
“Afrika Owes Will Spend Her Summer In Jail”

The 17-year-old Ivy League Harlem teen, kissed her mother goodbye before she was led away in cuffs to Rykers Island, to start serving a 90-day jail term under an unusual plea agreement.

Afrika is expected to plead guilty on July 7 to conspiracy and weapons charges, but started serving her jail time now to ensure her release early in the school year.

Owes spent two months in jail before the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church posted $25,000 bail. She was arrested Feb. 16 as part of a violent crack-slinging gang known as the “137th Street Crew.”

Owes was valedictorian of her Harlem eighth-grade class before her acceptance into the $43,800-a-year Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts. She left the school after two years due to unexcused absences, and transferred to Millennium High School in Manhattan.

Butts said he believed Owes would take full advantage of her second chance. “I’ve got faith in Afrika,” he said.

61 thoughts on ““Afrika Owes Will Spend Her Summer In Jail””

  1. Butts said he believed Owes would take full advantage of her second chance. “I’ve got faith in Afrika,” he said.

    yeah he better pray this heifer stay on the str8 -n- narrow too after all that money that church used to bail her ass out.


    1. yeah he better pray this heifer stay on the str8 -n- narrow too after all that money that church used to bail her ass out.

      Mm Hmm…Calvin Butts got somebody’s BOOTY in that family for USING that kind of money on a bail out. SMH


      1. “Butts said he believed Owes would take full advantage of her second chance. “I’ve got faith in Afrika,” he said >>i hope she takes this second chance and runs away with it.


      2. Mm Hmm…Calvin Butts got somebody’s BOOTY in that family for USING that kind of money on a bail out. SMH

        This girl has been brought and PAID for indeed. and Lil Miss Afrika will owes BUTTS politically, financially and maybe even physically for the rest of her life. she was/is his little investment.


    1. i can’t believe this girl is only 17… wow, she looks like she is in her 20’s.

      BBallen: She is cute. If she were a 30 y.o. The fact that she’s 17… she looks kind of “used.”


      1. Bella: She is cute. If she were 30 y.o. The fact that she’s 17… she looks kind of “used.”

        yezir her innocence is gone!


      2. I have to agree, she’s cute for a 30 year old. I wish the best for her in the future.

        I am certain that she will do well.


      3. i can’t believe this girl is only 17… wow, she looks like she is in her 20′s.

        BBallen: She is cute. If she were a 30 y.o. The fact that she’s 17… she looks kind of “used.”

        Yeah fellas, she look like she was rode hard and laid out to dry!


    1. Now go find real friends and stop hanging with knuckleheads.

      NO she need to sit her ass down and get with those books.


  2. I thought once you’re in a gang, always in a gang.
    I don’t think she has a way out.com….and isn’t she doing jail time cause she REFUSED to snitch on her man?


    1. I thought once you’re in a gang, always in a gang.
      I don’t think she has a way out.com….and isn’t she doing jail time cause she REFUSED to snitch on her man?

      Yeah she refused to snitch on him or the gang. so she’s doing the time. that’s her “street creed” loyalty


      1. ain’t that much loyoalty in the world @Donte

        it is when it’s YO ASS!!!!


  3. She made a bad mistake and hopefully has learned a hard lesson. Her poor judgment does NOT make her a thug or a criminal. She’s just young and dumb.


    1. She made a bad mistake and hopefully has learned a hard lesson

      Nah see, IDTS, 90 days ain’t shit to a former gang member…let’s just see how this will end up.


    1. I hope she won’t commit any more serious crimes from now on…I wish her the best!
      the statistics are against her so expect her to disappoint, re-offend, and be back in jail before the year is out. : (


      1. the statistics are against her so expect her to disappoint, re-offend, and be back in jail before the year is out. : (
        STFU @Angelhair, I saw Afrika just last week on 125th Street. This girl is really trying to get her life back on track. One of my kids went to school with her as well. She really did get caught up with a cowardly asshole and bully who was too much of a punk to do his own dirt. She will be fine. She has an excellent support system behind her and she will not fall this second time around


      2. the statistics are against her so expect her to disappoint, re-offend, and be back in jail before the year is out. : (

        Angelhair, I have never heard that Ivy League schools don’t accept students who have been affiliated with a gang. As an overall, shut the FUCK up and worry about your own pharmacy-workers murdering junkies.


    1. That is one old lookin’ 17 year old girl

      yes but she’s still pretty nonetheless. you can tell she’s been out there.


  4. she’s got a record now, hopefully Butts will help her get her record expunged. cause that RECORD will follow her and not in a good way either.


  5. I wish Africa the best! I hope she gets her education and goes far. Cause if I were in her shoes I would want ya’ll to wish the same for me.


    1. I wish Africa the best! I hope she gets her education and goes far. Cause if I were in her shoes I would want ya’ll to wish the same for me.

      you reap good THINGS and good things you will get FEE FEE!


  6. Well let’s see what the gang has to say about this. She better stay in Mass, and not go back to Harlem. Change her friends, graduate, get a job, a family, and make sure her kids aren’t any where near that life.


    1. Good luck to sista gyrl, I hope she’ll get her act together!

      Me too, she need to know there aint nothing in streets for her but trouble. and she look like she had a street life young n that’s never good.


      1. I atleast HOPE she dumped that boyfriend of hers.

        Please! Didn’t you know that men can be a woman’s downfall, if you let em?


  7. Wishing Africa the best…the mind is a terrible thing to waste. and if she’s smart and has potential she deserves a second chance.


      1. Africa need to stop being a follower is all!

        especially when ya gang friends ain’t following ya ass to jail. smh


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