pass the plan because the “plan” wouldn’t work, needless to say, and they’d be able to point that out before Election 2012.


    1. They should pass the plan because the “plan” wouldn’t work, needless to say, and they’d be able to point that out before Election 2012.

      so let me get this str8, you think the millionaire should pay LESS in taxes than poor ass people like me? Answer that I’ll wait!


      1. @UncleEd,
        I say if rich people can afford to walk around with $5,000 shoes on, why do they feel they should not have to pay higher taxes?


      2. @ Joanne…they feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want to do including not paying taxes. They have gotten comfortable not paying for shyt.
        And I’m still waitin on Uncle Ed to answer my damn question.


      3. If rich people decide to take their money and go home, that would really shut down this country. I wont say they should pay less in taxes, but your hands are almost tied because it’s that person with the hundreds of millions or billionaire who can fund almost anything. Obama wants yall to think he’s listening and will do something about it. He wont cuz he can’t. Money, Power, Respect.

        U little people are beaten silly with debt, most dont have 3 months savings, let alone a plan to flip their money, yet he’s suppose to make it happen “even” for you? not happening. wake up people. U know how many people will kiss ya butt if you threatened to pull $100g’s and close your bank account. It’s that same thinking for those rich folks; they have too much power. It’s entertainment and just to keep you americans going. They will not raise taxes for them, and definitely not make them pay the same taxes as little people.


      4. most dont have 3 months savings, let alone a plan to flip their money, yet he’s to make it “even” for you? not happening. wake up people.
        *Co-sign* @Point,
        And they have long money, I mean they can wait this out for years, and not suffer AT ALL. They will still live the way that they have been living. Money is the root of all evil.

        GOD help us….


    1. Obama’s only concern ia about getting re-elected anyway!

      I disagree!!!
      Obama wants to make moves and knows it can’t all be done in 4 years. The man is bad but hell he ain’t Jesus!!!


      1. Obama wants to make moves and knows it can’t all be done in 4 years. The man is bad but hell he ain’t Jesus!!!

        that’s right and only JESUS walked on water. So @Angelhair, STHU please and thank you!!!


      2. Change is not microwaveable people it takes time and Obama has only had 4 years.

        THANK YOU!!!!!!!


    1. I think Obama is tired and is going to resign anyway. I give him another month

      Please pass whatever the shit is that you smokin cause that shit you just wrote will NEVER HAPPEN!


      1. I think Obama is tired and is going to resign anyway. I give him another month

        Please pass whatever the shit is that you smokin cause that shit you just wrote will NEVER HAPPEN!

        I cosign @Sane, HE wont resign–


      2. I’m with ya!! 🙂 Obama will not give up esp. since he knows there are some who still believe in him.


  5. I think it’s sad that the party of “No” is willfully and knowingly blocking anything that will help this economy and this country in an effort to get this president out of office.

    This is so disrespectful on so many levels people.


  6. My question is why is the GOP so against a bill that will create 2 millions jobs, at the cost of wall street and rich peoples’ higher taxes???

    Oh that’s right them getting richer like Tra said is a higher priority then jobs for the bottom 99%.


  7. Tracy,
    Are we not listening? McConnell stated right in front of God and everybody that the only agenda for the Teapublica­n Party was to defeat Obama in 2012. They have zero interest in passing anything, and the very last thing they want is for any improvemen­t in the economy.


    1. Mahogany,
      They will be fighting this battle for another 4 years and Obama will find a way. And when he does, he will not let go.

      Obama 2012!!!!

      Love the pic Tra 🙂


      1. The Senate is voting on it now – I e-mailed 3 Senators today and told them to get it done and quit messing with the people because we are FED UP!!


    1. and i want that Herman Caine to STFU!
      Herman Cain does have a point of Blacks being brainWashed tho!


  8. Anybody see the story about Rep. presidential hopeful Rick Perry naming his family hunting camp “Niggarhead”??

    And this is the type of person the tea party thinks is fit to run our country?


    1. Al,
      That’s exact who they want to run the presidency. The tea party has the most hateful racist people running it. Have you seen how they’ve portrayed President Obama?


  9. It’s simply the fact that they cannot stand a black man as their immediate Chief! Bush & his daddy been fucked up this country and they thought Bush did such and awesome job, GTFOH!!! yet they re-elected his weird looking dumb azz twice! When is everyone going to realize that it was the plan to get this man elected, then not pass anything he puts forth, just so they can say “look, you had your negra & he fucked up this country!” REMEMBER, PRESIDENTS DON’T RUN THIS COUNTRY. CONGRESS & BIG CORPORATIONS DO! AND although I am a voter, it’s not about voting…they are still going to choose who they want too…HENCE GEORGE W. BUSH.


  10. All you obama supporters can be so weak minded.. just remember this when and if you decide to vote for him.. He has kept the same administration the BUSH’s had.. Larry Summers, Tim Geithner and then signed Eric Holder.. Watch the documentary “Inside Job” and you would see that OBAMA has raken the Oath..to allow the Bankers and Politicians to influence GOVERNMENT thats why he cannot get SIIIIIT passed in the government #DUMMY

    And so said the black girl that’s right!


