Al Sharpton, Rape, Sandy Rubenstein

Alleged Rape victim revealed, her name is Iasha Rivers


The woman behind the rape allegations against Sandy Rubenstein is Iasha Rivers (pictured left) and she is NOT a top aide in the Sharpton administration as being reported in the media however, the woman does and/or DID have ties to the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Sources close to the CEO Blog with former ties to the Sharpton administration confirmed that, Sharpton was not only romantically tied at one point to Rivers in the past but he also secured her current position with Macys as their Director of External Affairs and Corporate Communications.

Rivers is also named on the Board of Directors at the National Action Network.

Seems as though the good, right Rev. Al Sharpton looked out for all the woman he’s had ties too at some point romantically, making sure he secured their permanent positions as trade-offs through his corporate rivals. 

Since the rape allegations has surfaced from a former lover against his pal Rubenstein, Sharpton is doing all he can to distance himself from the scandal by supposedly cutting ties with the swanky attorney. All apart of his efforts to distance himself from this public played drama. He’s making sure that as the shit starts to sling, none gets flung on him.

After all, Al Sharpton has assisted Rubenstein by making sure he secured every civil rights case against the city of New York, so we can only imagine how their secrets must run deep. Especially since Rubenstein was initially just “a work injury lawyer”.  

Stay tuned as this very public drama play out before our eyes.

I chose to air the name and face of the alleged rape victim in this case because my blog is in the business of disseminating news, not suppressing it. Names and facts are news. They add credibility to stories and give viewers and/or readers information.