
“Anchor Fired For Disrespecting President Barack Obama”

Mark Halperin was suspended from his position as an analyst on MSNBC this morning for what he said about our fine as President Barack Obama. Halperin went way over the line of common decency and respect.

Halperin, a political analyst on MSNBC, called Obama “a dick” during Thursday morning’s live broadcast of “Morning Joe.”

Halperin asked if there was a 7-second delay on because he wanted to comment on “how the president behaved” during a press conference that Obama held on Wednesday. Halperin then said, “I thought he was kind of a dick yesterday.”

Watch excerpts of what he said below:

66 thoughts on ““Anchor Fired For Disrespecting President Barack Obama””

  1. There should be some level of respect shown to any President. What are we teaching our children if we call the President a dyck?


    1. @Floridagirl, you’re right, if that would’ve been someone calling Bush a Dyck the whole TV station would have shut down and everyone in the room prolly fired…


  2. ole insecure azz bastids! & he could’ve kept that re-fried “apology” Hell even he didn’t believe that shit!


  3. Good afternoon!!

    Unfortunately some people do protect their “own” and this is one instance where he should be ripped!


  4. To me this is worse than that freaky Congressman Weiner! That comment was pure hate and like “FloridaGirl” said you’re right about them “being bothered” and that stems from jealousy! They truly need to kick rocks on na real!!!


  5. I have to agree with Mr. Halperin. Obama did act like a straight up p3nis in tha press conference yesterday. I am slowly but surely becoming an Obama non supporter, it feels to me he isn’t taking the job seriously plus I’m going to need for him to get tough with the Republicans and the Democrats as well. I’m sick of people using the excuse that it’s going to take time to undo what Bush did, but if Obama would have came in there kicking ass and taking names he could have fixed a lot of it by now.


    1. Regardless of how he acted during a press conference he is STILL the PRESIDENT. No matter who likes it or doesn’t like it doesn’t change the fact that he is the PRESIDENT.


      1. I have to agree with Mr. Halperin. Obama did act like a straight up p3nis in tha press conference yesterday. I am slowly but surely becoming an Obama non supporter, it feels to me he isn’t taking the job seriously plus I’m going to need for him to get tough with the Republicans and the Democrats as well. I’m sick of people using the excuse that it’s going to take time to undo what Bush did, but if Obama would have came in there kicking ass and taking names he could have fixed a lot of it by now.

        I didn’t see the press conference. We all know Obama is anal, but he still should be shown a modicum of respect, at least for the office he holds


      2. I have to agree with Mr. Halperin. Obama did act like a straight up p3nis in tha press conference yesterday. I am slowly but surely becoming an Obama non supporter, it feels to me he isn’t taking the job seriously plus I’m going to need for him to get tough with the Republicans and the Democrats as well. I’m sick of people using the excuse that it’s going to take time to undo what Bush did, but if Obama would have came in there kicking ass and taking names he could have fixed a lot of it by now.
        Well it is not as simple as kickin ass and taking names Especially when you don’t have the power to fire an elected official such as congress. There are certain powers he does have but to the extent of them refusing to follow leadership or opposing anything he is trying to do, what do you suggest he do???..
        He can never satisfy everyone because when he tries the diplomatic peaceful approach everyones like he’s so soft on them and when he puts his foot down and tell congress to get their shyt together, now he’s a dyck for venting his frustration on how “Childish the republicans are acting right now… How dyckish are they for refusing to let go of the big tax breaks the rich are STILL receiving and are WILLING to let our elders (your mom, grandmom, grandfather and whomever else) be without benefits…GTFOH with your logic and find out the facts!


