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How do you Quarantine, during Co-Vid-19? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah”

Since the corona virus crisis has shut down the world, coming up with ways to keep busy can be challenging. Staying sane and keeping the peace during a corona virus quarantine, is extremely necessary. Shutting down society has massive mental health repercussions on all of us, so quarantining at its best becomes vital. An it’s all the more inviting when you have individuals share what thy are doing in this season of isolation?

Those who can are working from home, have transformed their living space to accommodate this change. Parents with young children are home schooling in every subject and trying to make the best out of of such a stressful time. These things are all essential in order to survive.

Join us tonight at 6:30 p.m. EST on “Conversations Of a Sistah” as we air LIVE with host Tracy L. Bell as she discusses “How do you Quarantine, during Co-Vid-19?”

All links in this post, will take you to tonight’s podcast.

See you on the air but in the meantime sound off here!!

9 thoughts on “How do you Quarantine, during Co-Vid-19? Tonight on “Conversations Of A Sistah””

  1. Now is the best time to be online.
    and the show couldn’t of come back at a better time.


  2. i love the family time up-top. and the father and daughter dance. they were hilarious when they made the news.


  3. Lawd knows i love to bake and cook and I’ve been baking and cooking up a storm. 🙂 the food in the slide look divine and i betchu that last pic is Tracy sitting on something purple. 🙂 purple is her favorite color.


  4. Tuning in because my job has us on furlough now. Stopped paying us today, nervous about this and not understanding why they can’t give out a stimulus package to people to help pay there bills? Why not? They bail out these companies at a drop of a hat, why not there constituents? I can only dream.


  5. Hey Con Fam.
    times are tight, scary and uncertain and people are quarantining going crazy on top of crazy with worry. I pray we all remain healthy and out of this soon.


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