
“Dick Cheney Urges Hillary Clinton To Run Against Obama”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney thinks the time is right for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to run against President Barack Obama.

Since the President’s approval ratings have tanked to the lowest level of his presidency amid reports that he plans to sink another $300 billion into a scrutinized jobs package that will send the national debt soaring even higher, republicans are in a panic.

Cheney stopped short of endorsing Hillary Clinton for president during an interview with ABC’s Jonathan Karl yesterday. “I think she’s probably the most competent person they’ve got in their -– in their cabinet,” he said. “And -– frankly, I thought she was gonna win the nomination last time around,” he added.

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97 thoughts on ““Dick Cheney Urges Hillary Clinton To Run Against Obama””

  1. I don’t think Obama will run again, I strongly believe Hilary is the chosen one for the Democratic ticket- with Obama’s approval of course.


    1. I don’t think Obama will run again, I strongly believe Hilary is the chosen one for the Democratic ticket- with Obama’s approval of course.

      You know DAMN WELL Obama is not going to bow out just like that… He will run, I’m willing to bet he will win too…


  2. I think he is going to win again… I hope he does. I dont understand why people expected him to fix all this mess within 4 years. This comes from years and years of bad decisions. Give this man another try.


  3. Hey People!!!!!


    Well since we are talking about Polls in shyt… Latest poll done on the cabinet which is majority Republican is at an a whopping 12% approval rate…
    So I say everybody isn’t all pink roses and sunshine towards the azzes that got us in this hole in the first place…


    1. How exactly would Hillary be the better option? Serious question…

      Her husband was President, most of the Presidents went to their better half for advice. Hills is a seasoned Politician.


      1. How exactly would Hillary be the better option? Serious question…
        She would be a better candidate for the republican to run against and make an easy win for themselves…


      2. Her husband was President, most of the Presidents went to their better half for advice. Hills is a seasoned Politician.
        @Acquitta….. True, but being a seasoned Polotician doesn’t mean that you will be able to handle a whole country. When she ran the last time she said she wouldn’t be running again. Things may change but I doubt it.


      3. @Acquitta….. True, but being a seasoned Polotician doesn’t mean that you will be able to handle a whole country. When she ran the last time she said she wouldn’t be running again. Things may change but I doubt it.
        I think that was it also. She is getting older and waiting on Grandkids.


  4. I think Hilary will be a very annoying President. The only reason why people are so excited about her running (besides the obvious fact she’s a woman) is because they think they’re getting Bill again. On the brighter side a lot of women are good with balancing a check book, so maybe she’ll manage this money better lol. 🙂


  5. Pres. GW Bush did all that bullshit and ain’t not one of them yelled shitt during a speech on live tv Hmmm, why’s that?! Yall Already Know…


  6. I don’t think she should run, I think that it is unfair to judge Obama’s presidency based off his first term. That’s why I don’t like one-term presidents because you can’t really see their work until the second 4 years. Every president should be judged on his second term and once Obama is re-elected (because I strongly think he will be) he can truly do what the fluck he wants to do…Hillary should know she’s just a pawn to the republicans. I think she’s a great and seasoned politician, but I’m not sure what other policies she could push that would trump what has already been tried in this economy… *^_^*


    1. I don’t think she should run, I think that it is unfair to judge Obama’s presidency based off his first term. That’s why I don’t like one-term presidents because you can’t really see their work until the second 4 years.
      Exactly! I think the republicans are afraid of a second term with OBAMA because the 2nd term is when the president go hard with their agendas. I think when Obama is re-elected, that’s when you gone see the real.The rich fat rats are very afraid. It’s so funny how the fat cats complain about the deficit and then don’t want to pay taxes but is so okay with the lower income to shell out thier money… OH our childrens children children is going to be paying this and that… but is not willing to contribute fairly like the rest of us…


  7. So one of the main guys that facilitated this mess and I’m sure advises his party from the sidelines suggests that his opponents should fight amongst each other so they won’t consolidate their resources to fight against his folks. Damn that racist ass Cheney is a slick monfucker.


  8. Dick Cheney is Mr Republican, of course he would try to put a weaker democrate againt the republicans… No wonder his name is Dyck!!!


  9. The reason that the Left voted for Obama was because Hillary showed that she is a warmonger when she voted to give Bush permission to invade Iraq and Hillary is a proven hawk.

    What I don’t understand about anyone who supports Hillary is how would her having been president rather than Obama been any different since most of the high ranking officials in Obama’s administrations are retreads from Bill Clinton’s White House.

    Democrats need real progressives not DLC repeats like Hillary or Obama.


      1. Hey erbody!!!!!!! but my blog queen is special

        @Felicia, SIT YO ass kissing blogging self down some-damn-where

        Evening everyone 🙂 and that includes U2 Anthony.


  10. I watched a few mins of the GOP debate last night. Some good pts/ideas were made and so were some not so good pts/ideas but I already know who I am voting for

    I don’t think my vote counts but I always vote for the lesser of the two evils


    1. Hillary is one down azz bitch that’s all I got

      And “Baracka Flocka Flame Obama” one hood azz nicca so now what?


  11. Be clear – HILARY IS NOT RUNNING! She doesn’t want it… Secondly, she lost back in 2008 because her arrogance and her assumption that she would win. On top of that she tried to dis Obama by telling him that he should come and work for him. We didn’t like that… because it spokes volume. Will Obama be re-elected I don’t know. I pray he does because I know – if no one else on this board doesn’t – that to allow anyone of those REPUBLICANS to win will be COMPLETE HELL for anyone who is NOT rich. Think it’s a game if you want… Mark my words!


