
Preliminary results show anti anxiety drugs in Whitney’s system

Preliminary blood test results revealed the presence of benzodiazepines in singer Whitney Houston’s system after she died, according to Radar Online. The benzodiazepines found in Whitney’s system — Xanax, Ativan, and Valium — are sedatives prescribed for high anxiety and stress disorders associated with depression. Some benzodiazepines are highly addictive.

Houston, 48, was found unresponsive in the bathtub of her luxury suite at the Beverly Hilton on Saturday. She was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics at 6:55 p.m. EST.

A law enforcement insider told RadarOnline.com: “The final toxicology results will reveal the specific sedative(s) that she ingested, and the level. Those final toxicology results should be in later this week.”

The law enforcement source also corrected a fallacy that is commonly quoted to the media by coroners — that toxicology test results take 4-6 weeks to come back.

Toxicology testing and results don’t take 4-6 weeks to come back. Look at how quickly toxicology screening tests are done in hospital emergency rooms when someone comes in with an overdose. The Coroner and the Beverly Hills Police Department have placed a security hold on the case, so it will be a few weeks before the results are revealed publicly.”

Below Cissy waits to enter the funeral home to view her daughter’s body.