      3. @civil, I suggest that he stop playing golf with the Republicans who have clearly shown him no respect. I suggest that he stop bending to all of the Republicans’ whims. I understand that we need bipartisan cooperation but to me it always seems like the Republicans are winning. They disrespect the man, disrespects what he stands for as a the leader of this country, he needs to go into Congress and get tough with them and let them know that this foot dragging on key legislation is not acceptable. But my biggest issue with Obama is ending these wars, these wars should have and could have been ended years ago. He did act quite cocky and in a joking fashion in his press conference yesterday not in a manner conducive to that of the leader of our country.


      4. @Queen,

        He has been doing that, but when republicans own the majority, he is fighting an uphill shytstorm. As far as the wars, he has done more than the last two presidents combined and he has brought home more troops as well. The reason he was acting that way yesterday was because the reporters were asking the SAME DUMB AZZ QUESTIONS he refused to answer because they were irrelevant. Like the Gay marriage thing, the immigration thing (which is important but not as important as the budget) When people repeatedly ask you the same stupid question posed differently, wouldn’t that bother you?


      5. @civil, yes it would bother me but at the end of the day it’s part of his job. He can always do like Bush did and just storm out of the press conference, but that would just be immature. And what does Clinton have to do with the wars? I agree that Obama does have an uphill battle to fight on both sides of the aisles, because members of his own party are trying to circumvent his power. I want the best for Obama like I want the best for any of my political leaders, but I just want him to put his foot down and stop being so damn nice. Because at the end of the day I know I will probably end of foot for him because those running on the Republican side are all scary and would send this country to hell in a hand basket,


      6. I didn’t see the press conference. We all know Obama is anal, but he still should be shown a modicum of respect, at least for the office he holds

        I totally agree 100%… I missed the press conference as well but he still deserves respect. Those people harvest too much Hate to the point it is counter productive and flat out silly… in my opinion


      7. @Queen: You should consider running for POTUS because you make the job sound so easy. The man is fighting an uphill battle on a daily basis. I didn’t see the press confernence but so what, if he didn’t act like the white man wants him to act. What that idiot said on TV was disrespectful and if you are going to uphold him in his “mess” then I have to wonder about you also.


  6. I swear on everything YT men are still stuck in that “Manifest Destiny” theory and this sense of entitlement that have a very hard time accepting that a person of color or God forbid a woman has a higher ranking than them. Well guess what? Get over it!

    I deal with the same BS at work!!!


  7. joined in on the joke? I didn’t hear a joke. just disrespect. I find it amazing that it’s deemed ok to be so disrespectful to the Pres of our country


  8. what MSNBC’s Mark Halperin said about U.S. President Barack Obama went way over the line of common decency and respect. asshole!


    1. what MSNBC’s Mark Halperin said about U.S. President Barack Obama went way over the line of common decency and respect. asshole!

      I don’t know if I’m more taken aback by the ABOVE comment from YOU or the fact that he was called a “d!ck”.


  9. WOOPSIE. This has to be one of the biggest missteps ever. But I bet he won’t lose his job and have to go to rehab.


  10. Where was all this outrage when that man threw his shoes at George Bush when he was the President? Yeah Halperin needed to censor his words but come on.


    1. Where was all this outrage when that man threw his shoes at George Bush when he was the President? Yeah Halperin needed to censor his words but come on.
      Wasn’t that someone from another country that did that? That dumb shyt is to be expected OUT OF COUNTRY, but americans should know not to disrespect the president openly PERIOD by calling him a dyck.


  11. Until someone goes back to 6th grade to understand how the governmental process works I’m over the “Why can’t President Obama…”. The ultimate power is in the legislative branch. They decide what passes and what doesn’t. President Obama can hope, want and wish all he wants but unless Congress and the Senate have his back, nothing will happen. The ultimate power is in those branches of government. So if people want Obama’s agenda to pass, you should have voted for Congress(men/women) and Senators that wanted his agenda too; however, when the majority are Republicans who can’t handle a Democrat let alone a black man telling them what to do, they’ll do everything to make his life a living hell, i.e. see the last 2 1/2 years he has been in office.


    1. Until someone goes back to 6th grade to understand how the governmental process works I’m over the “Why can’t President Obama…”.