  12. Michelle Bachman scares me more than Palin, but within the next few weeks she is going to realize she’s outta her league.

    The black token GOP= no comment

    I hope Romney and Perry keep fighting, makes the choice much easier.

    This should be an interesting election season.


  13. And the rich folks have got LONG MONEY, they could wait it out a few yrs, us regular people do not have that luxury.

    I am personally waiting for those individuals that have been republican all of their lives (but are now out of a job,& have less assets) to get mad at their own party. Errbody can’t hold their noses up like they used too #tisall


  14. There is a documentary out called ‘Inside Job.’ In it you will find that the struggles Obama continually faces are a direct result of butting heads with the left over officials from the Bush administration that are still in positions able to control the US economy. These are conservatives that have been influential as far back to the Clinton era. Bottom line: as long as these people still work for the white house you will never see the progress that you want, but at least you know the reason behing Obama’s struggles. That to me is confirmation that we elected the right person.

    Btw, I DON’T drink kool-aid and I don’t judge anybody that does.


  15. I agreed w/the black rep on social security and how he had solutions vs more rhetoric (sp) he has made some other comments recently abt Obama I didn’t agree w/but he was on his game last night to me


  16. This country has been fucked up, since Adam, Eve, and the apple. President Obama, just like the Presidents before him inherited the band aid over the broken leg this country was built on. With so many chiefs and not enough Indians this country will never be “right” or “left” just fucked up. Female president, Black President… you can’t pour sugar or shit and get rock candy. History will continue to repeat itself…


  17. I’m interested to know how many times in the history of the United States has a president’s party staged a mutany in the form of forcing a primary in their party after the president’s first term. If it has never happened before, then it would speak volumes if it happened to the first black president. BUT that will not happen just because Cheney (and some white folk) is mad a black man is in office.


    1. Bird, nobody wants to talk about the racism, BUT I just know that everyone can see it (black&white).

      It will be interesting how they portray everything that’s occuring in the documentaries that will come out within the next 10-20 yrs….


  18. Sup Yall! If folks really believe the repubs ain’t gonna fuck em royally then I don’t know. Between what they’ve been doing up here in Wisconsin to crush workers’ rights and voices and what they’re doing in Michigan to welfare recipients shows they have no compassion for the people.


    1. SON this racism is TOO blatant and to the point where I wonder when would we say we had enough. Only n our race that we allow such disrespect and be cool with it.


  19. as soon as people especially BLACK people realize that you will never be anything to this country but a bunch of COONS to these people, wAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA, FIRST. exactly what have the system or predesiency done for you since bush sr was in office , dont worry i’ll wait


    1. as soon as people especially BLACK people realize that you will never be anything to this country but a bunch of COONS to these people, wAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA, FIRST. exactly what have the system or predesiency done for you since bush sr was in office, dont worry i’ll wait
      If there’s one thing, I’d say that the student loan reform as part of Obamacare made my student loans more manageable and less expensive.


      1. If there’s one thing, I’d say that the student loan reform as part of Obamacare made my student loans more manageable and less expensive
        Yes Nicole, they’ve cut out the middle man and made it so much easier to manage your loans, plus save alittle interest…



  20. That Dick is a trip…I mean Republicans don’t even take him seriously anymore. He doesn’t want Hillary to run, he’s only trying to get further underneath the skin of President Obama. Prejudice ass motherfucker!


    1. SON, I hope they don’t act a fool tonight. How dare they disrespect a (sitting) President…

      I will be front and center at the tv screen tonight, plus the busta azz packers are on anyway.


      1. SON I got it on record already and when I get home I will watch the View to see what the witch elisabeth has to say. Very fucking disrespectful how he is being treated. I CANT WAIT FOR HIM TO WRITE A BOOK I just know it will be good.


  21. The democractic party has built an Alliance to push Obama for second term in 2012.. So forget Clinton running. I like Clinton, I voted for her.. Her personality is much better to deal with GOP
    Obama will win in 2012 And Mark My word. Chris Christie New Jersey’s Gov. is the best hope for the Republicans.. Keep your eyes and ears open people…


  22. I think each President does what he can… some good some bad… but the President has less power than people realize… President’s are like shiny cars..they look nice but someone else is driving.


  23. The media worships Obama. It would be extremely difficult for her to run against him. Now that the public sees Obama is not the messiah so many of his followers thought he was, the public might be open to someone else. I think if the economy continues to tank Obama will have a very hard time getting reelected.


  24. Obama tellin em off fam…dem racist ass repubs are pissed. I swear i ain’t neva been into politics since I came to da ceo’s blog. 🙂


      1. do you see how that hillary has aged? wow.

        she lookin real haggish…lol 🙂


      2. she lookin real haggish…lol

        OMG!!!!!!!!1 I can’t get over how she’s aged!


      3. Obama tellin em off fam…dem racist ass repubs are pissed.

        they are pissed some of them, their faces are beat red 🙂 fuckin rednecks


    1. such an unflattering picture of HILL.

      her mug would be unflattering from every angle.


  25. Cheney is an idiot, Obama is ripe for a beating why would any republican want Hillary to run? If the GOP can’t beat Obama in 12 then they can’t beat anybody.


  26. Why is anyone even listening to Cheney at this point? The man is about causing divisions so for Democrats to even think about taking his suggestion is ridiculous.


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