Chris Christie, GWB scandal, Political scandal, Politics

If they find out he lied… he could be impeached!

Chris Christie

The New Jersey Assemblyman John Wisniewski, who is leading the Chris Christie investigation into the George Washington  bridge payback scandal; told the Daily News that he is convinced that ‘laws were broken,’ and said Christie could possibly be impeached if it turns out he had knowledge of the political payback scheme. Hours earlier, State Assembly Speaker-elect Vincent Prieto announced he planned to subpoena more emails and documents from the Christie administration in the investigation.

“The noose is tightening,” state Sen. Barbara Buono, who lost to Christie in the November governor’s race, told The News on Saturday. “You wonder how people could be so drunk with power, how they could be so brazen in abusing it?” she said.

Buono said she was unmoved by Christie’s cascade of apologies after the emails indicated the lane closings were a petty attack on a local politician.

The traffic jam was reportedly a slap at Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for his refusal to endorse Christie, whose 2016 presidential hopes may be a “dream never attained” as a hit from this scandal.

In the meantime, David Wildstein, another Christie Port Authority appointee, pled his “fifth amendment” rights at a hearing held by the Assembly Transportation Committee on Jan. 9 in Trenton, N.J. Emails tie Wildstein to the Bridgegate scandal, as well as Bridget Kelly, Christie’s former top aide.

‘Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,’ Kelly wrote in a damning email on Aug. 13.

Chris Christie, Controversy, Election 2012, News, Politics, President Obama

Did Hurricane Sandy Save President Obama’s re-election?

This is what Gov. Haley Barbour of South Carolina said to Matt Lauer on the Today show this morning. The big story and part of the blame is being aimed at New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Christie teamed up with President Obama last week as both men responded to the devastation caused by the big storm. Christie then praised Obama’s response like an endorsement.

Christie a potential 2016 White House contender said, he worked harder than just about every other republican to elect Romney, and that his recent praise of Obama had nothing to do with Romney’s loss.

“My activity with President Obama was just another chapter in the leadership I’ve tried to show in this state, which is people care more about getting things done than they care about partisanship,” he said Wednesday.

“And I’m going to continue to conduct myself that way.”

What’s your take on this? Do you think Christie’s praise of president Barack Obama’s hurricane response was somewhat of an endorsement and did President Obama’s response save his re-election? Please sound off because I strongly disagree with the South Carolina Governor.