      If anything Obama was allowed to become President to shut us up. They knew they wouldn’t back him and would only be dealing with him for 4 years. “Let the niggas have this one.”


  12. Suspending him has nothing to do with his opinion. There are just some things you can’t/shouldn’t say on live televison. I can’t believe he would say that!


  13. There is a better way to say someone is a dick then saying they’re a dick. If he was chillin’ with his buddies and said he was a dick thats fine. But the man is on live Tv, one has to be smarter than that.


  14. An apology for his choice of words is needed because they were poor, but like you say I’m sure he doesn’t mean it. I’d rather he didn’t give one because its meaningless at this point.


    1. Yes. Halperin was ‘honestly” vulgar and unprofessi­onal, and “honestly” earned himself suspension­, at the least.


  15. If he was in fact goaded that’s no legit excuse for the juvenilish vulgarity directed at the POTUS. You can argue that they were complicit.­..But he made the dumb choice; now there must be repercussi­ons….


    1. I have a question what is Halperin suspended from, he’s not a host, he’s just another talking head

      He’s “on staff,” a paid contributo­r to MSNBC and has a contract. He’s a part of Joe’s show just about every day.. he was suspended from that! What he said was not only inappropiate but unprofessional.


      1. I have a question what is Halperin suspended from, he’s not a host, he’s just another talking head

        He’s “on staff,” a paid contributo­r to MSNBC and has a contract. He’s a part of Joe’s show just about every day.. he was suspended from that! What he said was not only inappropiate but unprofessional.




  16. This might be a good time to say this.

    It is a good idea to avoid referring to anyone as any form of genitalia. It never works out. In my culture, we just don’t have that at all. Calling someone your basic a – hole may start a lifelong feud.

    In your own hearts and minds, ban the references to genitalia when referring to people


    1. Agreed…W­ords do matter. Look at all the fights, killings and even wars that could have been avoided if people were more circumspec­t with their words. I had to break up a potential fight last night at the gym, and I calmed the most agitated guy through words. Good post Ms. Bell.


  17. He disrespect­ed not only President Obama, but the office itself and his suspension is justified and warranted in my book! As an African-Am­erican, I’m sick and tired of people thinking they can disrespect President Obama without consequenc­es!!! He said what he said and said it with ‘Pride’, watch the video! Anyone having sympathy for this ‘Clown’ needs to have their heads examined..­..


  18. Wondering if that language used against the President on a regular basis when the cameras aren’t rolling? Making excuses for him does not remove the fact that he is an adult responsibl­e for his actions.

    Having observed Halperin for a long while now, I contend that he meant every word he said, and has probably said much worse about Barack Obama. His disdain for the man has been hard to hide.


    1. I totally agree and I, too, am sick and tired of these ppl! This President has beern disrespect­ed more than any other in my lifetime!!


  19. I am a little mystified as to what one’s race has to do with this because we should all respect the President-­-who ever that is and regardless of our race or the President’­s race. We don’t have to agree with the President (or other leaders) but critics, especially those given a forum like a television show (even one as lame as “Morning Joe”) should be careful to respect our leaders even while criticizin­g their actions and policies. Unfortunat­ely, much of what is aired today is just partisan name calling and cheerleadi­ng. 😦


    1. Toot-a-Loo to that asshole!!!!!!!

      his disrespetful ass shoulda been fired!


      1. Bout to get outta here….get off today at 12 and I’m bout ready to get my party started 🙂


  20. These disrespectful men and women in the media never stop! I’m glad he was fired some words you just DON’T SAY on the air!

    Good for him


  21. I guess he was so busy shopping that he didn’t have time to register his car. And why not buy a legal gun? Now he won’t be allowed to. And why when you know you haven’t handled the necessary paperwork are you riding around super dirty in a luxury car AND smoking the chronic while you’re at it? Clearly this young man is not very bright.


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