
“Remembering Michael J. Jackson”

Michael Jackson was 50 years old when he died of a drug overdose two years ago today.

Jackson’s oldest son, Prince, 14 and his sister Paris, 13, are doing different charitable events to commemorate Jackson’s memory. The two were spotted on the eve of the 2nd anniversary of Jackson’s death going to a movie.

In the meantime, Michael Jackson’s personal physician Conrad Murray is currently on trial for causing the singer’s death.

82 thoughts on ““Remembering Michael J. Jackson””

  1. Who in the HAIL did Michael Jackson think he was fooling by saying them kids were his??? Not one drop of his negro sperm contributed to these babies.



  2. My tribute to Mike…………..

    I’m gonna make a chance
    For once in my life
    It’s gonna feel real good
    It’s gonna make a difference
    Gonna make it right
    As I turned up the collar on
    A favorite winter coat
    This wind is blowin’ my mind
    I see the kids in the street
    With not enough to eat
    Who am I to be blind
    Pretending not to see their needs
    A summer’s disregard
    A broken bottle top
    And a one man’s soul
    They follow each other
    On the wind ya’ know
    ‘Cause they got nowhere to go
    That’s why I want you to know


      1. @Tamala that is my SOOOOOOOOOOONG.

        @Tamala, Mine too!

        gonna feel real good
        It’s gonna make a difference
        Gonna make it right
        As I turned up the collar on
        A favorite winter coat


  3. Biology does not make a parent, clearly. From the interview with Oprah it was apparent he loved those kids and they were happy. All that matters at the end of the day


  4. Hello All. They could be his kids, especially if the mother is white. What about the black couple who had a white baby and DNA proved it was their kid, and both of them were chocolate? Stranger things have happened.


      1. Stranger things have happened

        For sure. But you have 3 kids, and none of them inherit ANY of your african american traits. Something ain’t right in the water. MJ definitely had a color complex. Probably because of his daddy constantly degrading him about his own features and complexion. He even died the youngest kid’s hair blonde when he was a toddler.


      2. Those kids look fine to me and they are Micheal’s whether they came out of his two-toned dyck or not.


      3. They don’t look like that debbie donor chick either

        But I will always think of and refer to them all as MJ’s kids. He was their mother/father and all that’s all they knew…


      4. Those kids look fine to me and they are Micheal’s whether they came out of his two-toned dyck or not.


        The oldest son has the same condition (vitiligo) that Michael had. And if Blanket ain’t got that Jackson 5 nose, I don’t know who does!

        I don’t direct negativity towards those who have passed on & to all that do I hope to God they haunt you tonight. 🙂


      5. And if Blanket ain’t got that Jackson 5 nose, I don’t know who does!
        Yea Blanket does look like him even if the others don’t, I think he’s biologically his and the fact that they won’t even reveal who his mother is has made me a little suspicious, he must’ve paid someone off to carry the kid so he could have sole custody. Those Jacksons have all always been very strange to me, just like the story about Janet’s secret baby Rene, I still believe it’s true even tho she has denied it several times just because they’ve always been so private about things like that. Boy I would love to have been a fly on the wall of the house @ 2300 Jackson St…. lmao!


  5. I just can’t help but think how odd it is he ONLY has Caucasian children. Try as he might, he was born black and died black, no matter how many times he bleached his skin!


  6. Hell seems like anything possible, if Evelyn on bbw, can choose 2 have twin boys, maybe Mike chose his kids skin color, lol


      1. I cosign —-> “RIP MJ, you are TRULY missed”

        Now let’s make a change!

        Whaddup people.


  7. Lol @ these complete IMBECILES still trying to say these are somehow Micheal’s children!

    I can’t…. I can’t….. I must remove myself from this world!


