
“Donna Cobb Aquitted of Stabbing Her Husband to death”

In the beginning she said her husband was really sweet, charming and attentive to their children but Donna Cobbs, pictured here, killed her husband six months ago and has been trying to resume her life since the acquittal.

Despite the fact that, her husband continuously abused and mistreated her, Donna spent 10 years in an abusive relationship with her husband Kevin.

On the night of the killing, the couple threw a party in their apartment. Kevin, who was unemployed at the time, spent the evening guzzling a bottle of tequila and snorting cocaine.

When a fight broke out, the couple kicked everyone out, but Kevin began muttering threats and accusing his wife of cheating on him.

Donna went into her daughter’s room to sleep (the couple have 12-year-old twins), but said, her husband woke her up by punching her in the face, pulling her out of bed by her hair, kicking and stomping her as she tried to get away from him. She ran into the bedroom, but Kevin gave chase, grabbed her and began choking her.

“I was feeling for anything,” Cobb said. “I felt a knife, and just poked him with it.”

“I didn’t want him to die,” she added. “My kids have to be without a father, and it’s painful.” But at that point, in my opinion, it was her life or his.

Domestic abuse experts say it is not uncommon for victims of violence to make excuses for someone they love.

“Love is complicated,” said Adwoa Akhu, author of “Metamorphosis: Journaling the Path from Domestic Violence Victim to Victor.”

“People stay because things don’t usually start off violent,” she said. “Abusers are good at getting someone to love them.”

Cobb said she is now focused on moving her family out of the apartment where the murder occurred. She said she still is coming to terms with Kevin’s death.

“Throughout all the years of the abuse I experienced … I don’t think that’s something I’ll ever fully recover from,” she said.

29 thoughts on ““Donna Cobb Aquitted of Stabbing Her Husband to death””

  1. She shoulda did some time and for that scum bag lawyer who questioned why she was put on trial after she killed someone GTFOH ..She deserves worse than what she got


    1. The woman had no record and she killed her husband in self-defense. A good and sympathetic jury and some sound proof will win an acquittal every time.


    1. I feel her pain, kudos to her that she survived.

      I am just glad she was strong enough to fight him off, before he killed her, because that is exactly what he was trying to do when he was strangling her.


  2. I am so glad she got out of that situation with her life. She was obviously on her way to being murdered. God was there with her. She did what most women do, put up with being battered because you love the man, and do not want your children to be without a father.


  3. I am so glad the Lord saw fit to give her enough strength to poke his coked up ass till he died, and get his hands from around her throat. God bless the jury, and may the defense attorney forever remember this case.


    1. I am so glad the Lord saw fit to give her enough strength to poke his coked up ass till he died ->that wasn’t the lord who saw fit to that, that was the damn devil, the devil was @ the party to begin with. he was the one passing out the liquior n the coke


  4. I’m sorry but….she’s an idiot for staying with him for as long as she did. Her kids are scarred for life and will most likely have domestic violence issues of their own.


    1. Her kids are scarred for life and will most likely have domestic violence issues of their own.

      I agree.. because she dealt with it, she lived it and so did her children. they will relive it or see it again. i hope not but they have all been scared for life. i pray they all can move on.


      1. SMH @ the fact that she stayed so long and it came to this. This will affect her daughters long term, and her best bet is for all of them to get into therapy.

        At the same time, his azz got what he deserved and the girls are better off without this psycho in their lives.


  5. They were “UN-Equally Yoked.” She should have left, she was the bread winner. It’s always an excuse for staying and supporting the abuser. Remove yourself from danger. Wise up, women.


    1. They were “UN-Equally Yoked.” She should have left, she was the bread winner. It’s always an excuse for staying and supporting the abuser. Remove yourself from danger. Wise up, women.

      APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE!!! Women need to cut out as soon as the man show his true colors.


      1. Women need to cut out as soon as the man show his true colors.

        that’s so easily said until you’re actually in the situation (and hell no I never was) but sometimes there are so many factors involved. If my man was whooping my ass though, I would get out b4 having to kill him cause that’s a heavy thing to have to live with.


  6. I read the story on another site, they began dating in 96 and she discovered his drug problem in 97 and probably his alcoholism too and she still had kids with him n 1999, the 12yr old twin girls, this bitch knew he was no good from the jump and still had his children with this fool. SMH


    1. she still had kids with him n 1999, the 12yr old twin girls, this bitch knew he was no good from the jump and still had his children with this fool.
      wondering-2 why did she marry the dude knowing a yr into the relationship he’s a drug addict/alcoholic/woman beater? why have his kids?


  7. Good for her!!! What is really going on with these black men beating on women like they’re males?? Good for her.. She should have done it a long time ago..


    1. What is really going on with these black men beating on women like they’re males??
      @Gia, for the record Boo, all black men don’t beat on their woman or any woman for that matter. Just like all of us are not getting *HEAD* from a homo in a car seat.

      STOP generalizing men based upon da shit ya’ll reading!

      Thank you!


      1. I COSIGN —-> STOP generalizing men based upon da shit ya’ll reading!

        this woman stayed with dude 10 years and knew excatly what he was about. that was their relationship but it doesn’t define everybody else’s.


  8. another women kills some man and *gets claps* for it.

    she was with him for 10 years.

    instead of just leaving she kills him.

    and gets off becuase he was mean?



    1. @MAN,
      its outrageous, right?…she knew he was an alcoholic/drug addict/woman beater in 1997…she could of ended the relationship then, never been married to him and never had kids with the dude…but she did and now look, she end up killing him.


  9. Dude got what he deserved!

    It’s just sad that SHE stayed with him 4 so long

    This is wht happens when u stay in an abusive r-ship. Somebody eventually gets hurt or killed.


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