
“This Woman’s Behavior Sounds Like”

Something straight out of a fatal attraction movie.

Keisha Jones (pictured above), was seven months pregnant when she tried having her husband’s mistress take an abortion pill, because the two women were pregnant by him (her husband); at the same time.

The crazed Brooklyn mom tried to trick Monique Hunter, 26, into taking an abortion-inducing medication in October 2009; all because Hunter taunted (Jones) about her three-year affair with her husband.

Jones admitted that, she forged a prescription and phone number-disguising software, when she called Hunter and influenced her to take cytotec, which caused her (Hunter); to go into an early labor.

Jones was also accused of then trying to kill (Hunter’s) premature newborn in the maternity ward and later impersonating herself as a hospital executive, to try to get the baby off a ventilator – but those attempted murder charges were dropped.

Jones pleaded guilty Wednesday, to a lesser charge of second-degree assault, she had no criminal history and a life-long record of helping disabled kids.

She will be sentenced on February 10 but with time served and credit for good behavior, she could be out of jail in a year to eight months.

167 thoughts on ““This Woman’s Behavior Sounds Like””

    1. Cosign
      I know a young girl about 22 or 23 yrs old got killed over a married man when she was carrying his child, The other girl had a baby by him also, even the girl baby died, But neither of these young women were married to him. the girl that died had 3 other kids her mom had to raise, so i agree with you, it’s never worth it.


    2. I will say it till I’m blue in the face. Some Women are just dumb!!!!
      I can’t understand why women go after the other woman? When the man is THE ONE who needs his ass kicked!!!!!

      MornTing Ashanti & Zenna.


    3. LOL @Starr!!!!

      “I can’t understand why women go after the other woman? When the man is THE ONE who needs his ass kicked!!!!!”

      I know dats right!

      Good morning back at-cha…


    4. Good morning Ladies,
      I think that some women are just dumb like that. you couldn’t pay my azz to be disgracing myself over no damn man. oh hell no my mama aint raise no fool!


    5. Good morning Ladies, and i agree with y’all. this girl went thru alotta trouble to try and hurt her husband’s mistress and now she’s doing the time NOT her husband. Dumb, just dumb! and now while she’s locked up he’s still going 2be fucking the mistress. again just dumb!!!


    6. Good morning Laides.

      Men LIE bottom line and i bet he told both women 2different lies. he kept the BEST of both worlds. when you find out ya man is a liar, leave his azz like the clap.


      1. aint nuttin Zenna. this snow is a bitch tho! aint goin nowhere 2day. so i’ll be hanging here hard.


      2. aint nuttin Zenna. this snow is a bitch tho! aint goin nowhere 2day. so i’ll be hanging here hard.

        Oh yeah it’s a RAP for me2. i’m not going anywhere either. I couldn’t even if i tried.


      3. Men LIE bottom line and i bet he told both women 2different lies.

        you right corp, this woman didn’t know at first he was married, she learned after she was pragnant that he was married. she met him at a club.


      1. awe ace ‘sthu’ always damit da hell cryin! if we ain’t talking ’bout u’ then we ain’t bashing you. like U said fool, ‘all men ain’t the same’.


    7. “You don’t fight over NO DAMN MAN NOR DO YOU SHARE ONE! GTFOH!!!!” – I cosign Zenna on that.

      “the man is THE ONE who needs his ass kicked!!!!!” – I cosign Starr on that.

      “you couldn’t pay my azz to be disgracing myself over no damn man.” – I cosign Ashanti on that.

      “and now while she’s locked up he’s still going 2be fucking the mistress. again just dumb!!!” – I cosign Nicole on that.

      “when you find out ya man is a liar, leave his azz like the clap.” – I cosign CorpB on that.

      “all men ain’t the same” – I cosign ACE on that.

      Good morning fam. 🙂


    8. Good morning fam,

      This story is too crazy to even fathom. why would anyone flip out (like this) over a cheatin spouse be it a man or woman. I have no extended words for this crazyness. it’s like; fa real?


      1. there are way 2many ‘asses’ run around here on the ceo’s blog.

        i cosign.
        erbody wanna show these ‘ass pics’ guess showin yur ass is the new blogging gravi?


      2. Naming those ‘ceo fam mbrs’ who have ‘ass gravi’s’

        -now Natasha

        and they all need to put some drawers on. don’t nobody wanna be looking at no asses all day.

        (I said that in my mama Klumps voice)


  1. How do you hate someone you dont even know? And what she tried to do to that poor little baby. wow.

    some sistas are pathetic…leave the man alone why mess with an innocent child?


    1. the babies are innocent yeah but diss chick couldn’t take her husband having another kid outside of their marriage.

      i can’t blame her but ‘KILL HIS AZZ’ not the innocent baby.


    1. he my man, no bitch he my man’

      LOL…that shit is so old and played…fa real.

      I agree but some women go to the extreme., it’s sad. and this story is sad.


  2. I remember this story when it first happened, and I’m wondering: what happened to the guy that took the milk to the hospital for the wife when she was trying to kill the baby?