    1. I hate when anti Prez. Obama ppl ASSume his supporters don’t know anything or haven’t researched. He is a politican just like ALL the YTs one who came before him


  11. Since some of you like to point out flaws in Obama so much, why don’t you post an excerpt of the recent article on Obama carrying a very favorable view in the eyes of most of the United States even in spite of him not being a superhuman that can transform the near decade long recession into economic progression in 3.5 years?

    GTFOH Obama haters!


  12. @Tra,
    Each side has flaws however people can’t expect President Obama to repair the damage in 1 term, that took years to destroy.


    1. Jamilla,
      Know this though, Obama WILL be re-elected for a second term. I don’t let anyone manipulate my thoughts and skew my opinions on issues when I know what the deal is. Put a Rick Perry Republican’s azz in office if you want too and that will be the beginning of the end for real.


      1. Know this though, Obama WILL be re-elected for a second term. I don’t let anyone manipulate my thoughts and skew my opinions on issues when I know what the deal is. Put a Rick Perry Republican’s azz in office if you want too and that will be the beginning of the end for real.
        @Brown, I totally agree. The sad part is that many people will not vote because they expected him to perform the impossible. The unemployment extension, stimulus checks, education credits for tax purposes etc. will get overlooked because “the entire economy” isn’t fixed smh


      2. Know this though, Obama WILL be re-elected for a second term.

        Sadly, @Brown….Mr. Obama has no competition in the upcoming elections. So you might get your wish


  13. See this shit right here is what makes people want to crack somebody upside their head. This is the President of the United states regardless to how you feel he is doing good, bad or indifferent. Just plain old disrespectful BS.


  14. First of all, I can honestly say there has never been a president that I’ve seen more disrespected than Obama. Dare I say its racism? Smh some ppl need to find other hobbies.


  15. Bush and ‘nem done started wars that cost over 50M PER MONTH (& still counting) and now we are worried about a 500M loan


    1. well of course y’all know congress didn’t pass Obama’s job bill.

      the words according to the vp, “as far as congress is concerned Obama is done!!! they are not passing anything else from the pres. for the rest of his term”


      1. “as far as congress is concerned Obama is done!!! they are not passing anything else from the pres. for the rest of his term”

        Yeah their pretty much telling him “FUCK YOU” Nigga. we hate yo ass.




      2. Morning Fam.

        The envy and hate against the pres. is really sad and congress is looking pretty petty right about now.


      3. The envy and hate against the pres. is really sad and congress is looking pretty petty right about now.

        but in the long run it’s the jobless and the down economy that’s suffering. they have the man’s hands tied


      4. Good morning everyone,
        Ummmmm, I have nothing else to say on this.
        I’m just gonna *Pray* for the President and congress.


      5. the words according to the vp, “as far as congress is concerned Obama is done!!! they are not passing anything else from the pres. for the rest of his term”
        Just batshit crazy 😦 Morning erbody


      6. Did anyone watch ‘Reed between the lines?’

        @Yasha, I DID like Reed Between the Lines 🙂

        Morning CEO Family


      7. Morning all
        I liked Malcolm and Tracey’s chemistry on the show but I’m not feeling the teenagers at all. Their scenes with those kids were so uncomfortable to me.


      8. I see we changing the subject here already

        we gotta change the subject @soldier, this politics talk is boring as hail


      9. Hey everybody!!


        Fuck Congress!!!! Obama gon win anyway!!! The devil is still liar and i don’t care what they block!!!!


      10. Afternoon my CEO Peeps,
        while I know some of y’all hate these politics post you better wanna be informed at what’s going on in the Obama administration cause these white devils sittin in congress is on they J.O.B. about taking Obama DOWN!!!! and their plan is to turn back the clock to Jim Crow days for sure. So don’t complain but get in the game if not we’ll all pay in the long run.

        Real talk.


      11. Afternoon my CEO Peeps,
        while I know some of y’all hate these politics post you better wanna be informed at what’s going on in the Obama administration cause these white devils sittin in congress is on they J.O.B. about taking Obama DOWN!!!! and their plan is to turn back the clock to Jim Crow days for sure. So don’t complain but get in the game if not we’ll all pay in the long run.

        Real talk.



      1. Wendy is so messy
        THIS is why Wendy only has B-list celebs on her show cause she is too messy. REAL talk show host would never be this messy… wit her man looking azz


      2. Wondering why when Wendell aka Wendy sits down we dont see the bulge of her dyck and her balls in her pants?.


    1. can we get a post @Tra on Beyonce’s calapseable fake baby bump?
      This is an adult blog and if you notice blog queen will not write about kim k. rihanna, keri hilson or beyonce.


    2. 🙂 LMAO!! I have never seen a pregnant woman’s stomach collapse. But, the reality Tra don’t care about her, her music, or whether or not she is pregnant. She has more important newsworthy things to write about.


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