
“Harassed & Killed while Black” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

MINNEAPOLIS, MN,- MAY 26: People face off with police near the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct.

Two incidents took place this week, one in New York City and the other in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

A huge “I can’t breath” rally took place in Minnesota after the death of George Floyd who died in police custody. Four Minneapolis police officers have been fired after a video taken by a bystander was posted on social media showing Floyd’s neck being pinned to the ground by an officer as he repeatedly said, “I can’t breathe”. Floyd was later pronounced dead after being transported to Hennepin County Medical Center. Over 1000 people attended a rally outside the 3rd Precinct Police Station in Minneapolis, Minnesota to protest the death of George Floyd who died in police custody.

Then on Monday in Central Park, Christian Cooper (pictured left above) was bird watching when a white woman (pictured right) made a frantic 911 call on a Black man for asking her to leash her dog. The woman was later fired after the video went viral throughout social media.

We’re discussing it all tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah” at 6:30 p.m. EST and taking your calls in the studio at 516-595-8098.

All “links in this post” will access tonight’s show.

Hope to see you on the air in the meantime, sound off here!

32 thoughts on ““Harassed & Killed while Black” Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Police are trained about positional asphyxia…he KNEW what he was doing and purposefully killed that man. He WILL spend his life in prison. He’s probably planning an escape and new identity as we speak.


  2. ppl have to start killing these cops family members when they kill an unarmed black person. thats the only way to stop this behavior . let them plan some funerals.


  3. Tracy that white chick is no different from most people who respond with spite, vengeance, and violence when they are called out for their wrong. this is typical behavior one we find most people display. they become loud, belligerent, and aggressive when they are wrong.

    now the black man killed is extremely disturbing.


    1. what a liar. she should be fined for the fake 9-1-1 call and waste of manpower behind her shenanigans. pure foolishness. what an azzhole.


      1. They are looking to bring her up on charges. the bitch just ruined her life from one dog walk in the park.


    1. White women are always scared or intimidated. They make me sick. What exactly was she scared of? He’s the one who asked her not to approach him and keep her distance.


  4. Tra i know you pissed. cause tonight was the 1st time ever i heard you curse on the air!!
    Hard video to watch, tough conversation to have but you are genuine. and this is all a very hard pill to swallow. so imagine his family must feel


  5. When EMT arrived, they already knew he was dead and tried to pretend he was alive to the crowd that is why they kept handling and turning his head….cause he was limp and lifeless…DEAD.

    It is the WORST fucking video I have EVER SEEN!
    Tracy is right, very disturbing 😡


    1. Tracy it broke my heart to hear him telling them that he can’t breathe and begging them for help too!… They literally murdered him in cold blood!!… SMMFH!!!… I am praying for his family and that they will get more, besides them getting fired… These EVIL MF’s need to spend the rest of their lives in prison!


      1. I’m ready to sue for emotional distress and PTSD…i’m tiried of seeing videos of us being murdered.


  6. Tracy I’m fed up with seeing these stories too. When will it end? I can’t imagine what his family are going through right now. Smmfh


  7. Tracy, good convo tonight.
    And i’m witchu….after hearing about this incident and white Amy in Central Park New York City, I have loss hopes in mankind. I look forward to God Almighty sending his powerful Archangels to destroy the earth. These are some difficult times we’re living in.


    1. “I look forward to God Almighty sending his powerful Archangels to destroy the earth”

      So where does your a$$ plan to be when that happens?


    2. I’m sorry, I’m spiritual worshipping the same Gawd that the slave master gave to you after stepping off the slave trade ship?. Why aren’t you getting the same results as the white man/woman Gawd that they gave you after you pray and sing so hard? Smh


  8. Good show all basis was covered but I’m tired of us being shot down and killed in the streets like dawgs


  9. At least Dylan Roof got a Burger King whopper meal courtesy of the police department after he murdered 9 people. Not one knee on his neck


  10. We all watched a white man deliberately murder a black man…again. Even after the ambulance arrived and Floyd was unconscious, he kept his knee on his neck. It was like watching a KKK lynching. It was symbolic. Afterwards ,he wasn’t concerned. He jumped in his vehicle to find another victim.


  11. These pigs won’t stop. This poor man looks so scared down there. I know he felt the life seeping out of him. That dirty cracka. May they all rot in hell on earth. His neck was probably fractured as well. A whole asz grown man’s body weight on his neck???? Lord have mercy…


  12. I believe there is a police brutality black male death quota and the police brutality lawsuits are budgeted.

    Because the objective is to meet the quota.

    It is NOT just incidental that police consistently feel confident and condoned to murder black men. That confidence is authorized from the top tier of law enforcement.


    1. Nah….They’re not budgeted. They are paid from the tax payer’s dollars …. not the precinct or their pension plans. It’s a free for all.
      They’re confident because of the country they live in …. the authorization is engrained in this nation.


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