
“Whitney Houston Was Spotted Out And About”

Well at another Prince concert anyway.

The R&B Diva, 47, was seen arriving at The Forum in Los Angeles last night to see the “Purple” one himself. She didn’t look too thrilled to see the paparazzi, but they were so very happy to see her.

69 thoughts on ““Whitney Houston Was Spotted Out And About””

  1. Whitney looks like a tranny, somebody wake her up and tell her it’s 2011 time to change that “I will always love you” wig!!!


    1. LMAO @ “I will always love you wig”

      “I will always love you wig” is Funny………………


  2. Whitney sure loves her some Prince! tHIS IS HER 2nd Prince concert she and her daughter attended in 1 week!


    1. Whitney sure loves her some Prince! tHIS IS HER 2nd Prince concert she and her daughter attended in 1 week!

      Exactly 🙂 How many Prince tickets did Whit get? She and Bobbi Christina were just at his concert last week. She looks a hot mess, but I still love her.


      1. U saw them at the concert looking beat da fuck up and run down, and a little too ecstatic!! Crackheads. SMDH


  3. I loves me some Whitney, Lawd know I do BUT she is not aging well! A prime example to stay off ‘dem drugs! 😦


      1. The dude in the plaid shirt w/Whit buttoned his shirt wrong
        At second glance, lookes like he has one side tucked in.


  4. Whitney can’t get a decent pic to save her life. Every single photo, she looks a mess in some way. Is it me, or is it a conspiracy?


  5. Hello All. The only thing wrong with Whitney’s pic is her double chin, and she could have smiled. She looks pretty good for 47, IMO.


    1. Trying hard to think of something nice about Whitney’s pic.

      Um…I like her boots

      Those are not boots *LOL* those are socks on with shoes.


      1. Trying hard to think of something nice about Whitney’s pic.

        Um…I like her boots
        The reason why she looks a hot mess, those are Knee Highs and Pumps, not Boots. LOL.


      2. The reason why she looks a hot mess, those are Knee Highs and Pumps, not Boots. LOL.

        becauz of the dark/combo of both socks and shoes make it look like she’s wearing boots. hot mess.


  6. Good Afternoon Everyone.

    No words for Whitney’s God Awful ensemble. Jesus be a STYLIST!

    Is it just me, or does Whitney always look like she’s in pain?


    1. No words for Whitney’s God Awful ensemble. Jesus be a STYLIST!

      Is it just me, or does Whitney always look like she’s in pain?

      Cause she doesn’t have Bobbbbbyyyyy to pull the shit outta her butt anymore. This is her constipation look.


  7. She has put on weight and she looks much healthier. I really think she’s trying. I pray that she stays the course. Godspeed Whitney!!!


    1. Stop tryna TARE her down!
      How rediculous to make accusations like that… Whitney is looking healthier than she has looked before all the drug issues (a little too healthy perhaps- she could do with loosing a couple of lbs maybe!?) It is obvious she is in the middle of a facial expression or in the middle of talking hence the funny faces not because she is back on drugs…


      1. whateva, whitney is clearly struggling and it is what it is. I wish her the best cuz Crack is Wack


      2. If your comment is in response to mine… I think you might find that I am not actually a Whitney Houston fan (although I respect her career achievements!) so I am not in any type of denial what so ever as regards to whether Whitney is on drugs or not.… if I thought she was doing drugs I would be one of the first to admit it… NEXT!!


  8. I was there. The concert was great. Whitney got on stage for a bit, but poor thing looked a straight mess. That dress was not flattering – Jacket and scarf removed.


  9. Whitney’s National Anthem and her perfect pitch still give me chills. Nobody does it better than, Miss Whitney.


  10. I am and probably always will be a huge fan of whitney. I hope she is trying to stay drug free and getting her butt back in the studio!


      1. Thank you Felicia! Happy Mothers day to you too_> @Mrs, I ain’t no mother!!!! I’m still in college going into my junior year! No babies here! I won’t be seeing motherhood for a long time.


      2. Wassup ladies, just checkin in to see who’s here…”Happy Mother’s Day” to all the mother’s here on the ceo blog, enjoy your day!

        Taking my moms to dinner. 🙂


      3. Taking my moms to dinner

        @BBallen, awww that’s nice, what a good son. 🙂


      4. @BBallen, awww that’s nice, what a good son

        You only get one mother. so i better be


      5. One behalf of the *Ceo aka Blog Queen* and all its readers/lurkers “Happy Mother’s Day” to you Ladies


      6. Ya’ll get a life and get off this blog!

        Take ya mother’s out to eat or cook a meal for her or something. later!

        Oh and “Happy Mother’s Day”


      7. HAPPY Mother’s Day to ALL of YOU REAL Mothers…
        Y’all are TRULY Special-n-Precious in the Lives of Your Children


      8. HAPPY Mother’s Day to ALL of YOU REAL Mothers…
        Y’all are TRULY Special-n-Precious in the Lives of Your Children

        Yes, ELove, Happy Mother’s Day to the REAL mothers who don’t leave their kids home alone to go clubbing!


      9. HAPPY Mother’s Day to ALL of YOU REAL Mothers…
        Y’all are TRULY Special-n-Precious in the Lives of Your Children

        Yes, ELove, Happy Mother’s Day to the REAL mothers who don’t leave their kids home alone to go clubbing!

        When you have children, they become your biggest priority and everything else is secondary, including nightlife. Thank God my mom never went clubbing when I was a kid.

        Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in da house 🙂


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