
“Kim Whore-Dashian, My Bad… Kardashian Is Engaged!!!”

Yes people that’s right, Kris Humphries has officially put a ring on it!

The New Jersey Nets forward popped the question to the reality television star on one bended knee in her bedroom by spelling out in red roses “will you marry me”.

Oh how special.

Humphries presented Kim with a custom-designed, 20.5-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond sparkler. “I just knew I wanted it to be big,” says Humphries, 26, who, with the help of Kardashian’s mom Kris Jenner (the family’s pimp), who later planned an intimate family celebration that evening in honor of the occasion.

101 thoughts on ““Kim Whore-Dashian, My Bad… Kardashian Is Engaged!!!””

  1. Is she pregnant? Looks like there holding her stomach on the cover…Also, she need to stop doing stuff to her face her jaw line looks funny


    1. Is she pregnant? Looks like there holding her stomach on the cover

      I noticed that too!!! I wonder… Hhmm?!!! 😦


      1. Is she pregnant? Looks like there holding her stomach on the cover…

        I wouldn’t be surprised if she was.


      2. i’m not surprised by any chick gettin pregnant before they’re married or getting engaged bc they’re pregnant


      3. she looks very weird to me now after the additional plastic surgery on her face..& i’m not a betting woman but I might throw a dollar in a pool for her being pregnant


    1. Wow, Kim must be desperate, he’s not even her type.
      curious to know how u know what her ‘type’ is?


  2. I heard the ring cost 2 mil. the cookies must be out of this world, but from what I saw of her disgraceful porno tape with Ray Jay, she didn’t display any incredible skills. Pretty sure she would have still said yes if the ring cost 250k. Nose wide open dude.


  3. Kris Jenner the momma orchestrated the whole thing is my theory…they not fooling no dayum body. That heffa got knocked up like reports been saying and now she is magically engaged…??? GTFOH. Kris got that boy to ask and probably paid for half the ring…Watch. Report will be confirmed by next week Kim is indeed preggers. Trying to make Kim an honorable hoe…WTF eva…


    1. oh yeah, and I predict this is not gonna last, cause dude is not black.
      Well he’s half black 🙂


      1. oh yeah, and I predict this is not gonna last, cause dude is not black.

        Kris is biracial (his mother is white). But I predict it won’t last either.


      2. Kris is biracial (his mother is white). But I predict it won’t last either.
        hell yeah his mama is white, cause if she was black he wouldn’t have spent no two million on a ring.


      3. hell yeah his mama is white, cause if she was black he wouldn’t have spent no two million on a ring.
        I wouldnt refuse it but I would rather spend that money on a nice home!!!!!


  4. 20.5-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond sparkler.

    In my “Smokey/Ice Cube voice on Friday”


    1. Did she become famous from having relations with someone who was famous? (Ray J)

      *In Dave Chappels voice*
      Only in America can one suck a Dique and get famous!!


  5. Congrats? She needs to keep him out of the family business (reality tv) but I doubt she will. Look for a VH1 engagement special and an E! wedding special in the future.


    1. Kardashian finally got one of her victims to fall for her charms.
      Ahhhh no this will be hubby number TWO for her. So she already had one to fall for her so called charms.


  6. Congrats to them….

    Ok, Kourtney….when are you and Scott going to tie the knot…? ^_^ They have been playing house the longest…


  7. Don’t some of these pro-ath’s have ANY self respect?! Why do they wife up these slutty creatures? Where’s the pride in marrying some passed around hollowed headed heffa?


    1. Don’t some of these pro-ath’s have ANY self respect?! Why do they wife up these slutty creatures? Where’s the pride in marrying some passed around hollowed headed heffa?
      🙂 lmao at hollowed headed heffa…. Hilarious…


      1. Can someone tell me how long they’ve been together…..
        6months and one broke condom long….


  8. this whole shinanagin sounds desperate and I hope she doesn’t think because her mom did it in 4 months or however that this thing is gonna last ?? That goes for her sister too!

    *scrolls back up to read post*


  9. THIS Plastic-n-Pathetic TRICK is just… You know what, I’m NOT EVEN going to waste my time this WORTHLESS TRICK (Real…)

    Hey PEEPS !!!


  10. for broke folks like myself i would rather forego a wedding and spend money on a nice honeymooon and house but shiiiiid if i were rich we doin it big 🙂


    1. Kim must have something going because she is always snagging some type of baller n shit

      If you only go after a baller, you will eventualy get a baller. GOD forbid she marry an accountant, or a billionaire. Naomi, Tyra, and Chelsea Handler all have millionair/billionaire s/o. I guess Momager is saving the billionaires for Kyle and Kendel.


      1. I just wonder how she has something going cuz she bagged a baller – that’s her M O. Mama teaches them to follow the money. Hence why Trace called Mama Kris a PIMP! LOL


  11. If they really get married, and it last longer than a year, I will swim the sea and find Osama’s body. (and I cant swim)


    1. Marriage is bunch a bullshit anyways
      I don’t think marriage is bullchit I think people have made it that way…but such is life.


    1. Hell Kris (the mother) prolly bought that ring with Bruce Jenner’s money
      🙂 or they borrowed it from the Jeweler…..

      That dude a damn fool…Kim K is still in love with Reggie Bush….dude is more or less a rebound….