  8. It’s so sad that black people will defend foolishness to the death…. Even when the ones they are defending never gave a F*CK about blaack people… Yep Micheal didn’t give a f*ck about you. Keep defending these Halle Berry’s, Micheal Jacksons, Garcelle Beauvua’s (sp), Zoe Saldana’s (sp), Thandie Newtons etc etc…. keep claiming these mofos who dont even identify with blacks… smdh


    1. @SANE,

      I think it’s the other way around, we really don’t give a fuck about each other, I bet you’re one of those people that sit around complaining about how Oprah is always doing ish for white people and never does anything for her own. We are the only race that lacks unity, so quick to try and pull each other down instead of lifting one another up. Black people turned our backs on Michael yrs ago when he started bleaching his skin, and furthermore that man has been dead for 2 yrs why are some of you still dwelling on whether those are his kids or not anyway? And the last time I checked Halle said she is black, she has stated this several times and has also said her child is black and not mulatto! I guess because the people you named date outside their race that means they don’t want to claim their black side?


      1. It’s so sad that black people will defend foolishness to the death…. Even when the ones they are defending never gave a F*CK about blaack people… Yep Micheal didn’t give a f*ck about you. Keep defending these Halle Berry’s, Micheal Jacksons, Garcelle Beauvua’s (sp), Zoe Saldana’s (sp), Thandie Newtons etc etc…. keep claiming these mofos who dont even identify with blacks… smdh
        Halle Berry may have had a child fathered by a white guy, but I’ve always felt she was in touch with her blackness. And don’t forget, Hollywood is especially cruel to black women (not that it’s that kind to black men).


      2. Keep defending these Halle Berry’s, Micheal Jacksons, Garcelle Beauvua’s (sp), Zoe Saldana’s (sp), Thandie Newtons etc etc…. keep claiming these mofos who dont even identify with blacks… smdh


        When have any of the above listed celebs denied their race? Michael always stated that he was black, Halle always says she’s Black. Zoe Saldana is a proud black Latina (Dominican & Puerto Rican) & Thandie Newton also says she is black.


      3. oh & Garcelle Beauvais has always said she’s a Haitian sista. I’ve never heard any of them deny what race they are.


      4. I can name more black men in Hollywood and in sports who are married to white woman than you can name black women married or dating white men! Let’s not be biased here. Keep it 100. Sistas.


      5. It’s so sad that black people will defend foolishness to the death…. Even when the ones they are defending never gave a F*CK about blaack people… Yep Micheal didn’t give a f*ck about you. Keep defending these Halle Berry’s, Micheal Jacksons, Garcelle Beauvua’s (sp), Zoe Saldana’s (sp), Thandie Newtons etc etc…. keep claiming these mofos who dont even identify with blacks… smdh
        Technically every African American black person who is a descendant of slaves is somewhat “mixed”. Even if I did have 1 black and 1 white parent it would be genetically unnecessary for me to say I’m “mixed” considering the fact black genes dominate all others. But again, I’m not going to go too deep off into it. My thing is, when you got these women like Tatiana Ali who is CLEARLY a black woman, not only that but she is a BROWNSKIN BLACK WOMAN who doesn’t claim black, and she purposely dates white men, you cannot tell me that isn’t a problem.


    2. First of all, Zoe Saldana, Thandie Newton only claim black when they are doing interviews with Ebony,Essence, VIBE, Sister 2 Sister…all these other black magazines… They claim “other” when around white people. As far as I’m concerned if you aint claimin black 24/7 then you aint being real. Not to mention these harlots, purposely date white men which tells me they want nothing to do with the minute black genes they have. They are trying to get rid of them. Garcelle is another one… Tatiana Ali is another one…. Look at interviews she has done… When they ask her what race she is she says “I am mixed with this that this that this that” That broad says everything but black! All these sell-out black women in the industry, yet we continue to praise them, when they don’t give a sh*t about us or even their own blackness. Yet we steady on Blogs talkin sh*t about Gabrielle Union when she is the only sista keepin it real out here… claimin black 100% and dating brothas.


    3. It’s so sad that black people will defend foolishness to the death…. Even when the ones they are defending never gave a F*CK about blaack people… Yep Micheal didn’t give a f*ck about you. Keep defending these Halle Berry’s, Micheal Jacksons, Garcelle Beauvua’s (sp), Zoe Saldana’s (sp), Thandie Newtons etc etc…. keep claiming these mofos who dont even identify with blacks… smdh
      And it was his money, he could do what ever the f*ck he wanted with it. Including leaving it to HIS kids, no matter where they came from. It’s better than leaving it to a bunch of motherf*ckers that used him and lived off him since he was ten.