    Because the mistress had the baby and took that pill, the baby was born sick. Wife was trying to kill both mother & baby. I’m glad the baby is fine.

    Woman wake up!!!!

    If ur man goes out and CHEAT It’s not the other woman’s fault, It’s his.,


    1. Because the mistress had the baby and took that pill, the baby was born sick.

      This like is like so fuckin ridiculous…unreal.


  3. What I don’t get with women is, your husband know’s he’s a married man, yet he cheats.

    And if a woman make their moves on him, he’s suppose to remember that.

    Now she has messed up her life and the life of her kids

    wow…and no man is ever worth it.


    1. Now she has messed up her life and the life of her kids

      she don’t give a fuck about dem kids, if she did she wouldn’t have gone over the fuckin edge. but she went over the edge behind her husband. if a man drive you crazy like that, it’s time to leave…. period.


      1. I agree BBallen, she should have been thinking about her own kids but she wasn’t. their well-being should have come first not focusing on the mistress and now landing herself in jail.


      2. This story is so sad.
        The wife didn’t even think about what would happen to her own children if she went to jail. STUPID…. Why get mad at the mistress when the husband is the one that caused all the grief.


  4. Oh hell no!!!
    This woman should have gotten more time than that, yes the other woman had no business messing with her husband but that baby didn’t deserve to suffer or die either.


  5. this chick need a mental ward not a jail. who da fuck would even go that far behind a cheatin husband? gtfoh!!!! Ladies never love a fuckin man more than you love yourself.


    1. Ladies never love a fuckin man more than you love yourself.

      I wouldn’t want a women who loved me more cause then that would mean ‘she had a low self-esteem!’ and i need my woman SURE of herself. 🙂


    2. Ladies never love a fuckin man more than you love yourself.

      check out QTip, tyna get all deep.
      But ‘I cosign’ you boo.

      @adriane, he’s my boo too. 🙂


      1. ah shit, don’t yall startin e-fightin over no man up in diss bitch. after all dats what this post is all about., women fightin and tryna kill each other ova a damn man. and Q ain’t worth it. lol.


    3. Ladies never love a fuckin man more than you love yourself.

      so, so, true…never love anyone else more than you love yourself.


    4. Ladies never love a fuckin man more than you love yourself.

      I Co-SIGN @QTip,
      and I’m sure her husband is still sleeping with the mistress and even tho his wife tried to kill her baby I’m sure the mistress still wants to be with him… where did self esteem go and when is it coming back in style?


  6. This story is unbelievable…i can’t believe what i just read. Trying to kill the ‘fetus then trying to kill the newborn’ oh hell yeah this story is filled with a whole lotta drama. unreal.


    1. Trying to kill the ‘fetus then trying to kill the newborn’ oh hell yeah this story is filled with a whole lotta drama. unreal.

      I agree.


  7. Some of these men can be sooo triphling and why she tryna kill the side’s baby I bet you she aint say nothing to her husband about his affairs.


    1. I never understood why when women find out their man is cheating they always call the female and cuss her out….How about you check your man the one you ARE in a relationship with, HE’S the one you need to be cussing out!


    2. @LEXY

      They don’t want to check the man bc they don’t want the man to go anywhere. But little do they know that there will be another chick to replace the one that you just “got rid of”.

      I commend Sandra Bullock for packing her shit and moving the hellz on. Don’t even blink at that other chick


      1. They don’t want to check the man bc they don’t want the man to go anywhere.

        Thats the fucking truth!!! Why we hold onto shit we don’t need… and it goes both ways cause I know alot of men killing each other over a sorry azz women… like when men kill each other over the stripper who they cake like she give a damn about either one…


  8. “Charges of trying to kill the premature newborn in the maternity ward and impersonating a hospital executive to try to get the baby taken off a ventilator were dropped.”

    😦 WHY?!?! 😦 <<<SMH


    1. The only people who suffer are the babies born into such foolishness…

      Truer words have never been spoken!


  9. So 2011 is gonna be the year of the ex-wife’s revenge….I mean damn!!

    But she dead ass wrong for this one. And how do you trick a pregnant woman into taking medication??


  10. I wonder if she’s still with her cheating hubby. I wonder if he is still with the side dish. Poor thang holding on to no good hubby for dear life. Kicking out babies at 40, trying to kill side babies. I tell ya. Kill his azz. The side dish is the least of her problems.


    1. I wonder if she’s still with her cheating hubby. I wonder if he is still with the side dish.

      Yep hubby has the kids while mommy dearest is in the clink.


      1. Yep, while her azz is serving time, the jumpoff prolly living with the husband and raising all the kids together like they one big happy family.

        Dumb bish.


  11. So instead of leaving the main issue, she adds even an even bigger issue to her life. She would have been better off trying to poison his ass.


  12. “I guess her hormones were out of whack.”

    I GUESS that can be AN EXCUSE for 99.9% of the “Snapped” females that murder


  13. And how do trick a pregnant woman into taking medication??

    That’s what I want to know. Were they going to the same Doc? Who takes a prescription that’s not from their own Doc while pregnant? So, she was just popping pills with no questions asked?!? While she was playing on the phone bragging about her affair she should have been researching the name of her meds. 😦


    1. This is an old story. Somehow, she had her number come up as the victim’s DOCTOR’S number on the caller ID. She instructed her to take this medicine. Had a prescription pad and er’thang.

