Pregnant Nun, Religion, Secret sex

Nun gives birth but didn’t know she was PREGNANT!

Pregnant Nun

A Salvadorean nun who said she had no idea she was pregnant gave birth in Italy this week after being rushed to the hospital because she felt stomach cramps, Italian media reported on Friday.

The 31-year-old Nun, who did not know she was pregnant, subsequently gave birth to a nine-pound baby boy.

The nun, who took a vow of chastity, was quoted as saying: “I did not know I was pregnant. I only felt a stomach pain,”

The boy has been named Francesco (Francis), the current Pope’s chosen title.

She belongs to the “Little Disciples of Jesus” convent near Rieti, which manages an old people’s home.

And although her fellow nuns are “very surprised”, she’s said to be keeping her baby.

Thanks to my auntie Olivia for the story heads up!