  9. i’m still salty as hell he aint adopt at least one black kid. 3 fuckkin white kids heir to hundreds of millions of dollars for the rest of their lives. side mf eye to this bs, good, loving parent or not.


    1. i’m still salty as hell he aint adopt at least one black kid. 3 fuckkin white kids heir to hundreds of millions of dollars for the rest of their lives. side mf eye to this bs, good, loving parent or not.

      But Sandra Bullock, Madonna, Steven Spielberg, and Angie and Brad adopted black children and some of you complain about that too, yet I can count on one hand how many black celebrities with millions have adopted children in the US who were black smh.


  10. Dayum!!!!!!!!!!!!!! these lil motherfucker’s get more press than jackson’s blood nieces and nephews. again, side eye.


  11. Vitaligo was listed on MJ’s Death certificate. The coroner didn’t pull any punches when it came to anything else about MJ why would they lie about that?


    1. Some folks kill me…I will not entertain niggorance today.


      Yes girl let me leave this post with you before I get upset lol


      1. I’m not about to sit here and go back and forth though..

        I will end it by saying FUCK* MJ he was a sell-out and epitome of a COON. He didn’t care about Black people. So why should we care about him?


      2. @Sane,
        I’m sick and tired of all the haters in America opening their mouths to humiliate and degrade Michael Jackson when the only thing he ever did was pour his heart out to people and give us memories that would last a life time.

        Michael Jackson was the greatest entertainer of his time, POINT, BLANK….PERIOD!!! (in my Tamar Braxton voice)


  12. 2PAC is dead, Jesus is/was black and Michael lied about those being his biological kids.

    MJ needs more people to convince me otherwise, I’d say about the size of China’s population.


  13. I don’t care how white michael jackson made himself, those aren’t his kids and to promote that lie should be considered child abuse.


    1. I don’t care how white michael jackson made himself, those aren’t his kids and to promote that lie should be considered child abuse.
      Honsetly, this man is dead. He is their father because he raised them and loved them with all of his heart no matter if he is their biological father or not. Have some respect


    1. Who is the real father of these kids?

      as long as you know who da daddy of yours, you good.


  14. Michael Jackson 1958-FOREVER

    Been a fan for most of my life. Will be one for the rest of it.

    Love you Most Michael.


  15. micheal jackson… is the greatest artist of all time it has already been two years since he died. RIP micheal jackson.


  16. I am lucky to have witnessed Michael’s career in its prime. I feel sorry for those who didnt. Usher please go away. Chris Brown, you too.


  17. I just hope his murder doesn’t go unsolved. He didn’t deserve the treatment he received from those jealous greedy vultures that surrounded him.

    Michael was the best there ever will be.

    Love and miss you Michael


  18. MJ is the absolute BEST!!!

    Not only as an entertainer, but as a human being. Despite what the media tried to do, his fans remained faithful and did not fall for the crap they were presenting. He knew that. Thank goodness.

    Love you Michael, you were the SHiiiiiT!!!!!!


  19. Love you MJ!!! The man was exceptional and the entertainer was phenomenal.


    He was hated for what he owned and for what he knew…


  20. I was done with MJ when he made that You Are Not Alone video. He was pale, naked and had a jet black bob. #NO


      1. I was done with MJ when he made that You Are Not Alone video. He was pale, naked and had a jet black bob. #NO

        I only disliked it because he had that whore in it with him. Yeah, I know she was his wife and all but she later went on to bash MJ because he would not take her sorry ass back. She proved to be just another backstabber.


  21. Those children look happy and appear to be living a normal life and experiencing things that children should. If Mike was alive they would be walking around with thier face covered/wearing mask and afraid of the public. With him gone they can learn to adapt to normal situations as oppose to thinking that someone is always out to get you and you can’t make friends, like he thought (which was probably a reality for him) but not his kids.

    RIP Mike!


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