      That nigga was brave to try and fuck over a bytch like that!


      1. That nigga was brave to try and fuck over a bytch like that!

        It’s NOT “Bravery” but BUTT-AZZ Stupidity what Dude HAS !!!


      2. This is an old story. Somehow, she had her number come up as the victim’s DOCTOR’S number on the caller ID. She instructed her to take this medicine. Had a prescription pad and er’thang.

        Wow. Can they charge her with fraud for pretending to be a doctor, we clearly see that she will not be charged w/attempted murder.


      3. Man, she also tried to poison the baby with breast milk.

        A man showed up soon after with two containers of a white liquid, arousing the suspicion of hospital workers. Police did not reveal what chemical was in the bottles.


      4. I see she was pretending to work at the doctors office. It amazes me the lenghts ppl go through to do such harm.


      5. Investigators are trying to determine who the man with the “milk” was.

        If THAT SHYT RIGHT THERE don’t sound like a LINE from a Suspense-Thriller TYPE movie… I don’t know what Does !!! 🙂


    2. Yeah- I read it again.. and I’m wit cha’ll- how in the hell was she TRICKED into taking any medication?.. I just don’t get that part! A disguised number?? and a prescription from who??? her own doctor??? So many questions


      1. I would have tried to kill his butt! What has the little child done to her. Then to go up to the hosipital and take the baby off a ventilator and give poison to the other mother in disguised milk. This lady thought about what she was doing she should of got 1st degree. This was premeditated!


  14. So she wanted to kill a life….could have been two lives to preserve a marriage with her husband, a husband who cheated on you?????This is a clear case of a FOOL IN LOVE!


  15. This shit is pure dumb to me only because I NEVER EVER take medications from anyone and even with my own DR I have a billion and one questions as to why I need to take em? What will it do to my body? etc., However thats plain WRONG bitch check your weak ass man.


    1. This shit is pure dumb to me only because I NEVER EVER take medications from anyone and even with my own DR I have a billion and one questions as to why I need to take em? What will it do to my body? etc., However thats plain WRONG bitch check your weak ass man.
      especially while you’re pregnant


    1. Hunter unwittingly took the cytotec the following day and immediately went into labor, giving birth to Anthony Jr. at Kings County Hospital.


      Why do jumpoffs/mistresses name their kids after the daddy?


      1. “Why do jumpoffs/mistresses name their kids after the daddy? ”

        To make sho’ the other chick KNOW how it went down!

        Michael Jones
        Michael Jones Jr.
        Michael Jones II
        Michael Jones 2
        Michael Jones Part Deaux


      2. Why do jumpoffs/mistresses name their kids after the daddy?


        lol, well it IS his child! she can name hers Anthony II.


      3. Sounded like wifey might’ve been really pissy the mistress did something she didn’t and gave hubby an “heir” (son).


      4. While she’s in prison the mistress and Anthony Jr are going to be chillin at the crib playing house with Anthony and the other kids.


    2. then she tried to pose as a doctor and get the lil boy taken off his ventilator. smdh. three times trying to kill this lil boy. and his name is anthony, jr. the whole thing is a trip.


  16. I’m not superstitious but i’m sorry, she wasn’t afraid that karma wasn’t gonna come back on her own pregnancy for this shyt?


    1. Wonder if this shyt gon end up on an episode of Snapped.

      Nah… The CEO’s Blog is about as far as this is going… maybe Maury in the future…


    2. @mrs
      I was going to say NO because there is just too much GOING ON with this story BUT I Forgot that “Snapped” new episodes are AN HOUR LONG Now… So YEAH (It could be…)


  17. I feel for the wife. What a terrible position to be in. You’re pregnant and you’re husband is acting like a dirty dog and not even using protection when cheating but your anger should be directed at him and not anyone else. He is the only one that stood before God and made vows to you.


  18. crazy. it’s what people do–take it out on the person when they have no committment to you. take that up with your spouse, not me.


  19. It kills me that these women will go after the jumpoffs before their own husbands. All this foolishness and the only ones to really suffer are the children


  20. Dis was a dumb jump off! She was dumb to sleep with a married man but even dumber to not be suspicious….in frankie voice “how much schooling has she had?”
    N the wife? Only God can help such foolish women


  21. If nothing else she was persistent.
    Then this dumb chick goes and names her child after this sorry piece of shit man.

    Then Anthony gotta take care of the kids he was neglecting while he was out humping around for the next four years. Epic Fails all around.

    They all suck at life!


  22. I am not surprised anymore by the drastic measures some women take just to keep a trifling azz man. I pray for both babies.


  23. Oh this story is just crazy! alot of DRAMA in it. I can’t believe the extent of crazyness on behalf of the scorned wife, when she should have been directing that ANGER and ENERGY toward the NEGROE who stood b4 God and took VOWS. Unreal people unreal.


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