    1. I ain’t saying Kim’s a gold digger but she doesn’t mess with any broke n*ggas.
      havin expereienced a broke nigga b4 i don’t want another one either


      1. I ain’t saying Kim’s a gold digger but she doesn’t mess with any broke n*ggas.

        The relationship is all about business trust. ain’t no love there.


      2. The relationship is all about business trust. ain’t no love there.

        Joanne, I agree!
        She’s not in love she’s just desperate to get married. She has been every since Khloe and Lamar became engaged.


  12. Kim’s puzzi aint worth no got damn 20 carats….Didnt that fool see the tape of her and Ray J….that was a boring dry hump!!!! I bet they dont EVER get married!!!


    1. Ebony,
      20karats imo is very gaudy, if you’ve ever put a 3K ring on your hand, depending on the size of your finger even THAT will look gaudy, but that’s what folks are all about nowadays…..*showmanship*


      1. 20karats imo is very gaudy, if you’ve ever put a 3K ring on your hand, depending on the size of your finger even THAT will look gaudy, but that’s what folks are all about nowadays…..*showmanship*
        I bet Bill Gate’s wife dont even own no damn 20 carat ring…Kim is so fukking extra…a 20 carat ring dont say chit but “My relationships is not strong, so we overcompensate for unnecessary material chit”

        She really has no class or grace for that matter!


      2. @JOANNE,
        exactly! There’s an old saying “Those with money don’t have to show it” or some shit like that, lol. But this right here has hoodrich behavior stamped all over it & to think she’s always been well-to-do…..


      3. 20karats imo is very gaudy, if you’ve ever put a 3K ring on your hand, depending on the size of your finger even THAT will look gaudy, but that’s what folks are all about nowadays…..*showmanship*
        I am still STUCK on the $2 mil price tag! Really? Why? The new definition of “love” is 2 simply put a price tag on it. Certainly it doesn’t define the depth of ur love but it certainly says alot about ppl when they place more value on things itself versus investing into the relationship. Material investment is this world’s BIGGEST downfall. Showmanship vs. Companionship! Welcome 2 the Kardashian world!


    1. IMO only someone who could pass for YT was going to wife her… no negro was going to lock her down..
      You are right, look at Kendra Wilkersons husband. Case Closed. LOL.


      1. You are right, look at Kendra Wilkersons husband. Case Closed. LOL.

        ??? Kendra’s husband is light-skinned, but Hank Basket can’t pass for white.


      2. IMO only someone who could pass for YT was going to wife her… no negro was going to lock her down..
        Kim’s first husband is a paper bag brown colored dude.


      3. ??? Kendra’s husband is light-skinned, but Hank Basket can’t pass for white.
        Yes, he’s the exception to the rule.. however its reverse, his father (black) married a white woman, so he naturally would do the same.. But he didn’t have to go and grab Hugh Heffener’s sperm receptacle…


  13. Lamar sleeps around on Khloe – Melo does the same with Lala so Kris proposing to Kim is just keeping up with the jones – they don’t really believe their marriages are real do they?? 🙂


    1. Kim K just doesnt want to be the lonely sister anymore…it seems to me she is sooooo freaking desperate!!!


    1. I know their weddin is gonna be a 2 hr special!
      Ryan Seacrest is pimpin them out big time!

      Ryan may be pimpin them out, but they get to pimp out others w/perfumes, mag covers, playboy, interviews, guest appearances etc….


  14. “with the help of Kardashian’s mom Kris Jenner (the family’s pimp)” —–> Mama be working the hell outta them kids!!


    1. Mama be working the hell outta them kids!!
      Kris Jenner is the biggest pimp of them ALL!!! She been reading the Joe Jackson/Matthew Knowles manual on How to Pimp Your Kids WITHOUT Lifting a Hand…..With her mouth piece the Kardashians earned about 80 million dollars last year….


  15. Can’t wait to see if the baby is born with a nose job and will stand by to see if Kim pads the baby’s diaper…


  16. Well now that she’s gettin married I hope she lays off the plastic surgery cause she’s lookin like the joker.


  17. Yall, Kim has got to be the most materialistic person and the biggest attention whore I’ve EVER seen. LOL And I’m so serious… It seems like marriage is a fashion statement to her or a way to keep up with her sister. Sad…


  18. desperate move but i’m happy if they’re happy. he knows what he’s getting into. she gets her baby and hubby and own tv show and own baby expecting show. mama kris gets someone else to ‘manage’. rob gets someone else to mooch off of.


  19. This world is ass-backwards…..I woul prefer real love, deep connection and a solid relationship over a diamond anyday, but that don’t mean don’t get me a ring!….:rofl:


  20. Am I the ONLY person who saw the sex tape??? her bedroom skills are BORING!!! First porno I ever fell asleep too… but then again he looks like the type to have a blast sitting on a sit and spin and solving the wheres waldo mystery.. so uhh congrats!?!


  21. Nice to read that a lot of other women on here have the good sense to know that size matters on penis not jewelerii


      1. Hey Yvonne and Lisa,
        She is not going off the air. She can’t be away from the adulation that long. I like Oprah tho’ I know she’s not goin off the air forever. I’m just sorry she said she wasn’t doing favorite things anymore.



      2. The media is dragging it ON too long, for the love of GOD just let her please GO!



      3. The media is dragging it ON too long, for the love of GOD just let her please GO!

        Cosign!!!! ———> It was not that serious


      4. #teamOprah 🙂 I will miss HER show although I already watch the OWN network

        She looked beautiful today that dress color was popping and her hair was bouncing and behaving!!



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