
“Wife Sells Her Husband On Craigslist”

“Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours,” reads Alyse Bradley’s ad on Craiglist’s under the “Free Stuff” section. Alyse also added “He enjoys eating and playing video games all day.”

Alyse Bradley posted the ad as a joke in her local newspaper, offering her 22-year-old husband, Kyle Bradley, to the highest bidder. Alyse’ husband Kyle recently returned home to Utah from Afghanistan after he sustained a back injury, and told ABC 4 News that gaming is one way he stays connected to his military friends.

Alyse got a wave of responses though. Some people emailed her out of serious concern for the couple’s marriage, while others made some serious offers, including a blue bag of Skittles. Some men even offered their replacement services saying: “I’m housebroken, I’m trained, and will trade places with him”

Okay so Alyse doesn’t really wanna sell her husband on Craigslist, but she is however annoyed by the fact that, he plays the video game “Modern Warfare 3” all day; while ignoring her and not having a job.

Either way, I don’t find her gesture funny.